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Jun 2013 · 1.4k
After you appeared the first time,
I knew it wouldn't be long before my heart bloomed,
a daisy on the windowsill.

Like the twelfth strike come midnight,
it happened
far sooner than I expected.

Between sips of my tea,
your eyes met mine
and there I glimpsed winter;
iced and blue with the radiance
of autumns moon.

I sat atop the granite counter,
legs dangling
and your coffee breath
pressed so close to the nape of my neck,
where your soothing voice reminded my soul to stay.

I rested my forehead against your broad chest
shut my eyes;
listened to the nagging tease of the free wind.

My eyes fluttered open up at you
your familiar grin radiated the dimly lit room.

Your steady heart beat set the rhythm.
I peeled my palms off your chest,
leaving my hand prints behind.

I felt your arms wrap around my waist
and noticed your hands mark their print beside mine.

I wasn't looking for love, when I came across you;
I was looking for life.
and I suppose within you I found both.
Jun 2013 · 490
give me something new
Kiss my shattered heart
ever so gently.
Trace your fingers along my spine;
Leave your mark.
Grasp my hand;
intertwine your soul with mine.
Jun 2013 · 607
right then, the numbness slowly settled in.
first it devoured the incandescent parts of my life.
food lost its flavor, hugs provided no serenity for myself.
i was wasting away. it stole my family away as i sat there;
vulnerable, lost.
somehow the love we shared became frozen.
it took all that i could see, leaving me empty handed
and it swiftly infiltrated my heart.
thats why i no longer wanted you;
i knew i could never love you.
i sat unable to feel for i had forgotten
how to long ago.
Jun 2013 · 754
i will remember how you looked at me,
your deep, blue eyes burning holes
through me and how you gave me
every piece of you without any
second thoughts and how i offered
you what was left of me.

i will remember my cold feet
intertwined with your warm feet under
dozens of blanks and the feel of your
skin against mine, your warm breath
on my neck, your deep soothing voice
filling my ears, replacing the dull sound
of your records, the softness that intertwined
our fingers together and your tight grip on
my waist pulling me closer and closer to you.

i will always remember how you
got along great with my dad and
how he told me that he's never seen me
so happy before then
when i was sitting next to you,
wrapped up in your strong arms
or how you touched my face so delicately;
brushing a strand of hair away claiming
i had the most beautiful face you have ever
seen and i knew this wasn't true
but i let you win for once.

you pushed me and i fell,
but i know you just forgot to catch me
but that's okay; i'll never stop loving you,
my heart will never stop aching
or beating for you and the saddest thing
of all; i knew you never did quite love me
and i don't think you ever will.


— The End —