I can see the weight hanging from your soul
And I wonder if you knew what you were doing when you hung it there.
It tugs at the corners of your mouth
And when you smile, well, I can see it.
It glazes your eyes and I feel it inside myself.
You uncover happiness across your face,
But your shadow is darker than it should be
And I can only guess the weight hangs there as well.
It has covered you up, smothered you,
Painted you a shade that is not quite your own.
You never bargained for a life like this,
and though you press on down the path you’ve chosen,
I can see you turn your head, longingly,
Towards the past.
When you lay your bones down,
Do they ache like the soreness in your soul?
Let them breath, open to the night,
Soothed by the gentleness of time.