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471 · Apr 2016
Alchemist of Anaesthetic
Numb Apr 2016
I was lost in losing
to find
your ever presence
love was only a rash
a bruise
virtue was skin deep
beauty never to be seen.
the only company to keep fear was all
i could meet
then seduced in sedation
i found you
in my absence
I always thought
you would bethe queen
of diamonds
but now when it rains
I know
I am the king of pain
374 · Apr 2016
Numb Apr 2016
like the incompleteness of Godel's theorem

you could be true

never to be found

in the evidence of Turing's proof

between the rapture and disgrace

I could find your trace

but I would never know

beyond the emptiness of my gaze

I could regress my thoughts and hold you with no cause

then would you be free?

to see me

watching you

319 · May 2016
Dance OF Distance
Numb May 2016
She hides the hollow
In open chords
Of her sorrow

He caresses the strings
And catches the snowflakes
from the butterfly wings

She forgets the sequence
The repeating seasons
He frequents

Silence echoes
And plays her rhymes
Gives her reason

They appear together
Inclined in asymmetrical

She cries in the empty spaces
Lost in His Mind

He bends Time and Space
Finds the will to erase


Save her soul
In a black hole

And there she was
Dancing Alone
305 · Apr 2016
Numb Apr 2016
Still behind the Stillicides
slithers unbroken gray
Indifferent to the vast nothingness
…I close my eyes
To color it blue
251 · May 2016
Sinking of Pure Land
Numb May 2016
There down by the brook
arborescent shades the violet hue
where the moon fell in the sway of your neck
..and the night withdrew

Here a mere specter of thought
Iridescent space encased a memory new
Painted in the shimmering mist with you amiss
..Light seldom holds true

Words unfurled sung; entrapment's
illusions I have seen colors imbue
Sinking; this spatial bliss of your pnemoptical kiss
..I bare your askant view

— The End —