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Orybix Oct 2014
A snowflake’s aura illuminates the room
A ring of blue in the dark
Bioluminescent particles
Like little living sparks
A bellowing voice in the void
Sings the sweetest melody
The walls move away
Bring my love into this world
My limbs unhinge themselves and set me free
My body cracks open
Light comes pouring out
I can feel the winter air within me
Mixing with my insides
I throw my head to the sky
And smile
My heart is beating too fast
Why am I afraid?
The sunlights come in to greet me
They take me in their arms
I float nearer to you
A head, floating among the snowcapped peaks
Surrounded by aura of light
You turn and smile
405 · Oct 2014
Orybix Oct 2014
Blue people dancing gracefully
The curtains turn into wind, swirling, golden breeze
The castle grows taller, Orange leaves
It heaves and rattles, begins to breathe
I see her eyes, glowing, glistening
A blue so radiant, like early dusk sky
Back and forth we dance and twirl
The castle heaves and weaves and floats into the sky
Slowly but surely, higher than high
The fiddle the fiddle, it's sweet nectar come
We feed from it, ever longer
We see the gods now, greeting us with open arms as the golden gables reach the clouds
And the fiddle grows ever louder and louder
We dance faster now
Orybix Nov 2014
The chord fades in and out
Washing over my body
Vibrating my soul
The icicles chime
Illuminating my breath, so cold
Time is lost within this breath
This endless exhale
Forth from which the universe was born
In a furious display of orange-yellow nebula
Pink and blue gas, bringing worlds into being
Stars presiding over the ceremony
Like ancient birds on celestial perches
Silent seers, trading light
On streams of stellar wind
Where is my body?
Blue ring of light above me
It seems to follow me everywhere
Into the lush expanse I drift
Ever farther
370 · Oct 2014
Orybix Oct 2014
A part of me, like alchemy
Power never to be understood, divine energy
Dust of the stars? The sigh of a Galaxy?
Parabolic, static, the rising and falling
Communication, levitation, response and calling
Passionate, ******, always dreaming
Struggling, tired, but never sleeping
Starving, cooking but never eating
Sharing the best of our lives with those who bothered to find seating
Waiting, dancing, singing tapping
Kicking, screaming, fighting, clapping
Sweating, crying, trying and failing
Losing one's self for 3 minutes of flying
347 · Oct 2014
Lady Of The Water
Orybix Oct 2014
Woman of the water
She sits underneath the waves
As they greet the shore excitedly
She calmly waits, she waits

I see her every day, sitting in her chair
The setting sun nestling in her hair
And without moving she beckons me to stay there
And without a word, we speak

And with her now I sleep
In the waters, ever deep
The rising and falling of her chest
Relaxing me as we rest
Her head nestled calmly on my breast
And without a word we observe tranquility
334 · Oct 2014
This Place (Static)
Orybix Oct 2014
The static is visible, it dances violently
Phosphorescent vibrations scribble suspended in time and space
Electric like a mid day sky and yet the sight of it makes me uneasy
It follows me as I walk in the dark so I can see my way

The rain in this place falls backward
The silvery pools seem to evaporate before my eyes
But it feels good to know the clouds are waiting up in the sky
So light and airy, arms open wide

The streets are empty and I can’t see too far
The static keeps me company as I walk
I’ve always felt like I was sinking
But now I want to become the rain

I ask too many questions I think
I want to understand
If I were meant to be here things wouldn’t be so bland

And the thunder rolls across the hills
Thwacks the buildings on their backs
The bare streets come alive with silver pools

