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Sep 2018 · 734
You Almost Make Me
pandemonium Sep 2018
Maybe it's because I've been left with myself for too long that you appeared like a surprise I wasn't even sure that was coming. You, like rain at 3 in the morning or 3 in the afternoon, make me want to think about you, make me want to (day)dream. Make me want to steal glances, make me want to stare into your eyes, make me want to look away from your gaze. You almost make me want to stop being sad.

Maybe it's because I think you weren't a surprise for me and instead I misread the signs and now I'm in too deep to stop misreading and you make me want to write words that remind me of you, make me want to write words about you. Make me want to describe how your eyes make my heart want to continue beating, how your smile makes my lungs want to continue breathing, how your lame jokes make my cheeks want to continue smiling. You almost make me want to stop being sad.

Maybe it's because I feel like I'm giving myself hope and I'm sorry you ended up in a reality I made up because I couldn't get a grip of myself before I found myself jumping off the building. You don't deserve the longing I projected to you because of my selfishness because you make me want to hear your days, make me want to drink coffee with you, made me fall in love. You make me want to start something, make me want to do something, make me want it to be something. You make me happy.
I can't stop thinking about you.
Mar 2015 · 1.1k
Bad Magic
pandemonium Mar 2015
Trust me when I say you are not the first to love me against your will. I am your every I-shouldn’t-be-feeling-like-this and palms pressed to eyes and dreams you don’t want to end and touches you wish were real. I make you want to stay and change me or change yourself and break your every rule you have ever made for anyone before me and most importantly I make you want to break the world.

Do not make me the epitome of a riddle because, you are smart enough for this and I am not something that can be solved. I am selfish and I am aware of that and I want you but you’re not the only one. I am sorry I never warned you about how I can make you feel and I am sorry I didn’t want to anyway because you are this little book of hope and innocence I lost when I grew up and I need you to be my refuge.

I am waiting for something uncertain in the future and that is why I am playing with the certainties I have in my hands now. Just because I have your feelings intertwined between my fingers doesn’t mean I don’t know the consequences they have on my sentiments. This is not the first time I have done this but the intensity does not die down with the next person and I know I shouldn’t be doing this but I look for homes in people.

But trust me when I say you will fall in love with me on your own will. These moments are temporary and fleeting and they’re the most beautiful mirage you will ever come across. In these moments I am more than just a dream and I am more than who I am and I am more than the 20-year-old girl you fell in love with. And more than anything, I will become nonexistent right on front of your eyes.
I know how hard you're trying, I'm sorry.
Aug 2014 · 979
The Forever Train
pandemonium Aug 2014
I speak of the boy I used to wait for at the train station
frankly speaking, it's not that I know that he doesn't think of me anymore
it's that I know he only thinks of me when he doesn't know what he's doing
it makes more sense since I've always been one step ahead and pulling his hand
I think he knows I like the pull when I'm moving too fast
like a train coming to an abrupt stop and the passengers inside are jumped
sometimes he's like the train and I'm the passenger inside
the problem is when I leave, he'll just keep going.

I'm chasing after the last coach, leaving for its next destination
yes, I know there will be another one after it
but it's the slight sorrow that the one before left when I've just arrived
I think he was always like that, I think boys are always like that
they're like trains the moment you fall in love for one
while you're waiting and there he comes to pick you up
you spend hours with him until he drops you off somewhere
and he never looks back, it was always you looking.

I don't wait for him at the station anymore, I knew he wouldn't come
I've been having the sinking feeling that I missed my train for 2 years now
I go to the same place back and forth but the ride home is empty
I'm empty
you used to care when I'm travelling by myself
but there are trips that I don't feel as lonely
in these moments when I sit in the train, I couldn't help but wonder
is this you?
Train-related writings will always refer to the same boy
Apr 2014 · 950
The Truth is I Have Never
pandemonium Apr 2014
It has been months since I picked up the courage to spill my thoughts
but it's not like I haven't thought about coming back
I keep telling myself that my passion for writing has died
and like every dead things, they were never made to come back to life
I wish I could look back on the words I dedicated if I hadn't erase them
the truth is I have never regret all the things I wrote about you
but like every dead things, they were meant to come back and haunt.

