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Like two foci of an elliptical, your eyes entice me cause my cardiac muscles, to palpitate
As I estimate the distance between us
I have arrived at the conclusion that you are sitting approximately 5 feet and 11 inches away from me, 7 and half millimeters closer than yesterday.
As you sit there and I calculate your potential energy.
I find myself wishing I could change Y= mx+b into Y=you next to me, you are my complementary angle.
I long to whisper that newton law was just created for you.
Of course that not true, but logic doesn't matter anymore because my feelings for you are growing exponentially.
Like radiation you penetrate through my skin, you  watched my veins branch like fractals
Like absolute zero, all molecules within me halted in that movement,your centripetal  force sent me spinning when they say opposite attracts each other.
It figures seeing as the probability for you noticing me is exactly 1 in 10,032 but I long to coined my name on a love letter, you are my pascal behind my triangle.
683 · Sep 2015
He has his own special way of turning around my sad day, he makes my bad things go away, the second that he looked into my eyes.
When I look into his eyes I see pure beauty with no disguise. Just a glance at him makes my heart beat increase, I know for the fact that these feeling are real.
If beauty was inches, you would go on for miles, I'm going to let my heart be my dialer so I can tell you what I have been feeling for awhile.
Notes (optional)
496 · Nov 2015
As time passes by
As seconds pass,we look back of what our lives have held.
As minutes pass, we see what fell through the cracks, part of our lives withheld.
As hours pass,we think of what we learned,what we have taught and what we have forgotten.
As days pass, we wish a lot could be returned, we wish we never would fought.
You hope they won't forget you.
As years pass, you stand alone,they have all grown, married and gone.
But it is just the matter of time.
Because I'm Pabalelo
447 · Oct 2015
Black beauty
It is the colour of strength and pride.
I will say it loud, I don't have to hide anything,
I love myself and the colour that I am represent.
What you see is not illusion but it is a gift from god and don't ever confuse it.
It is beautiful to be black and its the colour of of power and authority.
I will shout to the world  that I'm proud of this black colour.
Black colour is the colour of confidence and style, I have been blessed by my ancestors from africa.
I'm scenic from the inside out but these no one who can change my mind, black has been beautiful since the begging of the time.
The colour black its the colour of grace and honor and its one thing that cannot be taken away from me.
412 · Feb 2016
forgive and forget
Mistakes and failures are the main cause of negative thinking. If we somehow learn to let go of all the pain,suffering and feared that we try to keep inside our hearts and minds, then there will be nothing more to block our clear thoughts from being expressed. Forgive yourself for committing mistakes and forget these mistakes.

— The End —