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Dec 2012 · 772
Olivia Tierk Dec 2012
sometimes you make me feel like...
like I can make you happy
and me happy
that maybe we,
we, could be happy
and sometimes
sometimes you make me feel warm
when you hold me tight
and bury your face in my back
when you pull me back to bed
of letting me get up early
and sometimes
I miss you
and I think of your laugh
and the way you get little crinkles
of firework lines next to your eyes
and your smile,
your chipped tooth,
and the parentheses on either side of your mouth
and I think
of how you’d tease me
what mean or silly little things you would say
and I smile
when I think of you smiling,
and my heart leaps,
jumps right out of my rib cage
and I never can seem to find it
and I think of you looking at me
watching me
while you read, while I study
while we sit together
on your bed, with your funny green sheet and our ***** bare feet
like we were meant to be there
like it’s where we’ve belonged
all along
and we just hadn’t found each other yet.
Mar 2011 · 840
Where I'm from
Olivia Tierk Mar 2011
I’m from sunshine and bird call mornings
cat stretching on flannel sheets
tasting  the sun with my skin
welcoming the dewy grass
and the wet bricks
and the fresh air
I’m from cloudy skies and redwood trees
alarm clock wake up calls
frozen morning breath
sunshine on squiggles
and beach views
and forest adventures
I’m from wanderlust and airplanes
opening my eyes to a new place everyday
from the unknown to the awesome
taking in all that I can
I’m from rain forests
waking up to sticky-sweet-hot air and mosquito netting
enjoying the symphony of birds and bugs
and the lights of the fireflies at night
welcoming the abundance of colors
and the wondrous creatures
and the tall tall trees
I’m from fast cities
waking up to car horns and street hawkers
starting the day with street sounds and street smells
coexisting with the rest of the beating heart that is a big city
navigating the veins of streets
with their loads of cars
living in tiny rooms
and big buildings
I’m from deserts
motionless morning air and sunburns and tans
with their glorious sand dunes
and their hot sunny days
their honeycomb color
and their unbelievable sunsets
I am from here
I am from this world
from this glorious green and blue orb
I wake up everyday
to any number of things
not knowing what I will find
and always ready for that adventure
Feb 2011 · 664
Clouds of Clarity
Olivia Tierk Feb 2011
I’m not so innocent
and I’m not so blind
so why is this clarity
fogging my mind?
I’m not so happy
and I’m not so sure
I don’t know whats wrong
or whats right, as it were
my thoughts are all jumbled
but in a straight line
I’m chaos,
I’m crazy,
no, really I’m fine
it’s going all fuzzy,
the image is clear
am I or aren’t I really just here?
my head’s in the future
my thought’s in the clouds
my heart is inside me
myself in the crowds
I’m really not sure
I really don’t know
I guess all I can do
is subside to the flow
Dec 2010 · 648
Days Long Passed
Olivia Tierk Dec 2010
imagination running wild
in my mind, i’m still a child
cardboard hearts
and clouds on strings
stars dangle from the ceilings
my heart cannot contain these feelings
adventure filling up those nights
looking back all full of lights
I long for time that is now gone
in those years that I am missing
memories of days long passed
I wish to have them back at last
Nov 2010 · 1.7k
Olivia Tierk Nov 2010
unknown to me
are mine own thoughts
this mind I have
filled with blank spots
the gaps are growing
they fill my unknowing
further am I into perplexity
if only I could understand this complexity
here am I sitting in the unknown
here am I all, all alone.
Nov 2010 · 587
Black Bird
Olivia Tierk Nov 2010
I reach out in the vastness
but meet with no sound
I wonder and wonder
but no answer is found
plunged into confusion
each new thought an intrusion
I fumble through these empty spaces
and wander through such shapeless places
In the void I hear not a word
and I try to take flight
a great wing'ed black bird
Nov 2010 · 482
And the Night Comes
Olivia Tierk Nov 2010
The white walls grey with lack of light
The darkness fills the blackened night
The shadowy stars dance through the halls
The shimmering lights glow up the walls
The clouds are dancing off to sleep
All the children lay counting sheep
The monsters crawl back under beds
While sleeping people rest their heads
The sun is hiding in the night
And the moon comes to show off its light
Wonderful dreams creep into slumbering heads
As all of the people lay asleep in their beds
Nov 2010 · 521
drifting off
Olivia Tierk Nov 2010
deprived of sleep
my thoughts they creep
to lands of far away
my eyelids slip
I lose my grip
and fall back in to dreaming
and in my sleep I am awake
a little noise this world will break
and everything is as it should be
the ones I love are near
and I can banish all my fear
in slumbering I am most serene
and so I slip back to my dream
Nov 2010 · 543
Olivia Tierk Nov 2010
Everyones left
Everythings gone
And now only I
Am left to remain on
Everythings quiet
Everythings still
All that is left
Is me and my will
Everythings frozen
Everythings stuck
Its me all alone
This is my luck
I am motionless
In this still air
Here am i all alone
Upon me the universe does press
I feel the weight
The wait
All alone
Here am I
On my own.
Oct 2010 · 523
Seek Me Out
Olivia Tierk Oct 2010
Seek me in touch
Feel for me
Reach out to me
Trust me
Let your hand meet with my hand
Let your skin meet with my skin
I am right there
Right here
I am tangible
Here I am
Waiting for you
Waiting for only you
What are you waiting for?
Oct 2010 · 521
First Love
Olivia Tierk Oct 2010
I will always love him
It kills me
It chills me
to the bone
should have known
should have known
He will always be my first love
My best love
My worst love
the one who makes me mad
the one that doesn't love me
the one that doesn't call
the one that, sadly, I love always
The one that I love most of all.
Oct 2010 · 540
unhappily bound
Olivia Tierk Oct 2010
Words fall on my hearing ears
Yet I am deaf to their sound
Letters jump at me from the page
Yet their meanings are still paper bound
I feel the blankness settling down
I feel the emptiness all around
The hollow spaces filled with void
The lines are blurred, and all destroyed
I hear the silence screaming out
My voice wants to, but I cannot shout
The nothingness is a chaotic riot
I want to yell and crack the quiet
I wish for silence
I wish for sound
I wish to fly
I feel only the ground
Oct 2010 · 670
A Short Poem
Olivia Tierk Oct 2010
In flameless air I can not breathe
In hopeless love I won't receive
In saddened days I blur my eyes
Emotion is my final demise

— The End —