What's unbearable was the incoherency that my mind fell into
over time, I stopped feeling altogether
I wasn't crazy, I wasn't sad, I wasn't angry either
sometimes I remember the earlier days and felt better
sometimes I think about the good memories and felt hopeless
the truth is I have never been this scared in a long time
and the fear swallowed me whole.

Trust me when I say the only thing I'm good at is lying
I went on for months denying what was stirring in my chest
I went on even longer thinking that I was absolutely fine
I learnt that you never really know how good you are until you're not
and the only thing I'm good at is crumbling to my feet
the truth is I have never had to hold my own bandages
but in the end, it's the only thing holding me.

I thought about all the other things I've loved before you
but everything I do reminds me of how hollow I am
I go through everyday wishing I was a ghost that would trail your every shadow
maybe it would be more fair if you felt the emptiness I've become
but even then I knew it's hard to haunt when you don't even care
the truth is I have never thought we would end up like this;
I forgot we weren't a fairytale.
Feb 2014 · 1.6k
It's Kind Of A Funny Story
pandemonium Feb 2014
I see you every day but I never know how you're doing
in the fleeting moment when your eyes met mine,
I fail to see that they don't glimmer with happiness to see me anymore
just a mirage that has been fooling me all this while
so it's funny the way it tickles when I realise
you're slipping away through my fingers
a sandstorm I created with my own hands that I have no control of
and I hate that when I ball up my fist, I feel like I'm suffocating you
in the end I chose to let you go and leave the remaining grains of sand
to be a memoir of your existence.

Why do I feel like it's a joke when I reminisce us
why do I allow myself to be your puppet
why do I fall apart at the thought of you
when I once let you be the reason for my confidence
but I want to laugh so hard at where we are now-
you look at me in the eyes as if I don't know what the hell I'm doing
and it's stupid because I'm letting you go for the final time
after all that I've done for you
after all that you've done to me
because I'm tired of the same punch line.

I compare you to so many things you're not
like the sun peeking through my window when
I wake up on the right side of the bed
like the bliss of having 2 classes in a day
and all this is funny because now, you're more like
the scorching 1 p.m. heat when I'm walking back to my dorm from campus,
the surge of frustration and anger pumping through my veins after class
because I'm hot-tempered and short-circuited all in one
and I let you explore which of my buttons to push;
your fingertips left me with bruises.

Even though I loved you, it's not ******* funny how much I hate you now.
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
The Curse of Leaving a Mark
pandemonium Jan 2014
When I find a place that invites me in like I'm a long lost relative,
I would do anything for them
and that's a weakness because when I let myself be pushed around,
these strangers I call family
will treat me exactly like how my family did.

Here is where I find myself conflicted
running away just to find another home that ended up to be
the exact home I barely got out of;
like escaping from a lion's mouth straight into a crocodile's.

Why am I always fooled by gold-painted stones
why do I always fall right into the wrong book
I've come across these type of characters so many times
why stay and taint their existence that even they wouldn't claim.

I try to fix the broken but my hands did anything but
and left inked-fingerprints on shattered glass
it's only about time until they discover whose it is-
I hope maybe I'll be gone by then.

