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Victoria Jun 2013
When I die, bereft.
Lost in silence in my chamber.
Fruitless, broken mutters!
Victoria Sep 2014
Amidst my endless dwale
I rise from dimpled vale,
A stale aubade
from chasm broad
doth lull the mad travail.
The brilliant glow o'er
mountains cascading below
Endulges the golden
towers of wheat
and brings sabasim 'pon the dale.
Victoria Nov 2012
The pass of Love be Man's display
golden sand dunes span the day.
Until ye dive into passions sea
lest the heart suffer forever away.
Victoria Jun 2013
Oh, beneath a grinning sky
Nine old suns in envy.
The youngest star in bloom.
Victoria Jun 2013
In our hearts, young Finches.
The last ash falls upon lucid dreams.
Blood stained face, dreaming...
Woe! and girl cries out in the night!
Spindling tresses stick to damp cheeks.
Victoria Jun 2013
By glance upon the emerald dale
a laird rides 'pon the crest
Grasping in his calloused hand
a Faerie Maiden's tress.

One tress for infinity,
two cut for grace divine.
Three tresses for the Trinity,
and four for wealth of time.
Five beats of a Sparrow's wing,
Gets six maidens pon your perch.
Seven for good luck in life,
Eight for endless mirth.

The pompous laird rode proudly on,
Unwary of a Siren's song.
She led him to the river's edge,
And scalped him come the breaking dawn.
Victoria Jun 2013
Out in the glade
lies a dead fawn.
A weeping maiden
adorns it's body with blossoms.

Out in the glade
the wise Willow
watches over the land.
A callow Laird who shot the fawn
charms the weeping lass.

Fair as pearl
sweet saplings.
She taunts,
"Heigh, do not be impetuous!
Touch not my handkerchief!
Take care, lest the dog will bark!"
Victoria Oct 2011
Before you leave the woods today, something you may have missed;
A whispered mystery old as time hovers in the mist.
Things you've never seen before are moving all about
'Pon entrance of this magic realm you never can get out.
Forced to live amongst the toadstool and the fawn
Hypnotized to see the light of God and not the dawn.
Chilly, naked flesh; ivory as the moon.
The old God, Pan, who tromps about, certain your heart will swoon.
Ecstatic, numb, you crumple down. He see's your knees give out...
The nymphs cavort around you there
Giggle and **** your feeble form.
The wise old trees watch patiently
as the landscape does transform.
Victoria Mar 2013
Like the dark before the dawn,
beast of prey does stalk the fawn.
Wise Hermit waits within the queue,
Time again he waits for you.

Monastic skies blanket overhead
cloud covered moon awake the dead.
Wailing viola lulls the lake,
Aiding in a lover's ache.
Victoria Jun 2013
Daughter of Loki,
whose heartstrings grip the glow of the moon,
Binds her knuckles with her words and her thoughts.
Laughing from the womb to the grave.

Wonderful maiden, daughter of mischief.
Wise to the song of the caged bird.
Speaks to the Moon with the Sun overhead.
She cannot tell tears from the rain.
Victoria Nov 2012
A face of gold greets the night,
unblinking, timeless eyes brimmed with down of galest wings.
Beneath her motherly gaze, a pavane fills the court,
Figures two by two by cloth of silken web.
Dispersing and immersing footsteps of the fae,
glimmering ingot gates spread their arms out wide
to rejoice the coming of the twilight.
Shadowed forms stirring in the brush
wish to coalesce the revelry.
And as the music dwindles into reticence,
the sighing ******* of lovers entangled and mother suckling babe,
that which goes unseen by fools
kisses the brows of those who look.
written to Maurice Ravel's Symphony "Pavane of a Dead Princess"
Victoria Sep 2014
When the glimmer of the twilight descends
and the stars are dancing gaily,
Selene reclines
Eros at her feet
They watch us stroll arm and arm,
a sigh escapes into the heavens.

Oh, Cupid!
Come laugh at us!
Victoria Aug 2011
We sing of the ocean,
start of all life.
Encompass frail creatures,
bring seafarers strife.
A mysterious womb,
God’s blessed daughter;
a mystical kingdom lies under it’s waters.

The echoes of waves run rampant above,
they bless the warm sands with treasures and love.
Cascading valleys hidden beneath,
magic encumbers each barrier reef.

Color her lure,
The moon makes love
to her everynight.
Victoria Sep 2014
O, eyes that seek the golden gleam
of dirges sung across the stream.
To sail above the muddy earth,
the lark who sings of tantric mirth.
Victoria Jun 2013
Looking deep one may see into the looking glass.
In their rough, ragged cloth, the pale old Magi.
Appear high in the trees of the hills.
With hard faces like rain-beaten stone,
And all their helms of silver from the depths of the Dwarven mines,
And all their eyes focused on the valley ahead,
Thick pipe smoke spiraling into the sky
The unnameable mystery of a ******* score.
Victoria Nov 2011
O, a ghost that haunts the pretty young girl, Ooo!
He would shed his own blood for the silk and the pearl!
It listens to her sweet-young song,
Lithe and lonely it does long to be alive and kiss her beating heart!

O, the ghost does hide within her chamber doors!
It creeps across her ceiling and her floors!
It lays in wait until the hour
she drifts into her sleepy drower,
to lay it's hungry eyes upon her form!

