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Manda Leigh Jul 2015
you are the sunlight to my days
as i am the moonlight to your nights

when two souls are meant to be,

they trail each other for eternity,
keeping constant balance;
Manda Leigh Feb 2014
someone asked me,
"what would you do if he came back,
and he said he loved you?"

in a moment,
my heart became heavy
and eyes became sad
because i don't know what i'd do
except tell you,
i love you too
Manda Leigh Feb 2014
now i'm in some other boy's clothes,
and i smell like him too.
it makes me queazy
when he tells me he misses me
while i'm missing you.
Manda Leigh Feb 2014
i cried for you,
i screamed your name
and prayed that my love reached you.
please tell me,
you felt it too.
Manda Leigh Feb 2014
you're very much like
the cigarette burns on my skin
in time, you too will fade
leaving scars
little reminders,
of how you caused such a stinging pain
Manda Leigh Jan 2014
once you go
my heart
will grow

and i'll become
because you let me
Manda Leigh Dec 2013
this time it was bad
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