I try to pull away from the hook that's been tied to my spine
realising it too late that it's slowly ruining me
reeling me back to a home I desperately want to get rid of
but I know these ghosts won't find peace if I keep falling back to them
and that's the curse of leaving a mark.
Nov 2013 · 941
Stay away
pandemonium Nov 2013
I preferred when we were strangers
I liked it better when I didn’t know you.
Some things are just better left unfinished
rather than continuing with the tragic event
I learned that you are harder on the ones you know and care about.
There were reasons why I stayed away
but at the same time, I didn’t realise
that I had actually tied ropes to my arrows
so when I attack, you know exactly where I would be
and I’ve always had this habit of leading people to me.
I’ve come to terms that whether I like it or not,
the traces I leave are often appealing to wanderers
who have absolute no idea what they’re getting themselves in to.
No matter how I hard I try to cover my tracks,
the attraction curses my mere existence
and there is nothing more I want than to just be.
Nov 2013 · 1.1k
Swallow me whole
pandemonium Nov 2013
I was 13 when I plunged into the darkness
night-lights in this room no longer had a place in it
my mother had told me to "grow up"
but every night I suffocate myself with my blanket
even though it's 11 p.m.
I cover myself whole,
dead afraid of mystical killers lurking around
in the walls of my room when the setting is their colour
but after a while I found out I had demons;
all of us got along well together
and the lightbulb was never replaced for a very long time.

I am now 18, returned after a year and a half in college
there I spent a lot of my nights alone (figuratively) and lonely (literally)
I sleep in the dark comfortably there
the shadows that play around in my room does not scare me
but I came back home a few days ago
everything in my room here and now is foreign
although everything is how they used to be
instead of 11 I now sleep at 3
when the lights are switched off
the walk back to my bed is excruciating, the fear
it's as if I don't trust the darkness in my room anymore.
Oct 2013 · 1.2k
Shades of Red
pandemonium Oct 2013
There's that girl again
soft pink lips,
light blush on her cheeks
when their eyes met
and her heart beat
all kinds of red.

As he smiled
one stranger to another
a weird pulse in his chest
matted blood rose to his ears
but thank god
for beanies.

Her voice, her laughter,
a euphoric symphony
like roses singing in the wind
and in this metaphor
he is the glorious wind
she should let him know that.

"Should I?"
he held that letter
close to his body
contemplating to slip into
her vibrant red mailbox
he did; and ran away.

Who knew, the ends of
the red thread of destiny
were tied on their
little fingers
now they're no longer
tangled in someone else's.
Sep 2013 · 1.2k
pandemonium Sep 2013
My heart doesn't skip a beat anymore
when I see you, it pumps twice faster
ricocheting to my throat and suffocates me
and sometimes I think you can hear it
a familiar beat you held to your ear before
you look around wondering of this nostalgia
your fingers cold to the touch it used to bring
craving for the sear when they touch my back
once, your eyes found mine in the sea of people
and they play our happy memories
and they smile at the thought of it
and they slowly realise, the hurt
and they become blank again
and they were the last I've seen of you;
reminding me of what we once had and how
we'll never get it back.
Aug 2013 · 2.2k
It felt like all was right
pandemonium Aug 2013
It’s past 2 in the morning and the only thing holding you two together is the group chat a classmate administrate because both are you (and others, of course) are generally in the same group for this semester but you are split in classes but you have two that are the same together. An assignment is due to be emailed that night and he just got back from god knows where and you’re a tad curious (maybe more) because during old times, he would tell you the things he do simply because you were the best company and the both of you complement each other. He said that he was going to pull off an all-nighter and you can’t help your fingers from typing down a witty response.

The nostalgia taking over you as you shot bullets of reply to him because he was doing the same. Soon enough it seemed as though you two were the only ones alive in the group along with a few other irrelevant comments to your bickering. His last message was an icon of a high five and you purposely left him hanging and close the application in your phone. With a soft chuckle, you shook your head and continued reading the poetry book you recently bought.

He knows you like the back of his hand, and it just hit past well about 4 in the morning and you’re still awake. What do you know it? A message from him- asking why you left his last message on the group chat hanging. That personal conversation went on as if you were in the past again; as if he wasn’t dating your ex-best friend, as if you weren’t hurt being left because it was that play where the two of you were the main characters with an unattached past. Your story is the type of love where you’re best friends and you know you get a bit giddy when it’s way beyond your bedtime. You’ve been involved with writing poems after you were left to be on your own and this idea was blown to you.

