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Aug 13 · 47
give you a kiss
notapoet Aug 13
i will start by
kissing your forehead gently

then i'll trace my lips down
to your left cheek
and kiss it tenderly

on to the right cheek
my favourite cheek
and kiss it, so softly
on that mole that i love so much

i'll slowly make my way
to the side of your luscious lips
and kiss where
the corner of your lips meet

on to the other side of your lips
i kiss lightly
and sometimes i would tease you
with the tip of my soft tongue

then i'll lower my lips
to your chin
and i'd part my lips slightly
to give you a loving kiss on your chin

then i would go back up
to your nose
that cute little nose i adore so much
and give it a teasing peck

lastly, my favourite body part of yours
since the day i saw you
until this present day
your full, plump lips

as i kiss your lips
warmth and softness takes over my heart
we linger there, two lips forming one
our heartbeat matches, and become one
time stops
or at least i feel like it did

it's the best feeling ever
when your lips are interlocked
with someone you truly love
with you
Aug 8 · 50
hanging out
notapoet Aug 8
the best times we've had
were staying home
in the comfort of our bed
watching tv shows and movies
with no obligation the next day

sometimes we would have
what we call movie nights
we would watch a movie
at a nearby theatre till late at night
just so we could spend more time
with each other walking home

those are the best times we've had
with the comfort of each other
hands intertwined
fingers locked with one another
those are the memories
i hold close to my heart

i wish we could do that again
i'm hopeful we will
like you said before
our story isn't over yet
Aug 5 · 40
notapoet Aug 5
without your presence
life is still moving
even though there's a feeling
of emptiness, something missing
life still moves on
things we used to do
places we used to go
foods we used to eat
jokes we used to laugh at
feels incomplete without you
sometimes i find myself avoiding
the places we used to go to
so that i won't cry in public
but sometimes i seek to go to those places
just so i can relive those moments i've had
with you
the impact you have made on my life
for just being in it,
for just existing
had helped me shape
the person i am now
i never want us to be strangers
Aug 3 · 31
the night we ended
notapoet Aug 3
i still remember how painful
that night was

how tired my eyes and heart was
how i sighed so many times

i still remember how i laid my head down
in defeat, knowing you wouldn't fight for us

how i almost ran out of breath
for crying so much

i will never forget how hard it was for me
to go through it alone

i will never forget that pain
the pain you caused
Aug 1 · 138
your eyes
notapoet Aug 1
i think it's beautiful
the way your eyes
seem to make me forget
about all my worries
my doubts and troubles
the hurt that you've caused
the grief that you created
they seem to intertwine
with my veins
and carve themselves
into my heart

i have never felt like myself
than when your eyes
untangle my soul
Jul 30 · 94
for her
notapoet Jul 30
your presence is a warm embrace,
a quiet comfort that only i know.

your laughter, like sunlight breaking clouds,
illuminates my dull world.

your voice, sweet and melodic,
soothes my chaotic mind.

your soul, like an unkempt garden,
full of vibrant colours and life.

with you everyday is an adventure,
a new path ready to explore.

your undying love, a steady force in my life,
a constant source of strength.

today, and everyday,
i am grateful for you.
notapoet Jul 29
i remember the first time
we started talking
you were the reason
i started laughing again
the reason i started
feeling hopeful again
the reason i felt
important again
the reason my problems
didn't seem so bad anymore
the reason i fell asleep
with a smile on my face
the reason i found motivation again
you truly have made my life
a million times better

but yeah, you left me.
Jul 28 · 32
notapoet Jul 28
these past few nights
have been the hardest for me
the quietness of my room
without you is amplified
i find myself replaying memories
like it's a movie in my head
cherishing and remembering
the good times we had,
while questioning to myself
"what went wrong"
sleep becomes both an escape
and torture
as dreams of you often brings you
back to life, back to me
in my arms
only for the harsh reality
to hit harder upon waking up
the remnants of your touch
still lingers on my body
even if it has been months
from being touched by you
Jul 27 · 25
day 4: no contact
notapoet Jul 27
living life without you
is much harder than i thought
you infiltrate my head
each and every day

