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218 · Jan 2017
Okamba Zabwino Jan 2017
She knows what she did to me
Unsettled my tranquil existence
Like Pandora, furious emotions she set free
That within me began a crazy dance

Allow me some of your time, dear friend
That I may acquaint you with my sorry tale
Where the lovely lady becomes a monstrous fiend
Alas, its ending I could not foretell

You see, I’m a boy just like you
I love food and support United
I try to be good and true

I have strict parents and two annoying brothers
I love them all but never say so
I am just like one of the others

Then why did this happen to me?
This catastrophic calamity

On a carefree Sunday I stood
Conversing and laughing, yes
Oh, I was in a good mood
Then entered a girl in a dress

It was a moment I’ll never forget
I was caught in the lights
A scintillating mood and moment
I was caught in the lights

She looked my way
Our eyes met
A carefree Sunday!

Sweet lady what is your name
Sweet lady where are you from
From today I’ll never be the same

From the very first glance and smile
I walked the love struck mile

Endearing words and loving gestures
Our friendship began to ripen
Maturing to greater pleasures
I did not know what would happen

One day my heart happy and familiar
Sought my love to see
When I espied someone to her similar
In the arms of another, how could it be!

My eyes watered and my heart beat fast
In my head my mind was spinning
Swinging in tatters was my trust

I looked again, yes it is her
Oblivious to my pain
This was more than I could bear

Alone I would walk my mile
Her deception had a mercenary style

As they say, ‘I saw naught but red’
In both my hands I held a brick
Towards the couple my anger led
Their time was up, the clock would not tick

Blind fury and burning shame
Swift with murderous intent
I destroyed both boy and dame
Again and again I would not relent

Sirens, lights and grey uniforms
I now sit behind bolted bars
‘His penalty he performs’

That sly conniving cupid
Straight through my heart he shot
My intelligent sanity rendered stupid

Oh so long since I saw her smile
Today by myself, I walk the love struck mile
216 · May 2017
Okamba Zabwino May 2017
What sort of power,
Does man desire?
Levitating things and reading minds
Or with our hands producing fire

What sort of power,
Does man require?
To stop suffering and end war
And peaceful minds inspire

What sort of power,
Does man acquire?
When people blind and dumb
For useless toil perspire

Pasturing peoples
Just miserable pawns
Glorious queens
What sort of power!

A reaper but not a sower
Dollars, Pounds and Euros
It always has to be plurals
Merchants of death
What sort of power!

What else but dominance
Reigning supreme
Upon all let my light beam
I enjoy being king
What sort of power!

Can we direct our step?
That left should follow right
And not with the man above fight
But having to submit
What sort of power?

Flashing lightning and pouring tempest
Exploding sun and twinkling star
Marvellous hands and a woman’s breast
Mist in our face and a galaxy so far

Mighty tree or labouring ant
Drop of rain on a petal of rose
Bumbling bee and lumbering elephant
Who created all these I suppose
What sort of power!
187 · Feb 2017
Okamba Zabwino Feb 2017
Tranquil waters of my heart
Disturbed by,
Strokes of a beautiful girl
Never ending ripples
161 · Jan 2017
Okamba Zabwino Jan 2017
Mist on the eyebrow
Alas, it’s gone tomorrow,
New mist in its place

— The End —