You send him a poem of which you wrote but you give him under a pseudonym so he wouldn’t know it’s by you. He said that it was deep and probably something he doesn’t think he can ever reach in an emotional level of expressing. It hit you. He was the perfect critic for the other poems you wrote. So you gave him a few more and it happened. He asked you if you’ve written any. Could this be the chance for you to finally prove to the only boy you’ve been stupidly pining on that you’re doing sort of well and that you just need him to subconsciously be the muse of your work?

You make a deal. 5 poems and he guess which is yours. He whines that 5 is too much as you’ve already given him others before. You really wanted him to read what else you still have so you reduced it to 3 and he grudgingly accepted (like the little whiny boy you have grown to love him to be). You gave him one about your ex-boyfriend, another about a boy you were infatuated with and lastly, one about him. And you waited. You waited for what it seemed like hours when it was just a petty 10 minutes. He narrowed it down to the one of him and the other boy. You guessed he would have let go of the one about your ex-boyfriend because he was there when he hurt you.

The paranoia seeps into your soul wondering if his could feel the one you wrote about/for him. Finally, he chose the one you wrote for the other boy because he rather sort of knows about that short amount of time where you really thought you really could like him. You hadn’t realised that you were holding your breath the whole time he was deliberating which to choose. A voice spoke in your mind telling that you should be grateful that he chose the one you wrote for the other boy as if he had chosen the one you wrote for him, what excuse behind that story are you going to make up?

And with that, the conversation of your writing opened up to a whole new request. He asked what else have you written about and you said just about your past and your broken family and such. He knows how bad the situation with your family is so he asked if you had written about the new spectacles you started wearing at the beginning of the semester because your vision gradually went from 20/20 to blurred lines during your current time in college. You perked, what to write about these glasses, you asked. He joked saying anything, but it has to include his name.

You were intrigued with the idea and agreed. He retracted saying that he was just joking as how do you put a name in a poem anyway. You just told him you’ll think about it but after saying that, you grabbed your pen and paper and began writing. He wanted it to be about your glasses and inclusive of his name, then you’ll give him just that. Your conversation lasted until dawn and believe it or not, you fell asleep first and missed your morning class at 8. When you woke up, a message from him (sounding as if he’s snickering at you) asking where you were.

Oh, the heavy weight of lying. You told him that you weren’t feeling well and that you’re going for the afternoon class at 2 instead (not with him).

After that class finished at 4 p.m., you sent him the poem you wrote for him the other night. He said that it was really good but he never questioned about him. You really wanted to prove that you could take up the challenge of writing a poem and having his name. You said, “You wanted a poem with your name, so here you go” and he was dumbfounded (as you quite expected). “But I don’t see my name anywhere”.

You told him that the beginning letter of every two lines spelt his name. His reaction was one you’re to treasure.

It was a bittersweet ending to your little fantasy story as that will be the last you’ll hear directly from him for months to come.
Aug 2013 · 946
pandemonium Aug 2013
Heavy memories that reside in feathers
pulling them down like an anchor tied to a bird
cobwebbed feelings left unattended like worn-out sweaters
just another girl with thoughts that scream to be heard.

Are you afraid of shadows?
Are you afraid of the dark?
Ethereal wraiths wandering about
their bodies are nothing but tear-filled hollows
everyday passing through their loved ones
hoping to be seen, hopping to be touched
despaired prayers once begged for a spark.

