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Sep 2016 · 436
In Love With a Memory
Nyx Luna Grey Sep 2016
She lived in a memory
a glorious memory
Of dancing and singing
Of cheers and laughter
She danced with the memory
She sang its tune
And it was him she smiled brighter for

He was withering in his thoughts
his depressing thoughts
Of sorrow and hatred
Of evil and suffering
He crumbled to pieces
He heard the pain behind the words
And it was her he began a distaste for

They shared a spark
a heart to heart
A love so strong and pure
But as he withered
as did his love
As she smiled brighter
as did her love

She never saw him fall to pieces
she only saw him whole
He never saw her sorrow for him
he only saw her smile

He took her heart
Smashed and Stabbed it
She kept crawling back
confused and hurt

He wanted her to feel his pain
For he was over come by hate
She wanted to fix the broken
For she was in love with a memory
May 2016 · 282
Around and Around
Nyx Luna Grey May 2016
It started with a look
a touch maybe.
I was gone.
Lost in you

I opened.
You walked.
Lost and alone
in a darkness you created.

Bruised, scraped, and scarred.
I found the light.
There was a look.
I was gone.
Lost in you.

Around and around
We will go.
It will never change.
Around. And around.
We go.
May 2016 · 277
Nyx Luna Grey May 2016
The laughs of the children are no more,
instead replaced by the hollow screams of the night.

For he has silenced all the joy.
Have you heard the bees?
Maybe the birds?
What about the happy cries of the children?!

Of course not
He took it all away.

What once was a bright shining landscape
just an innocent bud of life!
Had bloomed into something evil,
that left a horrid residue on the earth.
What once was so beautiful and full of soul,
is now darkness and terror!
An empty dark hole

He never understood the word happy.
What a man strives for but,
is always just a hair out of grasp.
What a man pretends to be but,
it is a lie.

It is all a lie. Everything! Even this!

He isn't evil he is reality.
He is what you don't want to know!
He is what you pretend isn't there!
But, he is there
Always has been.
Always will be.
The monster who was just a man wanting to be happy…

— The End —