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Patrick McCombs Jan 2012
Thousands of lights hang in the cool night air
You were wearing that sweatshirt that smelled like sunshine
My fingers found themselves in your long auburn hair
We gazed at the skyline
Metal giants trying to grab the stars
Countless people living in the belly of the beast
But out here. In the forest nothing is ours
Tonight we drove east
Silence engulfs us completely
There is no need to speak
Nature does it sweetly
Out here words seem weak
I gaze into your twin blue lakes
They are pure and free
There is no time for mistakes
We simply be.
Patrick McCombs Jan 2012
Oh I'm going to Japan
All according to plan
Trapped in this little plane
Going a little insane
Staring out the window
Seeing the wind blow
The clouds look odd
And I'm a little awed
Miles above the ground
And there's not a sound
Save that one snoring man
That screaming child, whose name I gather is Stan
And that one obsessive compulsive flight attendant
Who I think is dependent
On those little pink pills that keep appearing in her hand
But its fine, its alright, I'm going to Japan.
Land of the rising sun
Here I come, even if I'm the only one
Getting off this accursed sardine can.
At least I'll be arrested in Japan.
Patrick McCombs Jan 2012
I knock back water bottles
And drive down the empty highway
My eyes focused on the fuel gauge
Pull into the gas station
Pay too much for too little
Whatever, its only money
I'm almost there
Countless miles behind me
It hits me
My brain goes into overdrive
Every possible reality plays out in my mind
All of them detached from reality
I think with such certainty
I almost say hello to my breakfast again
I pull over
I put the seat all the way back
And stare out the moon roof
All the clouds look like you
I guzzle down another water bottle
It helps disperse the biblical disaster that is my stomach
I reach tentatively for my cell phone
I dial your number seven times before i get the ***** to call
You answer.
I panic.
You sound good.
You tell me you miss me.
Fireworks. Marching bands. The key to the city
I answer calmly. That i will arrive shortly
We hang up.
I drive faster then scientists thought possible.
Patrick McCombs Jan 2012
The walls were white and bare
And I endlessly stare
As the light explodes off the wall
I lay on the floor in a sprawl
Half dead, half alive
I've taken a dive
Into unknown emotions
Large unmapped oceans
Drowning can't breathe
No exit, can't leave
My body useless, my mind a battleground
I lay here waiting to be found
For a voice in the dark
For a chance to embark
Wash up on dry land
Use my own two feet to stand
The sunlight turns to twilight
Everything isn't alright
I feel helplessly alone
Weighed down by a massive stone
I dreamed of the sunrise
That must materialize before my eyes
For at night I do not sleep
I simply weep
Everything is changing
My thoughts rearranging
My body does tire
But my mind is on fire
Patrick McCombs Jan 2012
The traffic was virtually nonexistent
My senses were surprisingly resistant
To the ever flowing torrent of rain
Walking helps keep me sane
Out here time moves as slow as molasses
As the rain drips off of my the rims of my glasses
The water tastes salty on my tongue
I can't wait to stop being so young
My shoes hit the concrete
My stride has a certain beat
I roam the perpetual street
My thoughts always repeat
I've got to keep moving
Must keep improving
If I stop
My head will pop
My thoughts are an endless barrage
Breaking through the mirage
Till I get at the very essence
And unravel the very fabric of my reality
Patrick McCombs Jan 2012
Scraps of poetry in my pocket
My mind taking off like a rocket
Inspiration strikes like lightening
Thinking so fast, it’s frightening
My pencil cannot move fast enough
Maintaining the flow is tough
When the words flow
I know
My hair stands on end
I comprehend
I realize
I initialize
I put into action
My every reaction
I filter raw emotion
Put it into motion
Swirling on the page
Hopes dreams anger and rage
All flowing from the pencil tip
I try and get a grip
But the river runs dry
But more rain will fall from the sky
Eventually, I shall become Poseidon
Patrick McCombs Jan 2012
The strumming of lonely guitars
Transmitting the frequency of stars
Emotion coming off in waves
Flowing from the nexus of graves
Music blasting
Hope everlasting
Clouds marching across the sky
I watch them as they drift by
Sweet chords
Bitter words
Such feeling
Defenses peeling
My voice pierces the air
If people hear, I don't care
I close my eyes to the world
In my head the music is unfurled
All flowing in my head
It transmutes my thoughts from lead
And into gold
Its clear, and its bold
Its the obvious solution
It was just clouded by thought pollution
I leave, i know it in my heart
I've memorized my part
No clue what you're going to say
But at the end of the day
That's what makes it entertaining
I meet you, there is no explaining
The words fly out of my mouth
My eyes venture south
Toward your feet
Dead silence, about to admit defeat
She says yes
No more stress
Pure elation
Feelings that have no translation
I look you in the eyes and smile
Then, i hold you for a good long while
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