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2.2k · Dec 2013
wedding march
p Dec 2013
yellow paint plastered on the pale walls
it stains like red wine on a wedding dress
and i can't stand this anymore
2.0k · May 2013
p May 2013
i have began to know what it is
i want

for that
and it seems to be so distant from me

i can glance
at it
dream of it
but it is still so distant from me
1.4k · Nov 2013
pin cushion
p Nov 2013
i'm getting pins put in my body tomorrow
like those red pin cushions that sit on a table in your basement.
and it will also be your birthday.
and i'm sorry i will be benumbed.
i'm sorry this happened
i'm sorry that the mason jar full of loose change and dollar bills
and the piggy bank covered with dust and cobwebs
will soon be vacant
i am nothing but a pin cushion
and i wish i could be something more.
i dont really know. not done yet
1.3k · May 2013
p May 2013
he taps on my left shoulder
whispers the things i want to hear--lies
the seductive phrases that haunt my thoughts

his black sweatshirt aroma fills my nose
and thousands of memories run through my head
the rhythm of his heart makes a beat my feet involuntarily tap to

he taps on my right shoulder
whispers the things i know should be said
the honest and accurate sentences

his white tee shirt hugs his body in all the right places
and i remember hugging him goodnight
and feeling as if i molded to his ample body

one is the future
one is the past
two ropes
tied to my waist
each side tugging, pulling
but it's ultimately my choice
and i have not the faintest clue
not the faintest clue
1.1k · Nov 2013
p Nov 2013
soporific and potent
it travels through the tunnels with crimson walls
inverse photos
and superflous words sewn together like grandmothers quilt
salt water drops and the wallet is empty
verbose phone conversations
and then
the brown door opens
and it alleviates
faint eyes peer at each other
and the air mixes together like sugar and flour
and it alleviates.
1.1k · Sep 2013
potato chips
p Sep 2013
consciousness lost
neighbors fighting against one another
clamoring thunder and pungent rain
opposing views
who both believe God is on their side  
but, who is right?

devious dictators who twist their words like the twizzler that you ate during lunch
and dissatisfied rebels who want his head on a silver platter
because of the lives lost in the murky, gas infested air
and hearts left behind in the homes they left
home is truly where the heart lies

blameless women and children
are soon just numbers added to the deceased
and their wan corpses are plastered throughout the news

100,000 dead
and as we sit on our couches and eat potato chips,
more are dying
and we need to do something about it
this is a draft about the Syrian Civil War for a government project. no where near finished
p Sep 2013
the power was out in my house
nothing but creaking wood floors
and flickering birthday cake scented candles
and we just stared--
stared into each others eyes
and i was enthralled in them
your cobalt eyes that peered so longingly into mine
and your lips so alluring

i never wanted to leave that couch
and if i had a say in the matter,
i wouldn't have.
but we have many calendars to throw away
and although, it's rather sad
i'm glad that i have something to look forward to
because before you, i didn't have that
and just in case you didn't know,
i love you.
no where near finished
844 · Nov 2013
blank canvas
p Nov 2013
i want to paint your eyes
on a blank canvas
with paints
colored blue and gray
so i never forget
how exquisite they are
and how i never can stop staring into them
814 · May 2013
p May 2013
The birds seem to be telling me
In harmonious chirps
That it must be abolished

Two miniscule bugs slowly glide across the keyboard
Green with a hint of yellow
Their antennas swing up and down
They’re speaking to me too
With subdued voices
They say
That it must be abolished

A pale red ladybug flutters
From blade of grass to blade of grass
From what seems to be an infinite pattern
Of green lushness
It seems to be showing me
What I must do,
Move on
Move on from this blade of grass
That it must be abolished

An adolescent fly lands on the screen
Rubbing its arms together
And then I blink
And it has vanished
Maybe this is a sign
That I must leave
That it must be abolished

Why is it that everything seems to be telling me
What I desperately don’t want to hear?
It’s irrevocable

I’ve tried
I’ve buried it in the dank dirt
Like the earthworm that I found in the soil
But the rain soon came for a visit
And it arose from the soil and into a puddle of murky water
I tried to impel it back into the ground
But it was impossible

