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Were we the kids we used to be
We'd sell our souls for penny sweets,
And sing along with children older
Bold as brass but never bolder,
And run and scream through mass and school
Act the maggot, act the fool,
And get in trouble, feel the fear,
Excitement when the danger's near,
And grow up quickly, grow up sharp
And study German, study Arts,
And live abroad a life of love
And never ever get enough,
And return home with chip on shoulder
A year more stupid, a year more older,
And in the end we'd finally see
We're still the kids we used to be.
Behind backs that would snap if their heads were to turn
Between stucco walls, under creaky floors, secret cigarettes burn

Giving fate back to god, allowing time to just roll into smoke
Despite shouldnt’s, besides sorry’s instinctual thoughts provoke

Earth shattering, nothing mattering, death dawning kind of kiss
Heart racing, breath pacing, bodies in an endless ocean of guilty bliss

For-shadowing risky statements, stuck on tongue, never to leave my lips
Dodging probing questions, when’s, where’s, why’s and if’s

Awaking eyes, empty room, slept away the whole afternoon
This day is dead, gone forever, put to bed by the moon

Pounding head, restless mind, only smoking to pass the time
Only lost until I find, only want what should be mine

Secrets kept are secrets rare, haunting, taunting me to share
Should I, could I, do I dare, why the hell would anyone care

In corridors, behind desks, over pots that boil
Around a small table, beside barrels of used cooking oil

Adjacent sideways glances, words burn backs that don’t hear
Whispers gain pace and reach solemn ears
Mean while nothing has felt so good for years

Between sheets and douvet, lungs rise and fall
On clean white pillows, eyes close and thank the stars for it all

Yearning hearts beat next to decent tunes, in a pristine room, a calmness looms

Inside secret moments unspoken words pour from finger tips,
Lightly, only slightly tracing neck and cheeks and jaw and lips
Tap tap, black rat,
You’ll have to do better,
It’s hidden - not hot. And I only ever
Show those that need to know,
And I need them to know every letter.

No traps, black rat,
There’s no paper trail,
It’s locked up inside and it’s not yet on sale.
I’m honing.
Slow and forever, my masterpiece never,
And nothing
For you.

Not a full stop to chew,
Not a hyphen to bite right through.

— The End —