even when i try my hardest
to distract myself
from the thought of you
my mind still let you in

maybe it's habit
because in reality
you never left
you've been a part of me

ever since you came into my life
Jul 26 · 27
stars, on the rocks
notapoet Jul 26
we were thrown out
our friend's place
you didn't feel like going home
i didn't feel like going home too

as we walk through the tunnel
not knowing what the night entails
walking side by side
sharing the same air

it was night time
the sky scattered with stars
you love stars, you told me that one time
so we laid down, stargazing

that night we talked about everything
listened to good music
spent the whole night till sunrise
familiarizing with each other

not knowing the importance
of that memory
the night we stayed
under the stars by the rocks
Jul 25 · 31
day 3: no contact
notapoet Jul 25
the sound of my phone
awoke me from my deep slumber
it's you
i was in a deep dream about you

you sent me a video
a memory of when we were together
as the video keep replaying
i wonder

wonder why you messaged me
it'll be 1am where you're at
do you miss me ?
or are you playing with my heart again ?
notapoet Jul 24
i hope i don't forget you
how you look,
the sound of your laughter,
the voice i know so well

i don't ever want to forget you
even when time passes by,
and my mind starts to forget you
i hope it leaves behind
the memories that we have made

just so i can relive them
and remember how you look,
the sound of your laughter,
and the sweet voice i know so well
Jul 23 · 32
day 2: no contact
notapoet Jul 23
as the birds start singing
my hands automatically
search for my phone
to see no texts from you

it's been awhile since
i cried in the morning
i don't like it
i hope i don't cry again


before i give in to the tiredness
of my overworked eyes
from looking through our pictures
memories we took, as i usually do

i wonder what you're doing
how you're feeling,
have you eaten ?
are you thinking of me ?
Jul 21 · 183
day 1: no contact
notapoet Jul 21
as i open my eyes
the sound of silence
engulfs the room
no good morning text

as the silence continues
noises seep into my head
i give in
give in to the darkness


as i lay my head down
on this quiet, cold night
forcing myself to sleep
just so i can dream of you

dream of the memories we made
all the smiles and laughters we shared
dream of a beautiful future with you
dream until reality wakes me up
Jul 20 · 41
oh how i wish
notapoet Jul 20
what i wouldn't do
to have your head on my chest

to feel your heart beat
to feel your breathing slow down

until you succumb to slumber
hoping that it's me you find

in your dreams
Jul 18 · 35
notapoet Jul 18
the little things that we had
become the most poignant reminders
your favourite songs
pictures of us
the places that we have been
places we made lovely memories
stumbling upon inside jokes
jokes that i can never share
with you anymore
the scent of your perfume
the things you've given me
most of all
i catch myself reaching for my phone
to text you about something funny
or interesting, hoping you'd laugh to it
only to remember
you won't be replying to it
as quick as you did
Jul 14 · 61
i'm attached to you
notapoet Jul 14
your silence hurts so bad
that i actually start to feel
physically sick

my thoughts feel completely
chaotic and obsessive
often about you

it drains me to act like
everything is fine
but emotionally i feel so tired of it all

i start to put my phone on silent
because i know i can't handle the pain
of waiting for your text

everything else feels numb to me
because all i ever think about
is you

it gets pretty lonely
so lonely that it hurts
and i don't know if i'll get over this feeling

i long for the day
when you tell me it was a mistake
and you want me back

but today is not the day
Jul 14 · 58
i'm mad at you
notapoet Jul 14
some days you act like you want me
you would check up on me
text me
start conversations with me
call me

but some days you act like i'm nothing
Jul 13 · 37
hate you ? no.
notapoet Jul 13
i don't hate you
but i hate how you broke our pinky promise
i don't hate you
but i hate that i trusted you with all my heart
i don't hate you
but i hate how you treated me like i was nothing
i don't hate you
but i hate the fact that you betrayed me
i don't hate you
but i hate the fact that you turned into everything you said you'd never be
i don't hate you
but i hated how you left me
i don't hate you
but i hate that you cheated on me
i don't hate you
but i hate how you hurt me
i don't hate you
but i hate how i still love you
i don't hate you
but i hate the fact that i'd still go running back to you if u ask me to
Jul 13 · 138
where did you go?
notapoet Jul 13
i need you so badly tonight
of all nights
tonight is the worst
that I have felt in awhile

