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Mar 2017 · 293
Olivia Ragland Mar 2017
Most smile, decieve, praise, lie, kiss all with their lips
But love makes an oulet of eyes
Speaking, sighing, whispering, singing, groaning moaning
Not you, never you
Since I've known them
Your eyes saw love
Winded in the spell of life around you
Marrying this bride daily with the kiss of a rising sun

I want to take first place you know?
I want to flee from second where I belong
How unjust to wish that your rarity
your passion
would be wasted on me
I do want it
I want it selfishly
Never give me my desires
For you
For me

Never let me over come the itch in the back of your soul that wakes you up
That gives you wings
That changes your world
Do you understand?
YOU'RE the main character in YOUR story
Not me
It's time, delayed it may be, but it is long time to write my own
Stopping my wonder from book to book
Having someone write me in a main roles I am not suited for
I have a book
With doodles and scribblings of a story that deserves to be written
It wants completion
It's time for completion
God you know it's time
Mar 2017 · 398
Please stop me
Olivia Ragland Mar 2017
I feel it coming
I'm slipping again
I float down stream
I float away
No desire
To paddle or swim
I float away
I'll have to find
My starting point
Some day
But now I float
I float away
Be my anchor
For I float away
I won't stop myself
I'll just float away
May 2016 · 632
I am the sun
Olivia Ragland May 2016
I am the sun.
My beauty does not falter when looking or when not.
Love radiates. It forms about me, my lone existence is to shine.
Releasing light to all that is close, all that is far, all that I see.
Gold glimmer in glory I wake to rise each day without assistance.
Evening will find I fall in flowing red with no resistance.
Clouds do not, can not, will not hide for long, what is destined to be seen.
My heat of passion no winter will depress.
For I am the sun.
I am warmth.
I am persistence.
I an strength.
Apr 2016 · 334
Olivia Ragland Apr 2016
Dreams are our place
We are freeeeeeee of limiting factors
Reach out to me, touch my face

**** us time, or our own minds
Hopes in a fairytale future
Heaven or dreams, I will find you
Apr 2016 · 389
Water tower shadow
Olivia Ragland Apr 2016
Towns so small
We claim they're ours
Where the boys play ball
Pretty girls are stars

Mama teaches school
Daddy puts 'em hind bars
Kids get up when they fall
Young rebels race their cars

Dreams of escaping
But this is an escape
Don't dare think of leaving
This is our place.
In a watertower's shadow.
Apr 2016 · 397
Not an option
Olivia Ragland Apr 2016
First you startled me.
Cognitive embrace found me fast.
Light I'd never seen before.
I, you, we.

I find myself alone
Questions skate my mind
Would you rather meet the one and lose
Or have the meeting undone?
Apr 2016 · 595
The face of thousands
Olivia Ragland Apr 2016
He has an old face.
Not old like aged but more timeless.
Its like his smolder could've been a kings'
or have belonged to a simple man in the great depression admiring his treasued wife.
His lips seem as if they could've kissed the ladies of face.
Bathsheba, Helen of Troy, Nefertiti.
His jawline couldve persuaded the ages.
This face!
Oh and his smile, well it could have charmed it's way out of a death row sentence
Or could it be that this smile wouldve been given to the helpless while on his greatest mission.
Oh his marvelous face.
Generations of lovers he's never known glares at me.
Me, another collection of past lovers.
Another face.
My thousands stare at his thousands.
His at mine.
Thousands meet again.
Apr 2016 · 305
Say it.
Olivia Ragland Apr 2016
Might your words have weight to them
so they would capture my soul's attention.
Speak the thought bright or grim
the dancing one on your tongue's tip.

If it is hard to say then said it must
for light fades and time does chase.
In yourself find a feel for trust
if you spoke it, it is your own.
Mar 2016 · 361
Olivia really?
Olivia Ragland Mar 2016
The ghost of every kiss is still here
Dancing in the arch of my back
Dropping sweetly in every tear
Angels these spirits once were
Demons they are in current form
Ethier one should not be stirred
To serve a twisted reminder.
Mar 2016 · 293
Olivia Ragland Mar 2016
I guess its funny that I'm here
chest beating deep breathing
year after year after year

It's purpose they tell you
If you find yours then run
so good for you good for you

What about us?

