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One4u2nv Feb 2013
Keep slinging mud. Maybe you will slip in it and need help back up
One4u2nv Feb 2013
**** it up and soak it in, coming to terms with fate and facing the reality that I won’t ever be asked to join in.

Never to be the object of desired affection that lies stagnant deep within.

A light beneath the endless sea, resonates a powerful memory of love lost and innocence set free.

That girl reminds me of somebody. She rolls off of my tongue like the sweetest candy but still she is just a mirrored me.
One4u2nv Jan 2013
So far today I'm a giant, a tyrant, a clinical mess-
My label states I'm a manic, a miserable being topped with a dollop of depressed.
Those are my titles today, given to me by a man who just won't stay away.
If I am really all of those things , why do you suppose that man insists on hitch hiking on my manic wings?
Why wouldn't he get off at the next stop, as opposed to whispering in my ear those afflicting thoughts?
So far today I am a giant, a tyrant, and maybe even a clinical mess. But I will tell you what I am NOT, and that's a self righteous, name calling, demeaning pest.
One4u2nv Dec 2012
Mercy is when the universe doesn't kick my *** for kicking it's *** first
One4u2nv Dec 2012
How do you feel about this and that?

A cockroach stealing your children's dreams of a bright and peaceful future?

Watching a mongoloid getting backhanded by a ******* with a heart of gold?

The unknowable can't be evacuated by an atomic bomb.

Knowledge cannot be enthralled by microbiology.

Peace CAN & WILL shatter into fragments by the use of clinical drugs.

Fun finds the cure for cancer in a twisted upbringing that you and your siblings will never be blessed to experience.

Trust can trigger an avalanche of facts, AND satanism should generally avoid including sexuality.

Mary Magdalene turns boring things into ****** tension like peace inspires fundamentally skewered acts of protests.

Our world leaders briefly researching painful mutilations in an ancient garden in Greece, while suggestively grabbing handfuls of lost gifts in a church made from human bones.

How are you feeling about this mess of words I've sewn together?  

Televised revolutions are deeply advertising etched foreskins of death like Disney World sells us dates with Mickey Mouse and his muse Minnie as Donald poses as Adolf ******.   

Watch your friends fade and die as they disobediently blow away blue swamps at your feet, never even bothering you with a decent goodbye.  

There's a supply and demand on our radios briefly warning us of fearful flesh in the background of a dark ash filled sky, gently driving away from mysteries spied through a peephole.

I would have cried briefly, if worshiping premonitions in the shadows was good human behavior...But it's not..

Your sisters are daintily self-destructing emergency shelters dancing w/ both hands in your pockets while vomiting their lunches into fine porcelain. Aren't we lucky?

I am happily reusing substances
and creating electrifying populations with clay and words. A seamstress of sorts I suppose.  But I'm no artist.

Pentecostalism might be able to rid the world of a nightmare and your wildest dream might have been known to lead to a disorder that hasn't yet been but already has five matter of fact cures.

The Bible courses through the veins of vengeance like physics can be used to detect our long-term relationship with Santa Christ. Satan and I think this is exciting!

Complex religious designs can be combined with gracelessness in the name of American eye-candy.  We can be uncomfortable if it's entangled with destiny. Of this I am certain.
One4u2nv Dec 2012
I had a vision once but I lost it twice on a dusty road heading nowhere real fast.
I saw something shiny on that dust filled road, so I bent down and picked it up, instantly cut myself on a piece of jagged trash.
  I cried as I stuck the palm of my hand to my mouth to lick the small bleeding spot. I should learn to quit picking up trash, and shiny things jagged or not.
One4u2nv Dec 2012
Never comfortable never content-
Always never rational and overly spent-

Living in constant still like motion-
Polluted and damaged I am the ocean-

Karma is more or less a ****** fable, it doesn't really exist-
Just another lie, fairy tale, ******* myth-

Bad things happen to most everyone-
The good, bad, and the ugly, there's absolutely nowhere to run-

Fight the good fight or give up your spot in the world-
No thank you, I'll pass on that offer, give it to some other **** ******* parasitic boy or girl-

All around the mulberry bush the tyrants hack and steal-
Thanks to the ******* that invented a barter, trade, and currency system, now the world starves killing for that next meal-

So here we are forced in to a hostile show, might as well sit back and watch our red light district flourish below -
With my head hung low, lack of glow, my wings fade and I become nothing more than a once was shadow
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