countless times i would
open up our conversations
hoping you would be online
just so I can say "hey"

but tonight is not the night
you weren't online tonight
i'm fighting the urge to
text you or call you

but i made a promise
to you, to myself that
i would try to not talk to you
even if i need you badly tonight

Jul 12 · 41
notapoet Jul 12
the distance between us grow further
the words we speak grow shorter
our conversations, once a flowing river
now it's barely a trickle

i remember when we'd talk for hours
now silence fills the spaces
texts from you make my heart soar
but it's quiet now, like a door without a door

i wonder about your day, thoughts, dreams
but asking feels like a shout
are you drifting away ? or am i ?
our connection once so strong, now is weak

i miss you so much, your laugh, your smile
the way you'd talk about things you love
now, each word feels measured
as if our time together is faltering

yet hope lingers in my heart, stubborn
that we might find our way back
for love, tested by time and distance
can bridge any gap, if we give it a chance

so i'll hold onto our memories
hoping this silence is a phase
for even in this quiet, lonely space
my heart still beats for you

as i have said a million times
i will say it a million times again
i love you wholeheartedly
you're my soulmate
Jul 12 · 24
all i want
notapoet Jul 12
maybe all i wanted
was for you to say
"i'm proud of you baby"

you don't know how
those words
can guide me out
out of my busy mind

your voice
guides me to serenity
your touch is the closest thing
to being touched by an angel

yet here you are again
in my mind
making me sob and cry
over nothing
Jul 11 · 157
"don't leave me"
notapoet Jul 11
you said "okay"
i don't know if you're saying that
just to make me feel better
or you mean it
from the bottom of your heart
but whatever it is
you promised not to leave me
you promised not to cheat on me

that's two promises you've broken
how many more will it take
just to have you back
in my arms ?
Jul 9 · 28
missing you again
notapoet Jul 9
i saw a quote
"to have her is to have the stars"
and i instantly thought of you

your eyes sparkle
like the stars above
your smile brightens up
my darkest nights

the sound of your laughter
is like the sweetest melody
and your voice
soothes my soul

your presence alone
draws out the noises in my head
and your hugs
warm my coldest days
Jul 9 · 41
notapoet Jul 9
you're like the sun
i can't touch you
i can't get close to you
so i just
look at you from afar
and hope you continue to shine
as bright as you always do
just so i can see you
and admire your light
Jul 7 · 38
notapoet Jul 7
your love is the melody
that makes my heart sing
like a gentle breeze
on a hot summer day
your touch soothes me
you are like the light
that guides me through the darkness
you're my beacon of hope
your smile is like the moon
it brightens up the night sky
you are the missing piece
that makes my life complete
notapoet Jul 5
three simple words, yet so profound
each time they fall upon my ear
my heart feels warm
like a ray of sunshine,
after a long cold night

those words feel like home
after a hard days work
like a long hug
after months away from you
three words

like sunlight breaking through the clouds
those words make all my worries
like a perfect song
that turns the darkest day to light

each time you say those three words
all my doubts and troubles dissipates
happiness takes over
for in those three syllables
i find my happiness in you
Jul 4 · 38
notapoet Jul 4
you are ineffable
too great or extreme to be expressed
or described in words
that's what you are to me
in one word
Jul 2 · 39
notapoet Jul 2
how did we go from
Jul 2 · 87
notapoet Jul 2
i miss you
it's as if the world is less vibrant,
like a painting that's lost its colours
i find myself
unconsciously finding you in crowds
my heart skipping a beat
whenever i see someone with similar hair
or the sudden waft of your lovely perfume
i recognise so well
but you're not here
as dissappointment takes over,
i realise you're not here
Jun 25 · 52
notapoet Jun 25
two weeks
can feel long for some
but it can also feel so short

