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Apr 2014 · 475
The Birth
onetwothree Apr 2014
Love flew in
At half-mast

Today it is
My heart
At its mercy

Tomorrow love
Calls me cooing
And it is as if
I never existed
Before this.
Mar 2014 · 566
Love Story
onetwothree Mar 2014
Trace my limbs into yours
Cast your shadow ablaze
This love is fire—it’s burning us down
Through the years
Through the months
Through the days.
Feb 2014 · 607
Rag Doll
onetwothree Feb 2014
I’m a rag doll for you
I walk
In sweet little steps
Enigmatic, pink-cheeked
I never hiss.

My lips are gouged
My hair is charred
My eyes are black dots
Dripping off into the distance

I am saccharine.
Little globules of glucose
With bleeding red hearts in them.

I see you with
my black button eyes
And I think to myself,
What a man!

You with your crisp black hair
Molten, congealed, the aftermath.
Who are you?
What do you want with me?
Will you be a kind puppeteer?
A gentle master
Adorned in red and gold?
Or will I fight my way through to you?
Ripping and tearing and gnashing
Breaking your bones,
Tearing your limbs like lollipops.

Will you **** me
In the cool black night?
Will you bend me over
And clutch my throat?
Will you leave scratches?
Will you *** when you hear me scream?

Who will we be together?
Where will we go?
Will we fade into each other
Like dusk? Black melting into
thick paste blue.

Will we meet again?
Will you lie to me?
Will you love me?
Can I forgive you?

Puppeteer, how will this end?
How dark will it go?
How light will we be?

What if I love you
Some day?
Will you cut my strings?
Take off my posy-pink dress
And untie my ringlets.

Will you love me?
Will we ever know each other
In a way beyond these strings?

For I, I am a lively doll inside
I cackle and squeal.
I lick my lips like a night-time girl.

I am different than you think,
I swear I am.
Dec 2013 · 437
The Antidote
onetwothree Dec 2013
I am the poison
And you are the antidote
We lay together
With two big X’s
Across our chest.

I hold your hand
And you hold mine
And we sit in silence
Listening to each other

Pressing on, I gasp,
I thrash, the taste taking effect
I’m gulping, I’m drowning
Why won’t you help me?
Don’t you hear me?

Only you are gone
And I am here
With a tidy X
Across my chest.

You were supposed to
Climb deep inside me
And rip my black heart out
And hold it in your hands
So tenderly.
That the ash
Began to heal itself.
And what once was dead
Would come to life.

I sobbed so hard
I could barely breath
Because you were
The only one.
You could have
saved me.
Dec 2013 · 563
Bell-Shaped Heart
onetwothree Dec 2013
In my bell-shaped heart
There is a question mark
I don’t know what it’s trying to tell me
But I know I am not listening.

In that heart,
There are scratches across steel
Glass shattered from mirrors
Something mewling

Who will lose
Their sanity in this place?
Not I, says one
Not I, says another
Too late, I respond
Maniacal laughter
Streaming down my cheeks
A thousand voices
Each of them mine.
Dec 2013 · 615
Dissolving Love
onetwothree Dec 2013
I stand beneath a cosmic sky
Looking out in a deep blue future with you
I wait, with baited breath, for the splendor
To melt away, to dissolve like sugar:
Crystals going from starry white to
(****!) utterly invisible

I grandly proclaim that I love your soul
That you were meant for me!
But how do I claim to know?
Me, who was never lucky in love,
How could I claim to know such a thing?

Yet, I do know this: that your soul and mine
Were connected in some other time,
In some other world, a place or a cosmos before
I hope we will be connected after,
When things change and time melts away
And the blackness engulfs us both

I hope to always be with you.
Even if it’s just your particles and my particles
Stirring in the dense, dark skies beside each other.
Even if we both turn to piles of dirt right on top
Of one another. I hope that our love creates something
Thick and heavy that cannot simply dissolve.
Oct 2013 · 914
A Home In My Heart
onetwothree Oct 2013
I’ve built a home in my heart named Us.
Inside those walls stand you and me
Squeezing each other’s hand three times steady
Our own secret I love you
The walls are vast and sturdy
They’ve taken us years to build
One room opens to a next and a next
An intricate maze that we’ve built together
With twists and turns that can only be
Maneuvered together as two with
Your mind and mine as an interlocking key
There is a hot stove and a warm bed
A fireplace burning inside both our souls
There are kids like wildflowers
Growing all around us
Two chairs facing inward
Love written on every surface
In every room bits of us shine forth
Computers in the study with that
Beautiful chaos of video games blaring
Bookshelves in the living room teeming
With my psychology mind
There is music buzzing through the air
An electric piano and a ukulele
Your singing a soundtrack to our
Mornings and nights
Our own little studio
Colors in acrylic on paper
Murals on the wall
Red like our hearts
Our blood pumping swiftly in unison
Green like the garden of love
Our children will grow in
Yellow like your smile
A brilliant sun that warms me
That has me looking up up up.
Oct 2013 · 436
My Lover, The Void
onetwothree Oct 2013
My lover never spied on me
Because my lover never cared
My lover never loved me fully
But my lover was always there

