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Roll right! Roll left rolling everywhere on my bed.

My african prince am dreaming of you
This lonliness might **** me

This hunger I don't think I can satisfy
This thirst I can't quench

My love! My love! Think am losing my mind!
Cos every seconds I wish to spend with you

I keep waiting for your golden handkerchief to dry the tears of my lonliness,my thirst and hunger for you!

Come into my open hands my prince!
I rose to feel the warm breeze of a new day
Seeing that a new life has begun
The past are all behind me
And the future I have dare to face

My mind I have made up for challenges ahead,I know what I want and that I shall get
I want an awesome fellow,I need a splendid partner
I want a friend of class and high esteem
Someone with whom together we will conguer
Someone to love till eternity even if the sun falls out of the sky

Where my man goes,there I will be!
I would drain the pain in my heart out into the fluid of my pen

Cos I know in them alone can I find solace

I could try to be strong and put my make-ups on but I know my heart is as blank as a plain sheet

I could remember those moment when life seems perfect and those thought that you can always have it all

But now it more painful to accept that truly you can have it all

I would cry to make myself feel better but. I know my tears are my signs of weakness. Then I would wish that I could be consoled by friends

But when I look around I found out it just me and my darling thought!

Then I would even cry more!
Deep in my lonely thought,I think of my perfect prince charming!

Little did I know that my pride will be. Stolen by a lad of chase

I took destiny to have prevailed until my end of love he seek

When thee ran away with that pride and left me lost

Alone in another sail to sea,another has endowed me with love

Love so pure,long lasting conventions with love

Naming our unborn babies but soon it all gone

Now I know I had lost thee for real.
Is it that this things never change

Or is it that all prince charming are lost
Alas,that noise that never stop in awhile
With every step as swift as a bullet
Goodluck!to the women that never worry in the sun
Begging and pleading that their goods be bought

Every stall with a rhythm advertising song
That makes you wonder how happy they are?
With clean and ***** wrappers speaking on top voices
Both in winter and harmmatan just to sell their goods

Taking note of every strange sound heard to run at the smell of trouble
At dark time every patronizer goes one after another
Even the lousy women leave their stall too

If life is compared to a moment like this ,then the end will surely come at last.
O see the Clock as it clicks
And even eyes does its blinks
But time they say will tell
When each leaves shall fall
To all human time is essence
So essential a priceless assest

Unlike dreams that we share
Unlike fairy tales we hear
Our destiny is what is fated
So unlike to be changed
Both good and bad is made

To all soul is a time frame
Each one speeding between the time lag
Live your life by the roll of time
So your life won't be lame
Rise and shine when you can
So you won't leave out of kinds

Truly not all fairy tales come true
Not all dreams are,can be assure
But destiny is underpinning
Even if it not what you are demanding
Your destiny was what is given
With a fair cry it must be taken

When others watch a boat sailing
You watch what the time says
Destiny!! a gift of pride bethrowed
Which no human in life can withhold

OH! My destiny hope it is what I can behold

Written by: Temitope Olayinka M

— The End —