two weeks
is how long i had you
to hold you close in my arms
nuzzled on my chest, safe

two weeks
until i see you again
until i am able to hold you
softly feel your lips on mine

two weeks
can feel short for some
but it can also feel so long
Jun 23 · 52
so stupid
notapoet Jun 23
why did you have to break my heart
was your love not strong enough
to stop whatever you were doing
was our relationship not important enough
for you to say
"hey, this is wrong. this is wrong"

apparently not, because you went and did it anyway
you laid on the same bed with another man
you laid on his chest and made your mark
you let another man kiss your cheek,
your forehead,
your lips...

how could you
how could you do all that, and still say
"i love you baby"
you held hands with another man
hands that were promised to be for me, only
you let yourself gaze at another man's eyes
and let yourself fall in love with him

worst part is
even after breaking my heart
to a tiny million pieces,
i am still, madly in love with you
maybe i am stupid
so stupid to forgive you and wait for you
but there's nothing else i want to do

i still want you
Jun 21 · 56
do you know
notapoet Jun 21
do you know why
i feel like i'm taking
this break up far worse
than you

it's because
i found you
i found love with you
when i wasn't even looking for it

you just happened
to fall into my love
and made the deepest mark

you were there for me
in my darkest times
when i felt as if
life wasn't purposeful

you brought back my smile
you brought back my laughter
you brought back
my will to live

and maybe
just maybe
you could fall back
into my life again

if i wait for you
Jun 20 · 51
how could you
notapoet Jun 20
i find myself
looking through photos of us
videos of us on my phone
more recently
wondering where it all went wrong
how did you go from
the most loving, caring
the sweetest person in the world
to the most heartless person
we were in love
we had so much together
suddenly you gave up
you gave it all away
you gave up on me
when you promised me you wouldn't
you said you would stick by me
Jun 19 · 126
notapoet Jun 19
i'll wait for you
even if it means
that there's no guarantee
of a life with you

i'll still wait for you
even when you moved on
and forget about me
and be with another

i'll still wait for you
even if everyone
tells me to move on
and find another

i'll still wait for you
even when you're holding hands
with another man
laughing and smiling

i'll still wait for you
even if it's means
losing you
and letting you go

i'll still wait for you
because you're the only person
that i have truly ever loved
more than life itself
Jun 19 · 64
without her
notapoet Jun 19
it's a lonely life without you
the birds don't sing in the morning
the sun doesn't shine as bright
coffee tastes bad
the shower is always cold
sleeping is hard
waking up is hard
everything reminds me of you

how do you do it
how do you go on about your day
without me
Jun 18 · 46
notapoet Jun 18
mornings don't feel the same  
nights feel longer
the sun doesn't shine as bright
the moon feels colder
people's voices feel muted
days feel like an eternity

without you by my side
everything feels slower
you were my purpose
my everything

without you
i'm purposeless
Jun 17 · 48
notapoet Jun 17
it hurts like hell
when you know
you need to let go
but you can't
because you're waiting
for the impossible
to happen
your mind tells you
to let go
but your heart
tells you
to hold on
the happiest times
were the memories
we created together
how am i
supposed to forget all that?

how am i
supposed to forget
Jun 17 · 113
while she sleeps
notapoet Jun 17
i lay awake
from the moment the moon appears
until the sun takes over
i think of you
i think of all the memories we have made
i think of all the laughs we have shared
i also think
i think of all the things we planned to do
i think of the family we promised we'd have
i think of the places we said we'd go
i think of the years we promised we'd have

while you sleep
and i lay awake
thoughts flood my brain
Jun 15 · 107
all the beautiful things
notapoet Jun 15
my eyes have seen a lot of things
a lot of beautiful things
from the sky
to the ocean
from the stars
to the trees

but nothing as beautiful as you
Jun 14 · 52
heart break
notapoet Jun 14
friday, 24th may
exactly three weeks from today
the day you shattered my heart
into a million tiny pieces