Now I seem to say to myself
That it must be abolished
And now it doesn’t seem to be so foreign to me
741 · May 2013
salt and warm water
p May 2013
heaving in the toilet bowl
with scars on hips
broken shards of glass
slice the pale shell
goosebumps emerge from the
ceramic tile
gripping on the white sheets
the pillow absorbs the screams
damp with water
i ingest
the salt and warm water

perhaps someday you can formulate
an understanding
of why
692 · May 2013
lurking within
p May 2013
harmful yet tempting
it lurks within
the thought of it
the memories of it

it pierces your heart
with a fine needle
making a design that cannot be taken away
it throbs
pulsating throughout your entire body
rattling your bones
and sending traces of it through your bloodstream

it's venom
it immortalizes you and yet,
you like it
you covet for it
you want the thing that slowly makes you into something you're not

it's slowly eradicating your flesh
and yet, you like
the smell
the sensation
the sound that echoes within your ear canal

harmful yet tempting
it lurks within
and you don't have the tenacity to rid it from yourself
dont really know where i'm going with this
680 · May 2013
p May 2013
cracking knuckles and
the seams are ripping
on your wretched sweatshirt sleeves
and there was a moment
i didn't mind
but now i have began to feel it as the delicate thread
is pulled and teared

listen to my voice
this sweatshirt will soon be demolished
nothing but
a ball of thread and scraps of black fabric
stained and tattered
and i don't have a needle
658 · May 2013
p May 2013
yellow lights
they bring it back
the bleak rain
the trees crying the skies tears
onto my scalp
and i didn't even care
the damp wooden benches we sat on
the blue elixir puddles i couldn't stop staring into
stay with me
the orange glow grazed your cheeks
silhouettes of trees surrounded me
and contradicted with the ombre background
of the twilight sky

and it stays with me
it all does
the bleak rain
the trees crying the skies tears
onto my scalp
and i didn't even care
the damp wooden benches we sat on
the blue elixir puddles i couldn't stop staring into
it stays with me
definitely not done yet
604 · May 2013
p May 2013
it drips
down the strands of hair
that populate my scalp
seeping in the pores
penetrating the folds and fissures of my brain
it lodges itself in my cerebral cortex
impairing my thinking, judgement and reasoning

it reigns
it never ceases
continuously present
562 · Nov 2013
p Nov 2013
i let the rain build up on the windshield
and other things seemed to build up too

colorful blocks stacked up in a tall tower
but at some point it must crumble
scatter amongst the floor
red, blue and yellow blocks cover it
and i can't get my hands to pick them up.
526 · May 2013
this is why
p May 2013
i tried
i picked it up and
strummed some chords
but every time i try to sing the
lyrics i have written
i cry
and i'm done with this
i'm trying to write
but i can't
and this is why

i feel as if you're still here
and i'm scared of you
did you hear my words?
i'm scared of you
i'm scared of the feelings that seem to follow you
like ducklings following their mother
and you're always here
like those ****** demons
in those pitiful films
they call horror
and crap,
i feel bad
i feel really bad
and i know i shouldn't
but i do
and can you please stop?
you seem to be reigning over me
floating over my head
and it's constant
the thoughts i think
"i feel used"
"this entire thing was a lie"
"i'm an idiot"
and this isn't good
and it's scaring me
everything about you scares me now
and i'm glad it's over but then again,
i'm not
i'm really not
and i can't bring myself to sing
a song because that's what we used to do
and it's stupid
i know
that is why
i can't
i'm sorry...not done. wrote this in like 2 minutes.
519 · May 2013
p May 2013
nebulous and scattered
it's drifting
withering down
to a measly tree
with delicate branches
it's life hollowing away
no marrow in it's bones
pitiful and small
not even important enough to
cast a shadow upon a robin taking a rest
it's drifting
becoming what it once was again
beneath the ground
like it's winding roots
517 · Sep 2013
p Sep 2013
cars passed
headlights gleamed onto your impeccable face
your eyes were incandescent
my throat was rough
like the sandpaper that sits in a box in my garage  
i detained my sobs

