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P Chartier May 2013
Sometimes I wonder what we will continue to talk about, and if you will ever know me and love me as much as he did, or still does. I'm beginning to second guess my will to drop everything for you. My hands flutter with confusion as I try to make sense of what has happened, loosing my self doubt with every glance looking my way.
P Chartier May 2013
Trends really impact the lives of people who care. Food, fashion, things they find enjoyable such as music, and art. These people are not living.

If the trend is "anything goes"- then allow me to be myself.
P Chartier May 2013
I sit in crowded places in hopes of meeting someone like you again.
P Chartier May 2013
This is the place where humans fill up brown cardboard boxes of "healthy food" and overlook union square. The problem is that our stomaches are NOT the the size of cardboard boxes.
P Chartier May 2013
"If I were to break into my body, what would I steal?"
As if it were so easy to break into my bones, I never never broken a bone, but you ask me what is worth stealing, most would say "my heart" but without my bones, my frame would fall apart.
P Chartier May 2013
The beauty in retail is having sixty-five personalities in one store at one time and every one of them knows who you are- never have I been so popular.
P Chartier May 2013
Being called a writer or poet allows me to feel like my words once ment something to someone, somewhere.  At one point in time I changed the corse of thoughts running through the mind of another living, breathing, thinking being.
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