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Jan 2015 · 373
Olive Richardson Jan 2015
i trace my fingers down your back and plant seeds for spring
the roots of your hair tainted golden in the morning sun
you rise like a kite then fall
suffocating my every breath

i tenderly slip my hands into the vines of your fingers
growing around my waist and binding to my ribs
your eyes deep and warm
melting my every movement
Dec 2014 · 394
Olive Richardson Dec 2014
keep me safe
make me new
hide me in the spaces in your arms

keep my skin from grazes and cracks
we'll lay in the spaces where no one looks
where the sun can't taint the colours of my eyes
where dust can't rest upon my arm
where frost can't seal my lips
Oct 2014 · 391
the news
Olive Richardson Oct 2014
2 dead. 7 injured
A man on the train, a husband
sat at the kitchen table
Will it stop?
These words leave no answer
only a faded image
an unhesitant headline
a dark message

A man stops
his hair dripping with sweat
or blood
no streetlights
just the glint
of a barrel
pointed, poised
a moment
a thought

I do wonder if they had read the morning news
i'm not quite sure if this makes sense, but i dont agree with the news. or at least the way that things like ****** and war are portrayed.

this poem is about a weird thought i had a while ago, about the irony of a man who has been murdered reading the morning paper the day he was killed
Oct 2014 · 367
Olive Richardson Oct 2014
i cant quite see you.
the fogginess. the tainted softness
clouding every angle
every perspective
every eyelash. every flaw
molded. melted into silver
dissolved in a glass of water
Jul 2013 · 475
Olive Richardson Jul 2013
nothing lasts forever
for if it did
that song would never reach its final note
that hot cup of coffee would still burn my throat
that cigarette would still burn at my fingertips
and the feelings you had would still be there
Jun 2013 · 1.7k
Olive Richardson Jun 2013
5am mornings, we lay
under coffee stained sheets
with whispered words and promises
and peppermint toothpaste kisses
leaving scars on my skin

7am mornings, we lay
my head resting on your chest
until you leave for the day
with rushed goodbyes and kisses on cheeks
your smell left lingering

10am mornings, i lay
waking to the sound of raindrops on windows
with tired eyes and a heavy heart
my arm left resting
in the place where you once were

— The End —