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Aug 2015 · 325
My Heart Fills
Not A Person Aug 2015
Eternity; for a man waiting for his lover to come back.
A Race; for a teenager when her date smiles and dances with her.
A tonne;  when you are walking towards the much dreaded.
Choked; when your love doesn’t belong to you no more.
Shattered Glass when all dreams and hopes were dashed and betrayed.

So how does my heart, as a big as it is, contain it all?
My poor heavy heart
Aug 2015 · 1.1k
I am a Perfect Imperfection
Not A Person Aug 2015
See the Happy side, See the Fine side
Does anybody see what it is inside?
Confused, Scarred,
Ugly & Strangled
And somehow Miss-Understood just married Mr Diss-Appointed

Who’s to blame?  Me!
Who’s responsible? Me!
Coz they say only I can make me as such.

So what do I do?
Where do I go?
I am to choose and be excused.

Such a coward
Such a hypocrite.
What’s there to love?
What’s there to live for?

Perfectly shattered
Perfectly hopeless
Perfectly imperfect

— The End —