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Oct 2011 · 619
Norah DiMarini Oct 2011
Everything is Alive
Even Me
In the corner of solemnity
As I sit and stare
with a pensive glare
I’m not the only casualty
If you linger around
and listen for the sound
Of a hollow heart
snapping in two
Listen more closely
You’ll note quite morosely
The other heart
might just be You
Oct 2011 · 723
My Map
Norah DiMarini Oct 2011
My Map
Broken clasp
Motionless instead
            Unstirred sterling surface
Colder than the dead.
Heart of silver, mind of gold
            And eyes like lilac fields
                            On               *fire
Oct 2011 · 7.8k
Pineapple Dreams
Norah DiMarini Oct 2011
Wistful lust and melancholy mangoes
Succulent decadence and still I am morose
A plum for pining, a kiwi for whining
Pineapple dreams are the clouds’ only lining
For in the resting realm the reality is nigh
Alas cruel consciousness eradicates the high
And thrown am I back into awareness
That life and love are not games of fairness
Oct 2011 · 900
24, 25
Norah DiMarini Oct 2011
An offbeat pang twangs in your chest
Your vision is dimmed but illuminated best
Is a figure you know immediately well
Albeit only from your subliminal self
It shimmers and shatters your soul into pieces
Each shard glinting with vibrant hues
Shining sharper are the eyes
That pierce in shades of greens and blues
Oct 2011 · 640
Norah DiMarini Oct 2011
The way the moonlight hits the mountainside
so tender and so true
like the cascade of a waterfall
brilliant and blue
and over seas fly the dreams
breaking atmosphere
and toward the light of gleaming stars
taking refuge there

— The End —