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The night air was filled with fog,
And the clouds hung thick and dark
Over the stars that we had been written in,
On the day that we came back together
After three long years apart.

We wandered blindly through the darkness,
Just as we had for years beforehand,
Searching for one another,
Knowing that we both needed something,
Not yet aware of just how right we were.

Bathed in supernatural streetlight,
We finally found each other,
Along with the feeling
We didn’t even know had been missing
From our lives for so **** long.

No matter what happens,
Whether we make it through the night or not,
We will always have that moment in the light,
You will always have my heart and soul,
I am always the boy at the end of your street.
For My Lady. Always.
I heard when I was younger
That no two fingerprints are alike,
Eight billion people on this planet,
Sporting ten fingers apiece,
Which means eighty million patterns,
All uniquely arching, looping and whirling.

I learned that feelings can taste
Different to different people,
Rarely do heartbuds like or crave the same.
Sadness to some may be sweetness to others,
Moments that kickstart my heart,
May not be what sets yours ablaze.

Now that I am older,
I know the most rich and rewarding taste
Comes from the heart that compliments,
Contrasts and contradicts your own,
Joins you in exploring new flavours,
And always relishing old favourites.

The heart, like the tongue, is a muscle.
Every time we taste the feelings of life,
We flex that muscle a little more.
When we flex our hearts together,
Rubbing our heartbuds over one another,
That muscle grows, as does our love.

The secret, I think, to a lasting love
Is flexing your hearts together in new,
Satisfying, comforting, challenging ways;
Evolving with each little bit of everything,
Always keeping love at the centre,
Remaining they are your favourite taste.

So if you find your person (like I have),
Study their heartbuds hungrily,
Learn all of their favourite tastes.
Understand them, be rich and rewarding,
So you may satisfy and be satisfied.
Give yourself entirely with love.
For My Lady. Always.
Feelings have always been our power,
Even throughout our very first night;
Flowing freely, well into the small hours,
From brain to brain, and heart to heart.

Together we found an entirely unexplored,
Previously unknown emotional landscape;
“Empathoria”, only truly able to be reached
By two souls connected in perfect love.

We both feel such euphoric joy,
Such cereberally connected satisfaction.
Within us, our energy merges beautifully;
Physically, we had never felt such ecstasy.

Once you’ve reached such great heights,
No other kind of connection could compare,
To what our everythingship was becoming,
Now blooming and blossoming forevermore.
For My Lady. Always.
When I saw you for the first time,
I didn’t even see your face.
Yet you captivated me with ease,
Perfectly still amongst the constant rush.

Wind shouldn’t be able to blow indoors,
Yet the air whirled all around you.
The blur of people passed unperturbed,
And there you stood in perfect reverie.

The swiftness with which the air rushed in
Was outstripped in an instant,
As every atom left the lobby’s atmosphere,
And my eyes fixed on you in rapt attention.

I can still picture you perfectly.
It’s not just the way your shirt is sitting,
Not just the gorgeous slight curl to your hair, Nor the grace and comfort in your stance.

It’s something so much more intangible,
It’s little bit of everything, seen and unseen.
It’s that energy that I felt, that I still feel
Every time I see you, even ten years later.
For My Lady. Always.
Sweet words drip like honey,
From tongue to ear to brain,
Forming golden pools of love,
In which only we know how to swim.

Your siren song echoes from another room,
Beautiful notes sidling through the air.
You sing the melody that I will dance to,
Until my feet are broken and ******.

Adrenaline, serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin,
Flooding my brain when I’m near you.
Like a fever you have me sweating,
And I need you like the blood in my veins.

No matter what happens,
We always come back to our sweetness.
Even when it seems like it’s all going wrong,
The contrast just makes it bittersweet.
For My Lady. Always.
Consciousness glows bright and beautiful,
Like Will o Wisps within the brain,
Chasing, fleeing, circling ever onward,
Perpetual motion of our connection.

Time stands still and stretches forever,
Each moment both fleeting and eternal,
A natural consequence of being so alive,
Speaking and thinking with the soul.

Intensity, clarity, unity, energy, sensation,
We have heightened in our new perception,
Upgrading our experience of this lifetime,
And it’s so nice being here with you.
For My Lady. Always.
It is a truly rare thing to find someone
That connects with you at all,
Let alone to find a soul that is so perfect
In their ability to meet you in the cosmos,
Merge and tangle endlessly with you,
Until you are completely united in love.

Immersing ourselves in one another,
Feeling, thinking, connecting, loving,
Those are the moments that I live for.
The tangible sense that we are existing
Where everything is everything,
And we can overcome anything together.

My soul is so lucky to be loved by yours,
And so privileged to able to love in return.
Every day that we share in this lifetime,
Every second in that tantric embrace,
Feels like reaching mental paradise;
Passionate pleasure between soulmates.
For My Lady. Always.
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