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Feb 2014 · 373
whatever you say I am
I’m sad!
And it’s not like the past times…
This time I dive to pain
and swallowed all my pride
people say it will be ok,
but I only know the burns
that are tearing my heart apart.
Never found out a way
to be simply happy.
All the complications of being
instantly happy are confined to not knowing,
at all…
A portion of thought drives you sad,
right away…
For all those who love,
blessedly happy, happily fool.
And to think I’m just dumb…
Silently began, flowing
through the morning roses,
shaping everything in dark red.
Her kisses were death to those
who dare to stare.
Foggy eyes, covered in darken corners,
envision the darkness
of a sadness that has no ending.
She kept the smiles frozen!
Mold my shadows, she begged,
in an uttered distant scream,
as my eyes fallen into the void
of her heartless body.
I forgot all the notions of love
I was told once before.
Trapped in the moment of death forever,
I was a servant to Medusa.
Sep 2013 · 594
No waking till I crown!
I will sink our last ship,
dive within the last tide
and swallow the whole sea
but no tears will be shed.

To see is not to know
and the ghosts hugs us in dismay.
Tonight I will open my arms
and feel like shining.

Inhaling brightness on my own
but the clouds are blinding the sun.
I look up to the sky
but I see no savior of my soul.

I bury my finger in the ashes
of some forgotten empire,
hoping ,one day, I'll rise on glory.
I whisper words in disarray.

I watch the tomb of hell
opening to daily life, effortless.
Observing the blabbering crowd,
I lay down where the deads rises up...

**No waking till I crown!
Sep 2013 · 764
The timeline of absence of me
Extends in the space that my heart
Languishes in hollow feelings.
I don’t feel presence of anything
And I do nothing but to exist,
Extending the countless seconds
That I don’t feel the word love
Burning my chest in a whirlwind of emotions.
I deeply breathe looking for answers
To questions I haven’t done
And that insist to long in the bed of my mind.
I fill my thoughts of banal occupations
Trying to mask the empty I am.
I insist, I persist in the resignation
To this uncomfortable way of being,
But wherever I go, I see a bit of me
Dissolve in to inactivity.
Words drains through the wall trying to find me,
But I don’t know where to put them
And I lose the verses, the stanzas, the poems.
The passions I once felt are dying
And the loneliness where I get
Don’t sustain enthusiasm in that something
Can really change.
And this is the way I live
In the deep need that solitude got me into.
I don’t run away from the verb to love
I just don’t know where else I can find it…
Mar 2013 · 457
Lonely as I am
The sky is lonely as I am
and he never falls
so why do I step into trouble
everytime I dream?

I dream far up above
and my soul reaches the light
so weak as my steps
so blind as fear.

And the light is an old man
that holds the key to joy
but his tears have made a river
of saddest waters.

Gleaming beard of wisdom
give me your approval,
grab my soul into your demise
and take it to purgatory.

I am lonely as the sky
and poor as the desert
and I am so tired...
I am falling again...
Jan 2013 · 814
Blinded by fear
This world, so cruel, so blind
came to question our humanity.
Are we animals or evolved creatures?
Deep sinken at sea
my thoughts are trapped in fear
and my steps go forward
the doors of purgatory widely open.
This world breathes decease
and fastly we close our eyes
to the most cruel infermity.
We fear to admit our animality.
Stepping up from city ashes
our thoughts of democracy
tend to believe we're no longer free!
TV shows us a different reality,
education barely teaches us how to read,
Internet forbid us to think.
As days roll by
fools are crowned,
free-thinkers trapped behind bars
or destined to anonymousity.
We are blinded by fear
to admit we are no longer FREE!
Dec 2012 · 572
The Unspeakble Truth
Breathing sore throughout the nights of Babylon
unspeakable truth lays down where man rises.
I speak your name in silence
and, magnificientely, come to my dictating place
to rise up our empty voids to the stars.

We used to bend to material love
but now, that our souls had risen up to the skies,
we don't need more words.
The look in your eyes replace the words of your lips
and the wind whispers the wishes of your wisdom.
I am you! And you are in me...

I can stand the soreness of my body now,
can you feel my heart beating for you?
Can you feel the strenght of our love bonding us?
Restricted steps enclosure our bodies,
we dance in harmony, a tango, the life, the love...

Rain drops refresh the sweat stuck in our veins,
and I'm in love with you...
I, now understand the meaning of forever,
and it means our blind love.
I close my eyes as long as I love you,
I don't love your body, I love you inside...

I am you, and you are in me...
The presence that stills forever!
A feeling with no explanation at all,
just a meeting of two souls in a void.
I love you and forever will...
Dec 2012 · 457
I Know Your Pain
I know your pain, I met it long ago.
I just wanted you to know that
I’m here to hold whatever comes.

I know your pain; I met it long ago,
When my steps became as empty
As the bottles of red wine of my winery.

I know your pain; I met it long ago,
Right after the smile I used to frown
Crushed down to the cold floor.

I know your pain; I met it long ago.
Believe in those four little words,
Believe in the scars I bear.

I know your pain; I met it long ago.
She used to be tough as it seems,
And the tears grew as rivers inside my eyes.

I know your pain; I met it long ago.
And wherever you go it may go with you,
But never forget I will always be there to fight beside you…
Psychedelic prison of the absent mind,
Gambling the sanity and reason
Of the unexpected rotting body,
Feed me up with gracious insanity
And close the doors of this vicious world.
Sniff that shinning white powder
That give you the strength to continue.
Erase the doubts of your existence
And feed your lies with broken promises.
Walk the line of misery
And smile at your end.
You know control, you know the hows
And you know you are closing me down.
I feel you’re weak and you’re driving me insane,
Forget the pain of your existence
And feed the dreams with lies untold.
Take away the shame, the regret
And go, go naked to the ultimate fight,
You no longer are, you know longer know
You lost yourself in the way.
Psychedelic prison of the absent mind
Shut up in your madness
You no longer control,
You lost yourself in the way…
Psychedelic prison of the absent mind,
Gambling the sanity and reason
Of the unexpected rotting body,
Feed me up with gracious insanity
And close the doors of this vicious world.
Sniff that shinning white powder
That give you the strength to continue.
Erase the doubts of your existence
And feed your lies with broken promises.
Walk the line of misery
And smile at your end.
You know control, you know the hows
And you know you are closing me down.
I feel you’re weak and you’re driving me insane,
Forget the pain of your existence
And feed the dreams with lies untold.
Take away the shame, the regret
And go, go naked to the ultimate fight,
You no longer are, you know longer know
You lost yourself in the way.
Psychedelic prison of the absent mind
Shut up in your madness
You no longer control,
You lost yourself in the way…

— The End —