Under the sunlight, you don't think
these transparent creatures exist
the living, the breathing, have souls to reflect
under the clouds and sky so blue
but they are mere deceptions
to hide the ones without boundaries
those are the ghosts you can't see through
and you realised that you're one too.
Aug 2013 · 1.1k
Anchored to Freedom
pandemonium Aug 2013
Her liberty is in the form of writing
a little girl holding grudges
against the world
letter by letter,
word by word,
the birds she kept caged are free
but there is one she couldn't let go
no matter how hard she tried,
she couldn't bear the thought of that bird
in this viciously cruel, unpredictable world
so she kept it and wrote about it
oh, how very hypocritical of her–
writing of freedom yet shackled it,
bound to an anchor
and by then she realised
her writing became her prison
she has the key to open her lock
but she is too scared,
like the bird she encased
for she is one too; except that
she knows how horrid it is
outside those bars.
Aug 2013 · 1.2k
From now,
pandemonium Aug 2013
One week from now,
you won't remember the flavour of
my favourite ice-cream, and I'll
stop sulking because you're forgetful
and that's okay.

Two weeks from now,
a message of mine that you never got to
reply won't matter because you never
brought it up and we both just kind of
forget about it.

Three weeks from now,
we'll have our first fight and we'll cry
for the whole night thinking
is this how it feels like to be in love
and you'll call and say that you love me.

A month from now,
I'll forget all the hurtful things you've said to me
because I know you didn't mean it
and I'll have hurtful things to say too but
I'll bite my tongue because I love you too.

Two months from now,
the picture of your lock screen won't be
my face anymore because you see me everyday
so there's no point to that but mine will still be you
because at night, I will yearn for you.

Four months from now,
we will have days when we don't even talk
at all, and it ****** so bad at first
but we'll get used to it, unfortunately
because we have lives to lead.

Six months from now,
I'll pull an all-nighter due to the
cups of coffee I had the morning before
while waiting for you because
you never showed up.

Eight months from now,
a girl will answer your phone because
you have a group project and you'll send her home,
then come to mine to assure me nothing's wrong
but you'll smell like her.

Ten months from now,
I won't be sleeping in my bed anymore
because I'll roll over to your side and cry
until my eyes turn red so I move to the couch
to spare me of pitiful self-loathe.

A year from now,
you'll cease to exist in my world, and
so will I because by then I'll have left it
and it will crumble of my absence
and I hope you'll do too.
Aug 2013 · 1.8k
pandemonium Aug 2013
I’d like to think there’s nothing wrong with me
but every time I look in the mirror,
a mess is all I see.

Who is this girl with curly black hair
that runs down her shoulders like angry waterfall
suffocating her every night as she sleeps alone
but to be honest, there’s not much difference
when they were your hands around her instead.

Who is this girl with coal-like irises
that thinks she’s already dead, that her soul ran away
just a ghost in a body not knowing exactly what to do
quietly roaming around this deceitful city
but they are honest and they see, the monster in you.

Who is this girl with light, bleeding, soft lips
fumbles nervously around everyone she knew
tripping over her own words, about you
struggling to align her messy mind
because it’s always havoc at the thought of you.

Who is this girl who pulls sleeves over her fingers
a constant lie of “I’m fine” to whenever anyone ask her
they try to make her out, another sad girl with cuts over you
but no, not this girl, she is sad with bruises that can’t be seen
bruises that blend well with her porcelain skin.

I am that girl, one who sees perfection in everyone but herself
no matter what anyone tells her, it won’t be enough
I can never have enough of something good
because everything that comes with it,
requires a high price of sanity to pay.
Jul 2013 · 1.1k
This is why I hurt
pandemonium Jul 2013
I sit out on the roof at night
contemplating my insignificant existence
after being proven time and time again
that maybe I’m not meant to be here
that maybe I’m undeserving to breathe.

Tell me, father, what good am I to you?
How much worth am I to call myself your kin?
Hush but by not the words and actions of yours
I hide my anguish behind bruises you won’t see
maybe you never will see.

The world is not meant to serve you
you are not king neither are you of such relation
your deem for wishes upon silver and gold plates
but rather you treat it quite a lot like ****
just as you treat me the same.

I’d prefer it if people know me for having your temper
possibly the only feature I’m proud of, the fear
though to prevail it brings me nightmares
you taught me in ways that you are not the teacher
and I earned it in ways that it wasn’t such a prize.