O, the old and lonesome ghoul begins to frown,
when the girl exits her chamber to leave town!
It starts to search, the school, the church,
until it happens 'pon her perch
hiding 'way with a lover-boy!

O, the ghost begins to shake and roar, blasting through their chamber door
to try and scare this poor young fool away!
Victoria Jul 2017
O, Clotho, what thought have you to weave such jests?
No mortal thought toward you against!
Thy nimble hands, they weave too quick,
a braided thread, nay long nor thick.

Upon Lachesis, yon thread is passed,
who keeps it in her lissome grasp.
A long, long life, ordeals a'plenty,
in thy mind's eye, distill wrath or envy.

Atropos, friend of Hades dear,
Hag of ages, mortal's seer!
A duty trusted unto thy blade
Evanescent and fleeting we must remain.
Victoria Nov 2012
A boy picked a flower
and it taught him to grow.
He kissed her petals
and dreamed in her scent.

Then he closed his eyes
to use color
and the orange moved him
the black did scare him
blue rained down
and took her petals
and as death embraces her
he is lost in a sea
of Nasturtium flower.
Victoria Aug 2023
Amid my restive slumber
tangled in linens,
Morpheus' hand did pass o'er
a vision unto me like the maw of a beast.

A stranger did come and in their form,
shapeless and obscure,
uttered my name as clear as day
without another word.
I drew back in terror
and the name rung out,
hanging limply in the dusk.
Extending a hand with lifeless eyes,
waiting for my trust.

I fled away,
my naked feet bleeding on the earth.
Victoria Aug 2023
Growing and knowing
the ebb and flow
My love for you
like starfire
like a thousand little electrical storms
in every apex of my form.
An orchestra of prayers
is the sound of your voice.
Victoria Nov 2023
Counting wings in a flock of birds
Broken limbs and unsung words.
High above a sea of trees
Two doves collide in symmetry.

Sweet warmth of spring
and all the things
of love we learned
From that sacred burn
Seared inside and sewn up tight,
Two misfit hearts so full of light

In the twilight's tender gleam,
Whispers dance in silent dreams.
Silver stars and moonbeams gold,
weave the quilt where dreams are told.

A storm afoot in early spring,
but I'm safe beneath your wings
A star is born, the veil is torn,
All we dream now given form.
Victoria Feb 2024
In the tarnished sky,
the clamor from a ring of iron bells and neon blossoms.
Awakening to find a crossroads between Juno and Artemis.
In the mist of the discordance,
I saw a wise man who had loved and lost
high upon a nameless hill, a nostalgic glow,
"I saw you in a dream"
an ageless love that yearned to grow,
The fasting fear
the pensive passion
Dancing madly like starving gypsies
A pattern of clouds in a flame of gold
rising from within him like a great titan of steam.
Gazing at the chasm of his heart, I transcended time
We held hands and fell through sheets of sand
opalescent tantric lands.
City of stars perched on the night
a shimmering crow of obsidian diamonds,
Our lips met, hushed and pure,
mathematical connection, infinite affection,
in a ring of burning flowers and sacred projection.
Whispering in heartbeats
our fathomless reflection.
Victoria Jun 2013
On a tall stone bridge below the falls
I saw a Druid watch the sky.
The wind teased the branches of the great tall oaks
their leaves clattering sound
like the skirt of a desert dancer.
How still the Druid seemed! Unmoving 'midst the breeze.
I asked him what he sought among the hills at twilight.
Not a word he said, but motioned with his gnarled staff
To thick grey clouds above the highest peak.
Victoria Oct 2015
Of my poems new,
I should not consent view.

For the words I have scribed
are all written for you.
Victoria Apr 2014
Oh, how he wished
to be the wind
so when she bore her flesh
he might caress her with his breath!

Or a bee
seeking nectar
to land upon her
floral skin
to become drunken
ne'er to spill a drop.

Limbs become limp,
she could stay
within his arms
Oh! she, living starlight!
Victoria Jun 2022
Completely conscious, breathing. and at the same time suspended in some state known not to man.
Being that the earth is confined to solids, gases, and liquids, I understand it to be of another world. humorous.
The naked eye has been deceived.
Victoria May 2014
Now they have found

In the north-lands above.

The dancing lights.

The pull of the mountains,

Oh, dawn of gold.

They shine in the light of their love.
Victoria Nov 2019
No more
are my little shackles
tethered to his nerves.
But maybe sometimes
he misses
the prison of my gaze.
Victoria Aug 2023
a rotting gold,
she is darkened with the wine of his eyes.
body heavy with the draping of night
pinned to cork,
feeding her fire,
laughter in the womb.
Victoria Dec 2011
Low hangs the helmet of Erebus
Pillars of time and space.
floating in blackness
Burning star is melting *** for dreaming.
He can hear the wishes of the mortals
Greedy, lustful urchins.
Something moves past naked eye
swarm of fire cuts through the empty.

All goes still.
They are not alone.

Something is howling in this soundless void.
Something is crawling through the cosmos.
He is frozen with fear.

The screams move closer, as he see's a visage.
The face of God? Or the face of Death?
It swallows him whole.

Back to the womb from whence you came.
The first spark of light as you reach back towards life.

— The End —