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643 · Oct 2014
Norah Oct 2014
My actions were ones of fury,
Yet they were frank and honest,
That time I asked you to leave it alone,
You kept pressing on it,
Your stubborn head wanted answers,
While I waited for my boiling blood to be chilled,
I wanted nothing but to be there for you,
But you were so against the idea of it,
As if I were to turn left,
You would've snapped my neck,
I don't want to be an enemy but you've made me leap into the breach,
Now I stand,
With a pile of paper and pens,
Wondering if what I did was an act of fury or integrity,
I don't feel remorse,
But I do feel sorrow,
To what I have yet to know,
And I wish for you the best,
But then again I wonder if I do,
You'll twist my words,
To ones of falsification,
And I find myself wonder if I even bother,
To give you a fraction of time,
After all,
You threw me out the window,
As if I was a piece of paper that's redundant,
And I'm left with a song of words unspoken.
643 · Jan 2014
Norah Jan 2014
I breathe in the hate you give me.
I inhale all the lies you tell.
I take in everything unwanted.
And I still breathe in.
But I let it go eventually,
And the mark that's left inside,
Is by far the greatest consistency.
439 · Mar 2014
Norah Mar 2014
They bring me down,
I'm sad,
They bring me down more,
I smile,
They rib my heart out,
I smile wider,
They **** me,
I stop breathing
with a smile on my face.
432 · May 2014
Norah May 2014
I'm always a substandard girl to you,
I'm not always going to be what you want me to be,
I'm average,
You want perfect,
I **** up,
I **** up so bad that the gods would cry,
And you won't accept that,
It simply isn't acceptable to you,
But when I **** up,
When I do all these mistakes
I learn,
Better than your words can ever teach me,
And I try,
I really do,
To be less substandard than you think of me,
But I don't think it'll ever be good enough,
To you I'm inadequate,
And for that I shall forever be miserable.
396 · Jan 2014
Norah Jan 2014
Stop asking me
To trust you,
Stop asking me
To have faith in you,
I'm still coughing
From the last time
You let me drown.
379 · May 2015
Norah May 2015
Not one but many,
Only few would differ,
Right about all,
And yet wrong about many,
Hopeful to be what you once believed to be ordinary.
359 · Feb 2014
Norah Feb 2014
I breathe in,
And I breathe out,
I make you see the girl you want.
I breathe in,
And I breathe out,
This girl you wanted is six feet under the ground.
349 · Apr 2016
Big Black Cat
Norah Apr 2016
A tiny Cat came to me in my sleep,
Told me a Mouse was haunting her,
She said the Mouse was made of wolves,
His screams were devouring her fear.

A little Cat is haunted by a Mouse,
He's smaller in size,
But bigger in words.

She was afraid of a Mouse,
Because the Mouse told her she was not a Cat,
She is a Mouse,
He said,
She is a disgrace.

The little Cat came to me in my sleep,
Told me she met a ******* Cat,
The ******* Cat told her to run,
But she ate the Mouse instead.
328 · May 2015
Norah May 2015
I poured my heart out,
I stepped on my pride,
I put you on top,
You still refuse to believe,
You're worth it.
327 · Feb 2014
Norah Feb 2014
A photograph left to rot,
A memory left With no one to cherish,
A symphony of broken dreams played,
And a girl in a rotten cave was left to be.
307 · Feb 2014
Life and death
Norah Feb 2014
Between life and death stands our destiny.
You're not allowed to be a part of the life nor the death,
But you're allowed to watch as I throw myself from left to right.
304 · Oct 2016
I hope you understand
Norah Oct 2016
When I was younger,
My mother told me I was pretty,
But I could have looked better,
So I put on make up,
And I wore pretty dresses.

When I was younger,
My family told me I was smart,
But I could have been smarter,
So I read books.

When I was younger,
I was told I have potential,
But I was never encouraged
to do anything,

I was told I could never
be anything,
So I started working,
But I never believed
I was doing something.

When I was younger,
I was told I'm loved,
But I used to get hit,
called names,
And get treated badly,
So I developed something in me,
That'll always hate me,
No matter what.
238 · Apr 2016
What They Want
Norah Apr 2016
On the tip of my tongue,
The letters to your name,
They want me to share,
The love I can't bear,
Dodging a tear here,
And a scream there,
Once I'm in the tomb,
I will marry your name.
237 · Jul 2015
Norah Jul 2015
It's a blue sky,
It's a bright night,
It's a weak heart,
It's a strong flight,
It's a broken soul,
It's a bird gone.
216 · Oct 2015
Norah Oct 2015
Your lips against mine,
Is an ocean in disguise,
Your eyes on mine,
Is a bright skyline,
Your smile,
So fine,
Makes me want to rewind.
209 · Apr 2016
Dear Depression
Norah Apr 2016
You're consuming my life,
Causing me to flip,
Hating on myself,
Calling everything worthless,
You go away for a second,
And stay for a decade,
You're horrible to me,
I'm worthless,
I demand you to go away,
You will not control me,
Stop it,
Stop it,
Stop it,
I'm nearing my end,
Because of you,
Please go away,
I beg of you.

— The End —