your truck was stagnant
i wanted it to stay that way
i wanted to throw your keys down the disheveled sewer
i wanted you to stay
but we both knew that couldn't be done  
i'm not sure why saying goodbye is so difficult
but i didn't want you to leave
my hands didn't want to desert yours
they never do
i already miss you
488 · Jul 2013
p Jul 2013
It curls my toes
And hits vertebrae after vertebrae
Of my spine
Cold water drips down onto my head
And makes me want to curl up into a ball
I'm not sure why I let the cold water run
I guess I just didn't have the desire to move
And use my tired hands to twist the faucet
I just wanted you
And the cold water seemed to
wake me up from the dream
That I felt as if I was in
Whenever I was in your presence
The water wakes me up from my delirious state
And takes me back to actuality
And all I really know now is that
I'm freezing
And I miss you
2am poetry...sorry.
478 · Oct 2013
p Oct 2013
it was a full moon
and as we admired it
i realized that
i had never felt more love for anyone
in my entire life.
467 · Dec 2014
poemes sur vous
p Dec 2014
my breath escapes my lungs like air leaving a punctured balloon
one moment--that's all
and it escapes like water cupped in your hand
it's impossible to stop it from escaping


you steal it
like a teenager at the mall
grabbing the trinkets and shoving them in the pockets on their faux leather bags
you steal it
and i don't even mind


drinkin­g salt water and watching the blank wall
gets tiresome
and i want to go home


the hallucinations begin
but i know they are just neurons firing in my brain
and that makes me drink that pungent water
and it seeps in my pores
457 · Sep 2013
wooden carvings
p Sep 2013
someday it will happen .
someday we will hike
to the spot where you carved our initials in the decaying wood
and you will remind me of the promise you had made to me that day
that we would go there together
and you would never let me slip through your fingers
like the dirt under our feet
and i just really hope that the promise you made to me will be kept
because i'm not very tenacious
and i can't go on without you
and i hope i never have to
446 · Dec 2013
just another stupid poem
p Dec 2013
i'm scared.
i'm really really scared.
and i don't have the slightest clue
what i'm going to write in the black ink
or the person i'm going to be
because the person i want to be is yours
and i don't care about the cliches or the eye rolls that i get when i say that
because i want to be with you
plain and simple
it's like the white walls of a newly built house
or the down sheets of a freshly made bed.

i don't even have the tenacity to make this stupid poem (that no one will read)
sound good like all those beautiful songs that remind me of you
with melodious phrases and metaphors that make me melt like a candle that never gets blown out
what am i saying?
every song reminds me of you.
everything reminds me of you.

please just make it go away
please stay with me
just hold me
because that's the only thing i want
and the only thing i need
and that's the only thing to keep my from swallowing any more of these stupid tears that seem to never stop falling because  

i'm terrified.
i don't care
441 · Sep 2013
p Sep 2013

but the second hand on the old clock
won't move
and the photos plaster my walls
like old floral wallpaper
and it makes me want you more

i wish i could get in my car
and find you and watch the leaves
as their colors transform
and they descend from the trees above
and listen to the trees whisper
"i love you"

but we can't right now
and we both know it
so we must wait

but patience is a hard thing to find
in my love filled mind
422 · Sep 2015
first day of fall
p Sep 2015
i didn't think i would
but i did
i am

i am falling for you
and i can't stop now
so i can do is hope
hope that you are falling for me too
415 · May 2013
dust and air
p May 2013
the dusty guitar sits in the corner
ancient strings
not emitting the sounds that they're supposed to
it's hollow
nothing but dust and air
and i can't get myself to pick it up
because every time i do
i think of all the times you would sing to me
that melody that rang in my ears
and spoke to my heart
400 · Nov 2013
you've got mail
p Nov 2013
broken mailboxes and chipped paint
the smell of the splintered wood seeped under my skin
and why did you have to leave

strength is one of those things i've never had
and it's something i really need
and no matter how many times i play that melancholy love song
that i wrote early one morning
on that dusty guitar that sits in the corner of my dim bedroom
i won't have it
the strength to wait
and sometimes i just want to grab the silver keys off of the hook and drive
just drive and drive and drive
until your scent is mixed with the scent of gasoline inside my car

