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Oct 2015 · 244
Ash Oct 2015
Why is a minute so long
A year so short
Time slipping away
Every moment
As I sit here
Wallowing in my self pity
Of being a coward in life
Of not knowing what to do
Of being afraid to find out
Where do I begin to find myself
Waiting for a minute to pass
Or the year to slip by
Sep 2015 · 864
Ash Sep 2015
Am I good enough
Am I smart enough
Am I pretty enough
Creative enough
short enough tall enough
slim enough funny enough
loving enough caring enough
enough enough enough
empty enough
Aug 2015 · 303
Ash Aug 2015
All i see is dim lights
What is this love that you talk about
For I would be happy with a friend
This feeling of nothingness will drown me one day
For I don't need a lover
Just a friend who would see me
For I exist
Just listen to me
Just be there in my silences
That is all I ask
For being alone amongst your own people
Is the worst feeling there is
Jul 2015 · 314
Ash Jul 2015
Do I really have a choice?
A million choices every step of the way
That is what people say
"Every day you have a choice"
What choice I ask
To wake up in the morning and go to work or not?
Is that what I have
Can I really change my destiny
Do I really have a choice?
Or just illusion of a choice
Jun 2015 · 567
Ash Jun 2015
Sometimes the days are abysmal
I see no hope
But I think I should hope
Hoping that it would get better
For I feel guilty
That someone else in my place
Would do much better

— The End —