the day you gave up on us
the day you let yourself
fall in love with someone else

i remember looking away from the text
staring blankly at nothingness
"i knew it"
then everything went silent

my space where my heart is supposed to be
is now empty
i gave my whole heart to you
so you would take care of it

but you threw it away
you threw 3 years away
for someone you met 2 months ago
you broke me
notapoet Jun 13
It does not feel the same
when you're gone
when you're not in my arms
when i can feel your presence in the room

your texts don't feel the same anymore
they were once filled with love and laughter
now they're just dry and bitter
you text me because you have to
not because you want to

because i know who you want to text
i know where all the love and laughter
has gone to

i was once your love
you've ****** me dry and left me empty
left me with nothing but the void
the void which longs for you

your words don't feel the same anymore
your love for me is slowly going away  
i can feel it going away
Sep 2021 · 85
understand this my dear
notapoet Sep 2021
you'll never comprehend
just exactly how much
i love you

you'll never believe
that i would do
absolutely anything
just to see a smile on your face

you'll never understand
how completely stunning you are
how pure your heart and
how honest your soul is

i would climb mountains,
sail every sea,
and roam the infinite sky
just to see you
Aug 2021 · 88
mornings without you
notapoet Aug 2021
as the sun creeps
over the horizon
a new day begins

i awake from my slumber
as my hands skate across my bed
i remember
you're not with me

i don't feel your warmth
against my back

i don't see your countenance
in the bright morning light

i don't feel your touch,
those soft supple hands
notapoet Aug 2021
My body doesn't function normally
I miss you,
And my heart, it's not steady
My soul is numb

It feels intense, and the worst part is,
I feel completely out of control
There isn't a whole lot I can do about it
And it *****

Some would say when you miss someone so badly
You pretty much miss a part of yourself
And I agree,
You're a part of me I cannot be away from

I always want you around
It doesn't matter what you're doing
As long as I can see, feel, smell you
I know I'm going to be alright
Aug 2021 · 73
notapoet Aug 2021
I'm sure nobody cares
Whenever I post one of my 'poems'
But I post them anyway
Life of a poet I guess

The previous sonnets that I wrote
Were about this girl,
This wonderful, life-changing person
That has impacted my life a certain way

Well, I've been pursuing her for awhile now,
Wrote 'poems' about her
Even sent some to her, for her
She reads them, every time

Few months go by,
We sit together at the table, facing each other
She looks up at me and I know she's going to ask me something
It's that look that I know so well

She says, "Are the poems you wrote about me ?"
I falter, I cave in, I hesitate telling her
After what feels like forever, I finally look to her and say
"Yes, the poems are about you"
May 2021 · 67
Heart shaped lips
notapoet May 2021
Why am I nervous ?
The sight of you so close to me
Upside down

All I can see is your luscious lips
Those lips that I've been dreaming of
As you speak your words
It all just comes and goes

Because all I'm thinking of,
The only thing I'm focusing on,

Are those heart shaped lips
Apr 2021 · 65
notapoet Apr 2021
let's make a bunch of new memories
me and you
a bunch of **** to remember by
we will laugh about it as years go by
we can make sad ones, happy ones
it doesn't matter
as long as we're together in that memory

or if we don't work out
we will have those memories
we can visit them in our head
and laugh about it
for we were happy
and we will be happy
Apr 2021 · 134
she's in love with me
notapoet Apr 2021
i think i have fallen in love w you
your smile, your touch, your laugh
you've stolen my heart
or what's left of it

you make me happier than i've ever been
smile brighter than ever before
and laugh harder than i ever have

it's not only that i love you
it's that i'm in love w you
i've fallen deeply, and uncontrollably
in love w you

and so did you
Apr 2021 · 85
tell me
notapoet Apr 2021
tell me
tell me everything that's happening
in that beautiful mind of yours
what do you feel when you look at me

do you get nervous around me
does your stomach fill with butterflies
do you think of me as much as I do
does your heart palpitate faster
whenever our hands meet
craving for our fingers to intertwine

because I do
I feel it all
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