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Oct 2014 · 327
the game
oscar insight Oct 2014
I figure i have become a softer person
No shame in that
Better off than business man,a fat cat,
But what i see they all see ,
What i know has been known,
What is real has been real,
dont get mad at me,
I see the game being played called spirituality
Eyes of the mind
Oct 2014 · 407
oscar insight Oct 2014
She eased a kiss on to my soul
Rested in my hand , the world i foretold
I'm young , old soul,
What is next i already know,
See the future i not see,
Only possibilities of what can be

So when im young tuned in old,
Just behold of the rose i have to hold ,
Or the colors of that mirrored soul ,
A window gate , that if  risen at 8
One will behold the pale white horse
Change is needed
Oct 2014 · 344
a man
oscar insight Oct 2014
I am now in process
Process of extortion
Rolling in a pool of death
Clean and clear,  all through contortion

Lost is all but all has risen
New moralities and old forbiddens
But lost is most to all humanity
Is that the reason why ur mad at me?

Plagued by this insanity
I've risen to a newer, gravity
But at what cost!!!??
A death inside a game??? Far less
Writer is mentally ill... dies in a suicide fire

— The End —