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 Jan 2014 Olivia Greene
I just got home from taking a really
long walk and it's cold out
almost too cold I had to wear my
hood because of the wind but I kept
it up because it was a reminder
you are alone
you are alone but you are worth it
I could barely move my chin but with
every muscle that I had I told myself
you are alone but you are worth
I kept walking and didn't keep
conscious with my legs
they knew how much i'd been
needing this
I give myself comforting thoughts
because no one else can and my
brain is always thinking I don't think
I'm never not thinking
you're tormenting me as I torment
you are alone
you are alone but you're worth
something more than anything
you've ever gotten or felt or sensed
or decided or cried over useless ****
that won't evacuate any part of me
I took a walk longer than I should
have but I wanted to I couldn't stop
walking around this place keeps a
warm on my shoulders
I need to be here
I am here but I am alone
I am alone but I am something far
from what's racing through my
you mean something
maybe I want you to mean
you are alone
you will always be alone
I looked up more and saw more and
felt so lonely I was happy about it
 Jan 2014 Olivia Greene
If lovers are not allowed together
then why did fate thus bring,
our lonely souls becoming one
and make the wedding bells sing?

If I cannot love another
than what's the point of love?
When you're suppose to love the flaws
of your angel fallen above.

And if those who object agree
that we mustn't be together,
I'll take his hand and gladly leave
because our love is tethered.

I live for what I think is right
and listen to my heart.
I forget the words the people use
to try and tear us apart
When you read something beautiful
and every letter seeps into your being
every curve and straight edge makes its way through the grooves on your fingertips:
that is a truly remarkable thing.
When twenty six letters can make you feel each and every emotion,
to the point where these twenty six enemies, lovers, and friends
swim before your eyes into a swirly puddle . . .
There is no purer feeling than this.
 Jan 2014 Olivia Greene
Alone in a snowy field,
Branches plead,
Moans lost in the wind
while flurries dance,
Heavy with fruit long since spoiled,
Mutinous apples cling,
Their coppery smirks
defy Persephone's call to plunge,
They hold tight,
Swelled with spongy pride,
Winter's swirling display fuels rebellion,
Their snowy caps worn with aplomb,
Parisian pommes de neige
usurp nature's order,
Flexing branches like Diana's bow,
A heart-shaped shadow in the wood,
Threatening to break,
While robins bide their time.
A blizzard rages here. Transfixed by an apple tree that's still laden with snow-covered fruit.
And my friends are delicate even with steel breast plates and glass eyes that dazzle on nights where the moon comes out to join us.

And my friends wear crowns to show their worth but others forget that it tears into their skin making them bleed from beaten thoughts and overactive brains.

And my friends don’t wear their hearts on their sleeves. Their hearts are trapped in rib cages beating melancholy tunes into themselves when life is bleak and time grows long.

And my friends can love into death the beauty of hands and flowers- the world on their shoulders and the photographs in their skulls breed truth and hope in people’s good intent and adventure.

And my friends are a whole other universe strung with the same thread that can’t break because their soil is strong and their garden nourishes all.

And my friends are timeless, classic, radical souls that leave your house painting crooked and your eyes wide.

And my friends don’t know that. But now they do.
 Jan 2014 Olivia Greene
i get intrigued by
looking at certain people
and right now i’m just wondering
if anyone’s ever been intrigued
by looking at me
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