He filled some hole inside me
But only part the way
My lover was an excellent distraction
To keep my real fears at bay

My lover is a kind soul,
A man with good for miles
My lover never knew me though
He only saw the smiles

My lover lives without me
And for that my heart is low
I didn’t really want him to stay
But I didn’t want him to go

So from this fact I see one thing
A thing I’d rather not be
I was simply a void to him
And he a void to me.
Oct 2013 · 579
onetwothree Oct 2013
I am zip-lined in fragments

I bite
And my

Like fire crackers
Whacking and zipping
In that dense blue sky

Heavy with my thoughts,
Your feelings,
Heavy with the world’s conscience
But projecting out that
Blue light
Like some kind of

Inside it
I drive a nail into my heart
My brains all over the place.

Soul shattering in shards across
The quiet grass.

I make noise
I’ve made noise
We’ve all made
Too much
******* noise.
Oct 2013 · 1.7k
My Ugly Heart
onetwothree Oct 2013
My heart is wrapped up in gummy wires,
Splayed on the ground like an ugly wound
It is frantic scream, a doe bleeding out
It’s not soft and it’s not easy and it doesn’t
Open up like flowers to the sun
It is dark castle, with secrets planted in
Walls and a torture chamber that calls out
“I promise I’ll hurt you so good”

my heart is not petite and pink-lipped,
it is not coy and delicate, wrapped up
in a beautiful box with a bow on top
my heart has scars
my heart is ragged and filthy
my heart is tired
my heart lies to me

my heart is not easy and refreshing
like a fairytale daydream
my heart is ******
and any poetry in her
is the ugly kind that spawns
like grass through the cracks
of the concrete.

My heart has a warning sign
“do not enter.”
It has a trap door you may fall through
It has electric wires sitting near bathtubs:
My heart will shock you.

But as ugly as she is
She keeps on pumping
Red blood like ******
Shoot up with love
And she’ll lay down her armor
And her scars will kiss yours
And turn them from black
To red to a fertile, nubile green
Oct 2013 · 506
What If
onetwothree Oct 2013
What if our sin is salty
Our chaos is crushed velvet
Our love is clattering spoons

What if everything is different
Then we think it is?
What if everything is just a strange
Sensation and a sound unto itself
And a feeling we can never quite capture

What if our lies turn into sandpaper
And our questions curl into smoke rings
And every word I’ve ever said to you
Was only our own form of gibberish

What if death is just a poem
And a kiss is something blooming
And my heart is a big balloon
Gaping up up up into the sky

What if I can taste you heart
And smell your love and
Weep into your crevices
To give birth to a whole new
Species of beings

What if everything we know
Is wrong and life is an absurd
Illusion and one sensation
Simply begets the next
And the next
And the next
Until every experience is a metaphor
Every feeling a simile
Every life an allegory
For something else entirely
Oct 2013 · 480
It's Yours
onetwothree Oct 2013
Is me handing '
You my heart,
Pumping to a song
I can’t quite name
It’s yours.
It’s yours
It’s yours.

You can
Break it
Smash it
Save it
Lose it
Study it
Change it
Miss it
Hold it
Drop it
And I won’t
Do a thing
About it.

Because whatever you
Do to it is what’s meant
To be done anyway.
Like fate, only much darker
And stranger and wordless.

Love is
You looking back at me,
My ****** heart pumping
Wildly in your hands,
And placing it on our bed
Next to yours, which was
Waiting there for mine all along.
Oct 2013 · 1.6k
onetwothree Oct 2013
The subjectivity in the world still scares her
Like a little girl, dwindling in her room,
The vastness outside her drowning out
That meek little voice of hers.

It’s too loud; it’s too much
Her heart cannot swallow all the
World’s anguish
So instead she thrusts forth,
Razorblades at her wrists,
A cosmic determination lining
Her lips.

No, no, today is not the end
It is neither the beginning nor
The start. It is a quixotic trance
And she’s left out there in the cold.

Dank, deep, a sadness that consumes
And in the willows outside her window
All she sees are the bluebirds nesting
They are warm
They are whole
They carry on
Oct 2013 · 634
White Light
onetwothree Oct 2013
Unsure of who to be, I became no one
I glittered bright as a white light
So bright I collapsed into the sky
And became a most amenable ghost.

As a ghost I travelled the world,
Watching its denizens in the privacy
Of my own thoughts.

The torture, the rapture, the pain
And the mercy. Lives were so complicated.

I became at once jealous
Of all the life these creatures lived
And also relieved, god so relieved
I would not have to toil and moan
And suffer through so many emotions.

It seemed, a gift almost,
To live entirely as a bright white light.
I was never tense, I was never lost
Everything made such clear sense to me.

I watched the creatures clawing,
Laughing, breathing hot breath on
One another, falling in loving,
Succumbing to horrible disease.
Their love and their loss and their
Whole twisted up, curled around lives
Were there for me to see.