why did you have to leave
it gets harder every time
please don't
not done
390 · May 2013
p May 2013
you tell me that i've done this to you
that i've caused you to feel this
but there are three kinds of struggles in this world
there are the struggles that are worldly
the ones that you cannot control
and there are the struggles that are caused by other people
and then there are the struggles that you bring on yourself
and you brought this on yourself
you deserve it
i don't feel guilty anymore
not done
382 · Dec 2013
p Dec 2013
my crooked fingers
can't play that trivial guitar in the corner of the pale yellow room
there are 4 walls and the door always seems to be closed

bruises and scars make me recollect
the moment when i could feel you
and i could feel it
and then i took a step back after taking one forward
and i wish it would disappear
those cursed scars and bruises.

and i want to drive there,
but i can't find my keys
so can you come so i can feel you
and i can feel it?
this *****.
381 · Feb 2015
p Feb 2015
it's bittersweet
like licking the adhesive on an envelope
the after taste lingers on your tongue

and what the hell am i supposed to do?
i'm trying
but all i want to do is sleep
and i feel like my heartbeat is slowing down
and my eyes don't light up when i see certain things
i don't feel like myself anymore
i feel alone
and i don't want to talk
those grains of sugar make it somewhat worth it
but the bitterness is still present

so the bittersweet taste still lingers on my tongue as the mailman takes my letter and mails it to the person i miss more than anything.
this doesn't make sense.
374 · Nov 2014
p Nov 2014
it has replaced my blood
it runs through my veins
and circulates throughout my body
and like blood,
i need it to survive

i pray every night that you'll be okay
because i still love you
and i think about you every day

everyone tells me that someone else will come along
but frankly,
i'm scared as hell
and i hate to be alone.
and the fact that we aren't together anymore
makes my thoughts tumble down
and take a turn for the worst
but, i guess it's for the best
but my heart still hurts
and i am trying so hard to be okay  
but, i know deep down, i'm not
i'm really not.

for now i will try my best to survive
and maybe someday
my blood will circulate throughout my body
once again.
i miss you
haven't done this in a long time
373 · Jul 2014
p Jul 2014
why do i miss you
and your stupid nicotine stained fingertips grazing my cheek
get out of my head
373 · Aug 2016
p Aug 2016
frigid water
raw skin
chattering teeth

waiting for warmth

take the plunge
dive in
hold me

because i don't want to face this alone
348 · Mar 2015
march 17
p Mar 2015
i'm trying so hard to write
but it's hard to have your feelings right at the surface
floating like a decaying fish in a lake
an eyesore
something you can't  stay away from
a leach  
******* your energy and happiness away

its hard when you realize that the love you felt wasn't love at all
and no matter how hard you try, it never will be

my feet hurt
my shoes are worn from the places i've been
i don't want to go anywhere else
i want to feel
i want to feel love again
i want to feel you in my arms
i want to hear you say those two words that i desperately need to hear
"i'm sorry"
but i know you'd be lying
and yet, my ears ring
and hope for those words to leave your lips

i'm trying so hard
but you're not trying at all
it's hard to talk when no one is listening
348 · Oct 2013
i know you do
p Oct 2013
the ache
i feel
i see
something so
makes it worth
it when
i am
looking into
them-- those magnificent
eyes that seem
to say
"i love you"
without your mouth
uttering a single

my drained
eyes gaze
back at yours
and they  tell you
"i know you do"
you smile
i smile back.
334 · May 2016
p May 2016
i want it to work
i want it to be you
more than anything

but wanting something isn't always enough.
321 · Mar 2015
p Mar 2015
they tell you they will be there for you
like your shadow that kisses the pavement
but the sun sets and the shadow leaves
like everyone seems to be doing these days
and i need someone when the night is black and my eyes can't stay closed

i need you
296 · Mar 2015
p Mar 2015
please don't make me hate loving you
don't make me hate the ache i get in my chest
please don't make me hate myself for being so stupid

262 · Jan 2015
january 29
p Jan 2015
you told me that the way the ice melts
and drips off of the side of the building makes you
think of me
and i hope that we can watch the water drip from your window
everything reminds me of you
and i want to experience life with you
and no one else

and i am so madly in love with you

— The End —