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Sep 2014 · 375
Love in Return
Nyia Henry Sep 2014
I just want to be loved
and to love in return
To give my heart away
without a dishonorable owner,
taking advantage of my shy, sensitive, secretive, heart
To uncover our dark souls together
in small increments
Revealing our passionate, vulnerable desires
Shaking in fear
but weightless with freedom
Bones and soul
Hair and skin
To feel love, real love
In every surface of the body..
I just want to be loved
and to love in return
Sep 2014 · 374
Nyia Henry Sep 2014
An escape from reality when;
you don't know if you want to scream
or cry
or watch a movie
or make tie-dye

so you try to hide away in empty space
and let dreams replace your hopeless case

Where you can walk on sunflowers
and have no fear
and wear clothing made of sunlight
and embrace every moment with selfish eyes
and there would be no worries
or hurries of the passing day
and everyone would stay
and you would be okay

But sooner or later the enemy would awake us
Insufficient air, webs and pressures await us
Sep 2014 · 1.3k
Kaleidoscope Eyes
Nyia Henry Sep 2014
Your eyes a kaleidoscope, blue
I just want to give into

But my heart has grown tough
I am not innocent enough

To take that risky chance
of it becoming a one sided romance

I wish I didn't know better
Than what he wrote me in that letter

So I won't take the risk
of giving an unappreciated kiss

So I will say goodbye
before I give into those kaleidoscope eyes
Aug 2014 · 372
An Autumn Adventure
Nyia Henry Aug 2014
Welcoming the fresh, light grey fog that intakes us
We accelerate dramatically to undiscovered territory
Seeking new serene getaways

As we journey into a dense forest
Droplets of mist lightly inhabit the clear windshield
Adding a sense of desired instability to our excursion

The impenetrable multitudes of trees
Creates a natural protective canopy and habitat
For the numerous amounts of plants and wild life below

Autumn's pain on trees leaves
Illuminate the opaque moistness of the forest
Through colors so jubilant and bright

Aspen trees through strong wind
Compose whistling pleas and petitions
For our accompaniment a bit longer

Reaching our final destination
We spot roots of a pine on a *****
Tangled tentacles, latching the ground, keeping their bodies ***** toward the sky

Exiting the car we absorb the monumental landscape
Imprinting it in our minds
Hoping to secure it in our brains forever

Finding safety in the arms of the mountains
As they tenderly engulf our bodies and frantic minds,
Releasing the pressure and heartache of humanity
Aug 2014 · 270
Nyia Henry Aug 2014
Have you ever seen a tiny bird without one?
One other tiny bird to hold and to fly -
fly with through the sky -
sky so blue with a soft spring breeze -
breezes breezing the freezing winter away -
away go away to let the warmth absorb that very one.

One without protection
One without a gun
One with no one
Will I find one?
One to call my own?
One to hold?
One to fly?
Through the bright blue beautiful sky?

Yes! No.. Yes. No! Yes?
The wishes I've been wishing
won't come true
until that little tiny bird
comes to me and says,
"You can find one too."
Aug 2014 · 309
Nyia Henry Aug 2014
Would it have been worth while

to have bitten off the matter with a smile,

to have squeezed the universe into a ball?

And watch the fight within me crawl?
Aug 2014 · 250
Nyia Henry Aug 2014
Thoughts flow in and out
Keeping the minds unconscious  
state, just out of reach
Aug 2014 · 711
Nyia Henry Aug 2014
I ask the sandman
for some of his magic dust
he says, not tonight
Aug 2014 · 266
Nyia Henry Aug 2014
Somehow I find my body next to yours
I wait and hope you find my covered waist
Patience low, you reach, my rushing mind roars
What would it mean if I find your lips taste?

I've longed for love but know this is not it
Late nights absorb all mental awareness
I'll lay with you until you are dormant
Because I need a comforting caress

Our mouths touch, but leave me feeling nothing
Desire and dusk always take advantage
Of lonely hearts so eager for loving
Only temporarily a bandage

Lust only lasts like anger or revenge
Fooling romantics until nights darkness ends

— The End —