Today I realized how alone I am
I'm not alone but in all reality I am
Friends, mm can't seem to keep 'em around
Feels like I try too hard with them.
try to speak, get cut off.
Not them, it's me
I think.
Do they even like me, or are we just friends cause it would be inconvenient not to be.
the thought of caring doesn't seem to pass my way
or does it...
why hang around those who make you feel alone?
A room full of people you know
And none to make you feel like you're at home
Sad isn't it?
Outcast, thats what it is.
Its what i've always been.
the last to know a secret
The last to know what they really think.
Loner, lonely loner
Born alone, die alone, guess its time to change my motto
This has sat heavy on my mind for months now
Solitary lifestyle.
****, it really does **** to be alone.
I mean they've tried. So I think.
People get replaced everyday, it's okay I tell myself
But, is it normal to feel like this? As if it's not going to bother me?
Maybe I just need to go.
Go somewhere where no one will find me. Where I'll be alone but, won't feel alone.
Buy a ticket. Just go.
Got this tattoo, don't know what it means anymore. Don't think they feel the same way anymore.
I guess it's normal to feel like this. I'm just so used to it. Numb to it.
So maybe this is my way of saying goodbye
or, maybe this is just me waking up.
I won't know until I'm not feeling alone anymore.
**But, until then.