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Jan 2012 · 1.1k
Observations on a Teatime
don't forget to stir
otherwise it all goes down bitter

and the very last
is almost too sweet
to swallow
Jan 2012 · 925
******* Then/Take The ******* Sun With You (Tongue In Cheek)
Jan 2012 · 531
here's to
ugly green envy

and hot water from blackened and forgotten pots
boiling over onto things you thought were clean
Jan 2012 · 705
second place ribbons are usually red
they're all i ever win
or lose anyways

so i'll knit myself a scarf from a hundred of the fibers
and when i've clawed at my neck and started to bleed
no one will be able to tell red from red
dead from dead
Jan 2012 · 554
what's that there in your hand

it's nothing

less the gaping cavity in my sternum says otherwise
Jan 2012 · 649
leave it to the espresso machine
to laugh at my loneliness

a *** is meant for two
not one
not three
Jan 2012 · 500
can't you see what i'm trying to do
it's about ******* time you knew

so cold it's almost hot
your face an apparition in the backyard lot

broken glass above snow above grass
Jan 2012 · 545
stick it to me

with false pretenses and fluttering lashes

waylaid kisses and promises of breakfast
Jan 2012 · 615
eight ante meridiam

cinnamon toast in the solarium

i'm not much different than the mutt basking on a chaise opposite
Jan 2012 · 409
rather than think:
i miss you

i say,
i'd rather not
Jan 2012 · 609
Go On and Spit It Out
fists like a side of raw meat,

these streets creak with downtrodden snow

(words) hands bent on leaving you breathless
Dec 2011 · 422
10 + 2
your heart an abandoned model home
i'd invited myself into...
Dec 2011 · 528
all that matters then
forgiving yourself for those moments

force feeding yourself caffeine to stay awake for that eclipse
you watched all your lonesome clouding the moon red

an apology to my urges
forgive me for being alone
Dec 2011 · 495
what use are such soft lips
if you kiss
even the most beautiful words
so brusquely
Dec 2011 · 389

it may be possible to wash the sweat off
but you stay long after

and regret leaves a stench much worse
In retrospect.
Dec 2011 · 510
shaving means mirrors
and seeing your eyes in mine

making it more difficult for those throwaway razors
with a face that's furrowed
Dec 2011 · 522
tin cups become cold the fastest, with breath distracted by air more or less filling with smoke
i've got to stop picking such nostalgic scents, they stick to the wrists of all my coats
and when I go to wipe my nose, my mother's right beside me
really she's those hundred miles away
dancing one step
or two closer to my new room
but then one step
or two back towards home

it's like this
roses and a
settled in with old dust
she's not to share it with anyone
because it's swimming in streams with my platelets and memories

of black **** carpets howling at the kitchen door
a bed nestled in drawers
and iron gated windows crowded with fear
Dec 2011 · 545
the crocodile surface of this steamer trunk as irregular as my breathing
hurried while my fingertips run over the ridges of words or a beat of my heart
everyone's felt it once before,
in jealousy.
when your teeth scoured the valley of his upper lip

weightless were the days you called me darling
and abandoned your clothes beneath my sheets
don't forget it was me who cooled your legs
keeping veins from throbbing with a fever from our tension
and skin from clamoring for more attention

— The End —