Tick, tickle punches.
Measured for each her size.
I'll laugh that laughter again,
If it comes to me again.
All the puzzle fitted perfectly
Until a little air,
Then the chilly rain
And cold walls write memories.
I sit and listen,
To numerous voices bond-stricken.
Hearing myself in every line.
Oh times! You are in my mind mine.
I'll fight again, slam the door.
Watch the foam rise lazily in deep frown.
Every one yawns for dawn
but mine is my reasonable service.
Here I go again,
Not the way everyone goes.
Away is not my wish
But my eyes are beyond the hills.
I wish for was.
The cord of code.
The lovely song of discord.
The pile of broken glass.
A story I'd submerged
Alas is alive again.
If walls could speak
T'will call for night's tale.
Bless you Pen,
My gift from heaven.
If thou canst, please take this plea.
To the necessary that gave me thee.
Speak I plead
The deep of my heart.
Plead till he whispers in thy ear,
What he'll have me be.