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I carry you like a badge of dishonor.
You rest on the left side of my chest, fastened to my skin, causing me to bleed. My scarlet letter of wrong. I am avoided by the parenthetical deeds of day. I am oppressed by the dense solitude of night. A crowd is nothing more than an overgrown forest. Silence. There is only silence. Once there was laughter and arms and warmth to call home, though now I cannot keep my eyes high enough to search for a wandering smile. I grew a new pair of bones in your absence. They are brittle. They need to strengthen. They keep breaking. I tried hope to calcify them, I tried love to mend them, I tried tears to set them. 
I am still crippled. 
Each time I stand, trembling, the sky shakes and the earth moves and I fall, again and again and again until I am looking up from the mud in the ground. I cannot open my mouth to question or cry out. I endure. I lie until I am entwined with the path itself, until feet cannot distinguish between dirt and flesh. I watch you fly. I try to accept the ache of emptiness. 
I cannot.
Her soft


all my aching muscles ...


beneath            one                            effacing       ­        blush
                          simmers         veil ties               liquidly i stare
                                                  fears   pink with praise      lusts withheld       thimble shames
embalm a gift identity
                  daily sunny graves    
                                       dissembled life

with deeper breath akin to fisher netting cast
                     fog caress mneumosyne             lover's misty thigh
                                                           ­                                      traps me willingly  
blinded   i taste ambrosia
                          gazing at between zones                               believing anything again

cliches pyroclastically reborn in celebrants of ash and cynic deaths
            energetic     swim         i stroke   a butterfly        in Love
                                instant tribadists      commit   a joyous toast to joy itself
i might continue on with that trauma
i might subside.
violation carries with it sensate boons of empathy
blue sky overrun with thanks
arched-back breath

you're afraid to ask me
are your tears painful
but i spear your question with a surplus love
shouting joy
as if there weren't a plea
tremulously groaned
share with me

it isn't just release
sweet freedom laughing out of doors
you and she regaled in bursts
iridescent meaning
hung in curve of lock
nape and open palm
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