The clouds I exhale are chilling
just as my pretty little heart is an iceberg
sinking, sinking, sinking…
I have nothing to live for, much less you
I keep myself warm, splitting my knuckles into two.
Jul 2013 · 835
pandemonium Jul 2013
I am that girl you often see in the library
her glasses left on one side,
eyebrows furrowed
you always see her writing something-
so focused on her little notebook and pen
you'd think she didn't see you
as you look away, she lifts her head
her eyesight isn't very good but you'll see
she looks rather out of character and you'll think
she didn't see you, not without glasses on
but she did and little did you know
she's writing about you now.
Jun 2013 · 889
pandemonium Jun 2013
How long has it been
since your black tourmaline eyes
met mine, a long-forgotten coal
all burnt and dead of its use;
very much like the owner.

How long has it been
since your ice cold touch
sear at my hot as hell skin
against each other, so imperfect
yet we are of no danger to each other.

How long as it been
since the murmur of your melodic voice
entwined with my out-of-place tune
be it bickering
or a symphony played on the *****
haunting, yet soothing
as we will always go together.

How long has it been
since the silent treatments that will
usually end with an "I love you"
and the ear-splitting shatter of glass,
screaming anger that whispers "I love you"
wind their way across our lives?

Far too long, far too long.
This is on my main, I just want to put this on here as well.
Jun 2013 · 862
Together Apart
pandemonium Jun 2013
You were the type of guy that girls hear about
surrounded by other people, almost always never alone
but even so, your voice remains a mystery.
You were the type of guy that girls swoon over
but it’s hard to pull you away and get to know you
your smile and laughter render them all in wonder.

I was the type of girl that guys hear about
from one friend to another and it goes on
but I walk these streets alone,
passing by the people I know
who don’t know me.
I was the type of girl that guys talk to
one of the boys, they call me
sometimes I'd lose myself around them.

I had the privilege to know you
our first class together, we were put into a group
I had not expect you to call my name
(but I wanted to call yours)
and as cliché as it sounds,
we spent a night of studying and laughing
and evidently falling in love
(without us knowing)

We made time for each other and became close
many times I admit, I forget that you weren't mine
(but it felt like I was yours)
too soon, time faded away
I found myself clutching onto you when time pried my fingers
shocked as I was, you were holding on to me too
yes, we fell in love in a way that it was too soon, too fast
we broke without sparing any cuts of our shattered emotions
I want to say that even now as we are glasses apart-
our love still reflects of each other.

Once upon a very long time ago
I didn't know you, or you I
we were strangers walking these ruined roads
and we happened to bump into each other
so we ventured to infinity together
not knowing where we’re heading, to be honest
we talked about our past, and our future
never did we realised that in the present
our past brought us to our future
so here we are, together but apart;
you are that type of guy that girls swoon over
and I am that type of girl that guys talk to.
Jun 2013 · 953
pandemonium Jun 2013
I know you saw me as I walked
past by the cafeteria
unlike how I am usually,
I didn't turn my head to look
I know you were hoping I did,
I know.

The reflection in your soul
I can tell you were miserable seeing me
like this, as I am, alone
though I've let you go
with a willing heart
I don't regret a thing;
I still think you're bound to me
you just won't let go.

I want to ask,
do you miss the right side of my figure
where you used to stand?
Your shoulder friction against mine now
the warmth of our friendship
slowly freezing
here I am, a changed soul
telling you to move on,
like I did
not because I wanted to
but because I needed to.

Forgive me if I sound heartless
but you no longer mean anything to me
I was the chance that flew
right in front of your eyes
in slow-motion
you missed it,
you missed me;
so here is my goodbye.
Jun 2013 · 1.3k
pandemonium Jun 2013
A word of advice: don't ever tell her she's a daddy's little girl
funny isn't it when she speaks of her dad,
she sounds like every other normal girl
that it would never come across your mind
she would be the one who receives the beating
when he's angry, whether at her or someone else.

