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Otherly One Jun 2015
L ove me
I pray
A gain
R eally??
I want to apologize right now to everyone, because I was one of those girls who loved a guy who treated her like a WELCOME mat
  Jun 2015 Otherly One
no need
She loves being alone, she really does.
Does one truly enjoy solitude?
A word accompanied by such a dreadful, negative connotation?
She always claimed to be a loner by choice,
but was she really?
Did she really have a choice?
Or was it simply a mutual understanding,
that she was not wanted or cared for?
Alienation is simply a form of self-defence.
She shut her doors to save herself.
She loves being alone, she really does.
Otherly One Jun 2015
this girl
was a quiet one

bashful reticent
with very loud thoughts

she could feel all the colors
from an HSP to all the other Highly Sensitive People (no, it's not a disorder)
Otherly One Apr 2015
And I'm listening to Cat Stevens
yes, I want to live on a commune
yes, I wish I had someone to talk to
yes, I'm in an awful way

(All I do, lately, is steal the words of my heroes. Please forgive the dull torpor etc etc etc)
I swear that poetry...such as it is...only exists because of pain. Does anyone else agree?
Otherly One Apr 2015
if only you could know
how, deep down inside me
I know I'll never let you go
and yet... how can that even be?
when we f_cked it all up
again and again and again?
and it's so odd how now, I simply GET what it's all about
all these poems (yes, yours too) songs books movies since we came down from the trees
I KNOW why we're here now-to help each other after we hurt ourselves on ourselves

you were there the whole time with all your games
me I was here with all my childlike ignorance

and yet we haven't talked in months
but I cry for what we might have been
yearn for you
live to touch you
(and yes we all think I'm crazy... it wasn't just you)
does it every end?

somebody please say yes

for the only man I ever truly loved: thank you for breaking me wide open
Otherly One Apr 2015
We all come here,  and why, may I ask?

Seems to be 90% misery
                        5% humor
                        5% hope

or something like that
Percentages, bah!!  So I guess I come to learn

100% love
  90% pain
100% life

love and loss and stuff

It's all WORDS and not very many numbers thank goodness but
I'm a coward again
because I still believe in them and try to write them and well...I worship them. The words, I mean. And memories. And beliefs and opinions and truths. See, these aren't even sentences.

He doesn't believe in me and he is lost to me now, and I think I know what he thinks of me and he is 90% wrong and since I can't say hello and I can't say goodbye, we just fade away

Are we cowards? Yes, I think so

I always did **** at math anyway
Happy Birthday my love
Otherly One Mar 2015
Well, Hello there, Hello Poetry


Perhaps a place such as this
Where lost souls come to share
Will help me feel some comfort, sweetness, some bliss
Instead of the constant confusion, dislike, and scare

or No

Perhaps another anonymous group of dots on another screen
With people signifying, expressing, bemoaning, loving, longing
Will help me see once and for all
That this really is just no place for me, for belonging


Alone is where I almost always am, by choice
Within me, I know things that almost no one else wants to know
Just like you do, except that you have found your voice
(And for the record, almost is one of the worst words I ever heard, and it shows)

There are 10,000 poems in me. But there is nothing new under the sun and I can just visit here and see my own pain written by strangers and it helps me feel less alone and I thank you
I don't need to be saved except from my thoughts.  Hard work is hard work and while I live here (if one can call this living) too weak to do much but survive I will read about those with the courage to pour out your souls

— The End —