My mind is like a spool of yarn coming undone in crimson yarn
Stained with the wrong color, who put it there?
329 · Dec 2014
Orybix Dec 2014
Your breath is so small
So icy on my skin
It makes me rise and fall
Like a gentle tide
Moon glow casting shadows from your arms
Hugging the heavens
The stars watch with loving smiles
Beaming lights in all directions and shapes
You cradle me and shut my eyes
So I can see with my heart
You smell of dirt and life
Of salt laden mist
Of floral fragrance
Of pine sap and meadow breeze
You make my hands soft and sticky
You reach up to me with great boulders
Like lost fingers poking through the sand
“Where are my children?” you cry
We’ll be back soon
328 · Oct 2014
Orybix Oct 2014
She is dark in appearance. Her clothes torn and tattered. She holds her heart in her hand, clutching it close to her person.
But she is very much alive
She searches and wanders. She cannot sit still. She is curious, adventurous and passionate.
Yet, she is tired
Time and time again she’s spread her wings, preserved by who knows what. Radiant and white. They seem to glow in the dark woods where she resides.
One day the wind will take her
Her legs are green with mossy growth. Her skin has turned to bark. Every year she grows taller and every year she goes stronger.
Her passion will consume her grief.
I must confess I have taken a liking to her. I feel as though we can relate for I too grow life from my body. I too cultivate passion in my heart. I too house a cyclone of imagination in my mind.
And yet, as my body grows, my wings don’t.
But the wind will take her soon.
Someday, the wind will come for her it’s true. And on that day I will find a way to fly away too.
Wherever this beautiful creature lands
Whether it be in the snowy mountains or Bermuda sands
Islands formed new with fiery brand
I will be there to take her hand
And maybe her passion can awaken mine
318 · Oct 2014
This Is My Love
Orybix Oct 2014
A beauteous happening. A chance moment. A spark born from dark feelings echoing within the soul. Needless yet perceptive. Meandering through a habitat not of its own design. An idea is born. A massive wave of energy transported through space, interrupting the gatherings of ancient galactic breath and the birth of stars exploding with energy. I offer only this love. It knows no boundaries, for boundaries are created by humans. It creeps with glacial aura, seemingly frozen where it is sprawled against the lush blackness that is the night sky. Cold. Comforting. It explodes and erupts with passionate fury raining down from a heavenly origin. This is my love. It removes you from your soul and cleanses your body, before gently placing you back. It causes complete bafflement. Its torrential force can frighten you to tears. Its inner workings cause you to throw your arms up in defeat. Don’t think of it. Do not perceive it or try to encase it in your understanding as this is against the nature of my love. Feel it. Let it take back to its home and show you its world. Its place of origin. It comes from a place that I cannot yet touch. A place where colors streak endlessly and without purpose. A place where universes are born and simultaneously eradicated without a trace, and without a sound. A place where nothing requires anything. It is random. It is gorgeous. Endless. Sausage.
Don't ask.
306 · Oct 2014
Sit By Me
Orybix Oct 2014
The setting sun sends it’s colors, cascading down the hillside
Falling but carelessly, running across the landscape
Lower now, it sinks into the ***** of mother Earth
The moon slowly awakens from her slumber
She takes her place high in the sky and with a sigh, illuminates the trees
The wind speaks to her as I whisper in your ear
Sit close to me and never fear
Even as the head of hard times begins to rear
Rest your head so heavy with thought in my breast
Listen to the blood, ever passionate as it flows through my chest
Worry not, relax, and dream
Things are never as bad as they seem
Let the stars now be our light
Sit by me and fear not the coming of night
I **** at titles. I hate them.
305 · Oct 2014
Orybix Oct 2014
The weight of the sun settles on its rays as it nests
Displacing bands of color from where it begins to rest
The red and orange robust, alive with wanderlust
Purple and pink reserved, yet present in the mix
Yet they all take the time to embrace the ocean for a kiss
I feel it within dancing out of control
Fluttering breeze within my restless soul
Great things are to come. I feel them in my bones

And so the waves to me, the lady in white
As I lay in my home, my heart’s respite
And bathe in peace as I watch her rise
And take the place of the sun in the skies
273 · Oct 2014
Orybix Oct 2014
The sound of your voice is the sweetest sound any being has ever uttered
In it I hear the passion of a lover
The tenderness of a mother
The endless beauty of a human like no other

Between each word is a cosmic chord
Icicles chiming in stellar wind
The most beautiful melody that made Gods cry
And goddesses nostalgic for their own lovers sigh

Tales of sailors lost out at sea
Finding their way back with the stars in the heavens
Lost in the songs of mermaids humming in bliss
That’s what your voice sounds like to me

The breath of the ocean ever present
The glow of the moonlight phosphorescent
The trees swaying in a mid-summer breeze
The northern lights presiding over a deep freeze

— The End —