She loathes him with all her heart
and I kid you not, this isn't a mere exaggeration
but believe it or not, she is very much like him
though she refuses to believe or admit it, she is.

They say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree
she is as hot-tempered and stubborn as he is
her hands are as fast as her mind, once you **** her
she won't think twice about laying her hand on you
bear in mind that her petite figure aches to hurt
the pain she absorbs is greater when released.

"Like father like daughter" they love to claim
but she is nothing like him, like a shadow she resembles
only his physical traits and they're what she's known for
though her heart is ice cold, breathe a little fire to it
it will melt, she likes to think they're stone cold
but you'll be surprised at how sympathetic she can be.

She is bulletproof, her heart heavy on lockdown
nothing can hurt her worst than the tyrant in her house
but she endures and she triumphs and she learns
her fortress stood tall, guarding her from enemies
her mind seems to always be at war;
does she want to grow up to be like her father?

I always feel like I am two different souls in a body
I have the devil's fingerprints but the angel's persona
resides in me as well, and they're always fighting
at times, they get along and I am in peace
though my blood taints of my father,
I am not like him
but let me take you back to the start;
maybe I am a daddy's little girl.
Jun 2013 · 1.3k
The Train of Sorrow
pandemonium Jun 2013
I took the train home today
although I was surrounded by the busy society
going about their day, I was alone
I had no one to call a company-
well, other than my phone
and also the 2 different people
who sat next to me through my journey.

I took the train home today
usually you would come with me
(I sat by myself)
we would sit on the 3-seater seat;
(I leaned with a sigh at the edge of the 4-seater)
2 for us and 1 for our bags
(just one for me and my bags on my lap)
you next to me, and our shoulders touching
(just my shoulder with a stranger and a glass pane)
we would talk about our week during college
(I mentally talked to myself about what happened)
we would flirt with humour and touch
(I stared into the distance imagining you here)
our stop-stations next to each other, yours first to leave
(I dropped off at a different station today)
you would get off and wave me goodbye until I'm out of sight
(I stared past your station with a lonely heart)
I would quickly get off on mine and text you I've arrived
(I walked out and stared at the train as it leaves)

I took the train home today
as I sat alone in my own little corner, I wondered
is it sad that our love is only true in the train we take?
If so, I will keep getting on our train
if it means you will come back
and we will relive our imagination
just us in our own little world.
Jun 2013 · 735
pandemonium Jun 2013
His words created a ripple in her eyes
tears threatening to fall, anytime
what he never thought when he
decided to keep a secret from her,
is how her porcelain face that has been
sculptured to always have a smile on it
will break when she finds out.
Jun 2013 · 725
pandemonium Jun 2013
We're one half of a pair of jigsaw puzzle
and like many puzzles, we will meet
the wrong other half
before we find one that is made
to fit with us
but what if along the way,
in the process of finding our other half
we have deformed ourselves
in order to try and fit with the ones
that are just not meant for us?
Does it mean our original shape will no longer
be for the one we're destined for?
And we missed the chance of our
fated happily forever and after?
Or are we meant to be damaged?
So we can fit with another shape
that is also damaged,
but the type of damage that is supposed
to go along with you?
Jun 2013 · 2.9k
pandemonium Jun 2013
Your words are like food
and you are the cook
before you serve your dish
you make sure of the taste
if it tastes good, people would like it
if it tastes bad, people won't like it
and most probably they won't come again
is it not the human nature to be pleased?
Be careful of what you serve.
Jun 2013 · 842
pandemonium Jun 2013
Introduction, they call it
but to me, it's just another excuse;
how are you?
what is your name?
where do you come from?
what do you like to do?
so gather up your storytelling skills
tell us about yourself
tell the world about yourself
or rather tell us how you'd want yourself to be like
a very sad excuse indeed
so seize this chance to start anew,
or is it an escape?

— The End —