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c Feb 2019
Beautiful calamity bled from her wrists.
Her mind in complete disarray
And now her heart fractured from a boy who didn’t have one.
c Jan 2019
It was the idea of you that I liked
The idea of you that I spent most nights at home thinking about
You were the exhibitionist, and I was just the viewer
You were the sadist, and I was the sinner
You were reality, and the idea of you was just a fantasy
  Jan 2019 c
you do not say goodnight to me anymore
  and because of that my nights do not end.
  my days do not begin until i pretend to forget
and i will fall asleep hoping that
not say goodnight

to someone else.
c Jan 2019
Compulsory took a role in the love story of us.
It tore me down,
But I tried to piece us back together.
The walls I built were made of glass,
But were destroyed by the inane words that left your lips.
I despised the fact that you were a habit of mine,
A soul that I felt obligated to come back to.
But you were just a trick that I let play my mind.
c Jul 2018
The bright sky was masked by dark clouds that poured rain as if it were sobbing.
The opposite of me.
I mask my dark clouds and cold sobs with a bright smile strangers fall for.
They fall for the trick my lips play on them, making them believe I’m elated.
But if they look deep enough into my eyes they can see the dark clouds that swarm over my soul,
The dark clouds that create a thunderstorm in my mind.
c Jul 2018
I accepted his lies because I hoped there was truth in them.
But, as I stared deeper into his eyes,
Past the beauty of the ocean blue color that I once adored,
I saw the coarse tides that he bordered. The coarse tides that flooded my mind with what I believed was the truth,
But it was nothing but nonsense.
It was all a trick.
I fell too deep into the trance that they called love.
For a moment I stood on a step that looked over reality,
But I was petrified to dive in,
Too afraid of what could happen to me if I saw your actions from a different view.
But now here I am,
And although I once saw the blue ocean in your eyes,
Filled with nothing but beauty,
I now see a simple puddle filled with dark lies.
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