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473 · May 2016
Let's all sit and eat
The sour meal We ordered.
Let's lay aside complaint
For it's use is far passed.
Let's pretend like
The sweet smell has not turned offensive.
Let's savour this magical meal
That'll transform us in a blink.
It's a corruption neutralizer.
Plucked from the very tree of corruption.
T'will make us live white.
It's wand transform naira to dollar.
I'd never felt the pinch of pain
Until change devoured corruption.
Withered,thin and blasted change.
Like Egypt's seven ears of corn.
Sit silently Nigeria.
With smiles savour this sumptuous meal.
368 · May 2016
Tick, tickle punches.
Measured for each her size.
I'll laugh that laughter  again,
If it comes to me again.
All the puzzle fitted perfectly
Until a little air,
Then the chilly rain
And cold walls write memories.
I sit and listen,
To numerous voices bond-stricken.
Hearing myself in every line.
Oh times! You are in my mind mine.
I'll fight again, slam the door.
Watch the foam rise lazily in deep frown.
Every one yawns for dawn
but mine is my reasonable service.
Here I go again,
Not the way everyone goes.
Away is not my wish
But my eyes are beyond the hills.
I wish for was.
The cord of code.
The lovely song of discord.
The pile of broken glass.
A story I'd submerged
Alas is alive again.
If walls could speak
T'will call for night's tale.
Bless you Pen,
My gift from heaven.
If thou canst, please take this plea.
To the necessary that gave me thee.
Speak I plead
The deep of my heart.
Plead till he whispers in thy ear,
What he'll have me be.
360 · May 2016
We know a lot about differences
In this world of blood and ties.
We are given to Ethnic preferences
Segregation and racial lies.
I can recognise you through the bars.
For you love the pen
Like me more than jazz.
You can design words for all men.
They say you are a writer
We belong to the same brainial race.
Though you think you ain't such a thinker
You have my mind's face.
If you can do a musical duet
We ain't enemies brother.
But if you are a poet
You are indeed my brother.
309 · May 2016
Why wist thou lie?
When thou canst lie.
Oh,how I would fly
And no longer cry
But Micheal isn't a female.
Neither is Gabriel one.
You liar!
Has thou heard of a female angel?
I won't guard thee
Nor would I care.
I want to be Godly
Not angelic.
His nature would I have
Not that of a servant.
Oh Precious Lord!
Thy nature I desire.
I believe not him
Who wants me fallen
By saying "Angel..."
191 · May 2018
It's me.
I was wondering if after all these years
You'll remember the home you used to light up
And gain all the guts to defy nature
or perhaps turn back the arms of time.
Can you hear me?
It's your birthday today but I can't call
To tell you how much you mean to me.
I'm sorry you can't even read this
cos angel Gabriel won't deliver,
Just like your cake lying on the table.
He said twill break your heart.
Hello from the other side,
I wish I can call just this once.
To tell how much I still miss you
And think about you these days.
When I try to forget,
It comes with a larger slice of hurt.
How are you?
I hope you're having a nice time with the man of Galilee.
I hope he's thrown a party for you today?
I hope you still think about us.
I hope you hope to see us someday.
Do you remember it's your birthday?
Do you feel excited or little bit sad?
I want to say happy birthday
And send a  gift across
But I'm sadly barred by your Gabriel.
He says you'll break the golden rule of no weeping.

— The End —