Where is my calling?

Doomed to drift.

To seek.

What are we to do?

If I never become 'anything' am I purposeless?

Is my purpose to be purposeless?

If that is purpose am I purposeless still?

Therefore abandoning my purpose?
Mar 2016 · 347
Bad art
Olivia Ragland Mar 2016
He would tell me I was good clay
Potential ready to be molded
And so he crafted me day by day
I was praised and I was scolded

I was his finest work of art
He had taken his valued time
This masterpiece had his heart
Never again I was one of his kind

So it hurt both so immensely
The maker learned to hate his hold
Threw to the side, he did to me
He'd find new clay soon to mold
Mar 2016 · 332
Save Yourself
Olivia Ragland Mar 2016
Time has crawled along so slow
the chains holding me have rusted.
All is gone I'm free to go
but I'm standing here motionless.

The prison walls I learned to love
are all I want, they are all I know.
Move, dare not wing of dove
here I'll stay and here I'll die.

For I've forgotten life before
just across the small divide.
Freedom just, with no lure
will I find you again in time?

By my own deceived device
there I'd been completely trapped.
It had become my soul's own vice
to thrive in this familiar prison.

But still somehow I pushed the door
let myself out, in new breath.
The same world I'd seen before
was mine to rechart again.
Mar 2016 · 366
Feb 2016 · 402
Vanished Availability
Olivia Ragland Feb 2016
Vines of unforgiving heights
climb up through my depths.
Leaves vocalize in delight
beneath my every movement.

Up and down my fingertips
sturdy roots intertwine.
Blooming on unexpectant lips
wild roses whisper tenderness.

Wind across the prairie wide
fill my lungs, rush my soul.
Sweet nector does not hide
from my heightened senses.

Water flows sweet and smooth
to cleanse my ever fiber.
I must dare nothing move
me from this sweet oasis.

Love as simple and as vast
wilderness as his is.
It be my wish of last
to stay entirely lost in.
Sep 2015 · 340
We're the sick.
Olivia Ragland Sep 2015
Orphans lying on the street, while no one sleeps in our empty guest rooms.

Dehydrated dying bodies, while we suffer a plastic bottle problem.

Naked beggars, while we clean out closets for the lack of room.

Sick with no doctor, while we are far sicker with our luxuries.
Oh God.
Please hear me.
Make my life better.
Jun 2015 · 363
I thee wed
Olivia Ragland Jun 2015
We'll find an open feild somewhere
I'll have flowers in my hair
You'll be nervous, I'll be scared
To start our lives anew.

My mother cries out happy tears
Your Father let's go of his fears
That you, through all these years
Would never find the one.

Your lips quiver, my hands shake
You nor I can hardly wait
We'll kiss, we'll cry, we'll cut the cake
And then I'll live a lifetime, beside you.
Apr 2015 · 297
Kids to Adults
Olivia Ragland Apr 2015
Do they teach you about the real things?

'Be smart,
have money,
buy her diamond rings'

Superficial kids, do we blame them?
Climb up the ladder, become kings.
Apr 2015 · 485
Olivia Ragland Apr 2015
Doing what your told
Trying to fit a mold
Stay young, look pretty
but your hearts getting cold.

Losing energy in dedication
Gym everyday, fit generation
Didn't like yourself before?
Couldn't fit in? Self medication.

They don't look when you pass by
Sit alone and wonder why?
Your not getting enough attention?
Forget your worries go get high.

Your focus is in the wrong place
People are dying for a taste
Of your life. That's not right?
They run an infinite race.

You were born with a privilege
Raised in the suburbs not a village
Your belly was full every meal
Yet your life's some sort of major suffrage?

You hate your own existence
Its obvious how very distant
The comparison between yours and theirs
Oh now you see? But you're resistant.

Trying to justify your thinking
Clean bottled water you're drinking
Never helped them out before.
You'll turn a blind eye again, blinking.
Apr 2015 · 286
Olivia Ragland Apr 2015
Scared of wasting time
This now was revealed.
I never yours, you never mine
Nor start, nor stop, but yeild.

— The End —