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1.7k · Apr 2014
Give Her The Wings
Paridhi Sharma Apr 2014
Even though disappointed thousand times
or struck in a fight,
She is now finally rising from
her life's darkest night.

So, today I stand here,
Afraid to reveal my heights
recite my ideas,
and fight for my rights.

You detained me of my will,
Agonized my mind
descended my skill.
And confining me to fork and knife,
Yes, it is true that this
Is the story of my life.

She who was pressed from all sides
remained victorious in her spirits
overcoming her fetters
giving wings to her mind.

She, the nucleus of our society
deprived of her living,
with a tormented mind
and  fractured  within her own kind.

If she tends to be so weak,
Then the future of our country is bleak.
Paridhi Sharma Jun 2016
Amidst thy race to
get ahead in life,
ever wondered
where the checkpoint
of life lies?
1.4k · Jun 2016
Paridhi Sharma Jun 2016
I crave to be an owner,
Sedulous and true,
Striving to become a gainer,
Knowing exactly what to do.

The formula is to take a pledge,
To preach authenticity and be determined,
Steadfast with my  thoughts that fledge,
No matter, to what we may be destined.

Ensuring a good state for the wage-earners,
By protecting them with economic shields,
Harnessing all my morals and manners,
Adopting legitimacy and making fair yields.

Civil service, civil trust,
Lawful endeavor is a must.
Sonnet theme- business ethics
1.1k · Mar 2014
Sole Recipient
Paridhi Sharma Mar 2014
I maybe too new to this world
but my goals aren't
Do not you judge from my age
numerics are deceptive you know

why no trust?

Do not consider me the guilty
neither my words,  nor my intentions lie.
Painful it is,
to get such a treatment.
But my tears maybe
a theatrical prop for you.

I'm the sole recipient of pain,
For you it must all go in vain.
But it is the ******* reality

My owners neglect
my views,
my feelings,
my thoughts.
For  me this gives my life
So, I'm the sole recipient of such neglect.
Today I accomodate in this
"MyApparentWorld" .

Hoping this dark night to pass,
giving way to some ray of sunshine
and a pinch of rainbow.
--this is the story of a young boy who is struggling to explain his actions to his parents( who are referred to as their owners).
He is unfortunately unable to express and is stuck in his room, in search of happiness.
1.0k · Apr 2014
The Place
Paridhi Sharma Apr 2014
The place where the seed was sown
The place where a dream began
"The Place"

A story started, a long one
with numerous characters but scripts none
Some bonds were made, some relations too
but inseparables were only few

'The Place" where this race began
----the mesmerizing war----
Gifted with the endless well of knowledge
To give my best, I pledge

Meeting the most wonderful beings
Some giving a monkey pose
And some with a pig nose .

Exploring new limits, finding new ways.
To get this once again,
I'm ready to pay.

The time of my life spent here,
Can never be expressed in words-mere.
I regret the inability to stop the time,
And bring back this sweet lime.
#school life
                                                             ­       -Paridhi Sharma
1.0k · Mar 2014
Is This Me ?
Paridhi Sharma Mar 2014
Why? why don't i argue?
My goals why don't i pursue?
I ask myself "WHY"
Maybe its the way I am
Or maybe the way I've become
But this was never me...
I never wanted to be "this"
"this" with no power, no freedom
no respect

Let this be known by one and all
I am a mother , a wife,a homemaker,
I'm powerful, I have the power ton
rule you,to betray you,to defeat one and all
But don't know why,
Maybe by the rule of the nature
I don't have the "authority"

An open challenge to all
Be me
And you'll lose, you'll be defeated
Let not try to suppress,because
You can't play my role

I am your beginning,
And your end lies in me.
I am an ocean,
Too deep for you.
You are immature to know.
To know and value the essence in me.

Whatever you do,
I know its already written,
But make it very clear,
As you sow, so shall you reap.

You made me what "I'm not"
Today I ask myself
Tomorrow maybe its you...
In this round world,
Definitely it will be you.
923 · Mar 2014
So, I'm Proud Of Me...
Paridhi Sharma Mar 2014
Give her a chance, give her a way
And she'll fly high
high in the sky
living all her 'dreams' out,
the 'dreams' that she gave up,
to nurture you..

She is the creator,
And the power to destroy
lies within her.
She is your strength, but
her value you don't understand.

Never does she resigns,
neither does she complaints.
She lives in this small world of hers,
doing all the work day in and day out.
And then carries the burden of

Her capabilities you can't reach
her love you can't measure.
her strength exponentially higher than yours....
But her value you don't understand.
Stronger than a pillar, she bears
the dependence of one and all.

With due respect,
I bow down and salute
to your royalty, your loyalty
and sheer love and greatness
So, I'm proud of me
to have understood, maybe partially
the value of you,
the greatest entity

                                                                              -Paridhi Sharma
610 · Mar 2014
One Fine Creation
Paridhi Sharma Mar 2014
The world of wisdom
the world of wealth
where people come and go
but one fine thing persists forever

The world runs for it
lives for it,works for it
but it moves on from anywhere to anyone

Beings cry for it
steel,****,fight,suffer and die for 'it'
One big universe with
infinite population
and infinite things to desire
in this huge world
its demand persists forever.

It gathers the attention of one and all
the care,need of all
But it itself is "no entity"
"A man-made creation"

Just a one fine creation
being chased by the whole wide world.
Few have it infinity
rest not even its shadow....

This greatest creation
ruling its creators
   ---silly isn't it .

                                                                           -Paridhi Sharma

— The End —