I felt such compassion for
These wild creatures.
I felt their sorrow,
Smelled their tears,
Watched as they ambled
Across life’s rough field.

If only… if only there was
Something I could do
To help them.
To ease their suffering.
To silence their mind.

In a way, I loved those
Creatures as if they
Were my own.

All I could think of
Was to shine brightly
So bright and jubilant
That for a moment
They would stare up into me
Gazing at how pure the
White light is
And fall into me
Just as once
I fell
Oct 2013 · 1.3k
The Fall
onetwothree Oct 2013
The machete of death is
Coming closer closer closer
Blood and bones and
My eyes are strained
From too much existential contemplation.

Not good for the soul
To consistently ideate
About it’s utter and absolute distinction;
Throwing your living body, your living soul,
Swiftly and without warning into
A raging flame that cobbles you up
Hungry to dissolve you, disjoint you,
Consume you into her wild flames.

Blood red and yellow as the surface of the sun
All breaking down into
The black gravely ash.

Where something cognizant
And living and organic and dynamic
Has fallen from grace like Satan falling
From his place in heaven
Arch-angel transformed into the anti-christ

And at times, I relate
I feel myself falling falling falling
Like Lucifer
And Alice
And Persephone.

We are falling and we cannot stop.

From our homes, the only ones we’ve ever known
Tumbling manically into a new world
Whose rules we were never told
Whose customs are foreign
Whose reality fills us with this
Dread of confusion.

Once we were home.
In heaven
Reading a book in the dabble sun
Spreading spring and life with
Our mother Demeter
And in a moment
It all changed

Without warning
Without any choice in the matter
So we watched outside ourselves
As our bodies flailed through the air
Our lungs bursting with screams
Our bodies lost to our own control,
Now just flesh being dropped
From Olymus to an upside world.

And yet…
We grew to love it
The devil, Alice, Persephone and I.

We learned to love our forced new world
And decided there was something majestic
About climbing through time and space
Traversing reality
Entering into a new world that flittered---
Terrifying at first, like the slit from a knife,
But then glowing, glinting with flame
And pomegranate and tea parties.
And as lost as we were
We began to find our way.

We sat down with the mad hatter,
We stopped ourselves form being swallowed
By our own gushing, oceanic tears.
We grew large and small.

We came to reign a dark, black world
That somehow become our own
So sinister, gaping with evil, think
With the sinners. But still, in my own way,
Perhaps the heavenly remnants inside me
Loved them. Watched them float here from
Their corpses like dancing skeletons on display
And I welcomed them into my dungeon
Of fire and flame and blackness and death.
I punished them. And yet, I loved them.
Punishing them like my children,
Wreaking the havoc they had caused.
They were sinners and they were mine
And no longer was I ugly and tarred and shamed,
A monstrosity. Suddenly, I was my own god.
And my sinners, so broken, hearts filled with black bile
Spewing out angry and hatred and violence.
But they were mine and all the fear
I used to hold that I was a sinner,
Not good enough to be good,
Dissipated. I was here in the bleakest part of
The universe, a black hold that gaped on for hours
With spikes and flames and wading pools of human blood.
I was a monster among monsters. They were my monstrous
Children, soulless, void of humanity,
And yet inside of my some fleeting thing existed
An undestroyed part of my early life:
For I loved them. I love their sins and I drank them
In like blood and wine. We are all sinners, but the sinners
Who have made their way here…their sins are so catastrophic
I believe they may in fact be divine.
Oct 2013 · 811
A Toxic Affair
onetwothree Oct 2013
Why do I dream of violence like this?
Hoping to crucify a priest and watch
His insides spill out.

Blood is everywhere and it’s sickening.
I daydream of genocide and fall asleep
To the image of a spleen and a liver
and someone screaming.

You ask me who I am and I tell you
I’m a dream…no wait, I’m asleep.
I’m asleep and dreaming and this
Day is just a fantasy and how are
We talking my lips aren’t
Meant to move for real.

Where did you come from?
How did you hear me?

The sound of little babies
Coos me to sleep
And I want to be mommy
But I’m so scared.

I press into your lips
The number of
My last day on earth
And in the executioner’s chair
Just promise that you’ll wave.

And inside your seams
I will grow and crawl
And stitch you up.

I will break your heart and
Make you think it’s all your fault.

I’ll laugh
While you cry
And I’ll tell you
Any lie I need to.

So cushion me,
Press my bones into a dancing
Skeleton and I’ll rid you from my mind
Like a ******* disease.

Untie my hands and I’ll rip
Into the daylight and pronounce
You saved
Only to watch
You breathe in pure death

Toxic and torrid,
The affair was never meant to be
But you settled for me
And I settled for sin
So who said settling was bad?

I can’t believe the front of your brain
Is tied to the inside of my heart.

I want to draw something as
Ugly as what’s inside my head.
But I don’t think I’m able
I’ll have to tell you instead…

So as nightmares infest
My baby-like dreams
I wait in a sweat
For something to change

Ravage, rampant with blood
I’m here in the morning
And that’s all that matters,
Isn’t it?

— The End —