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L Aug 2020

the way my body responds to your touch
shivering and arching
makes me believe that you have magic
pulsating through your fingertips

when i hear your heartbeat
i know i am alive

our breath synced together
made everything fit

laying next you, intertwined
i have never been more content

your touch
your words
your presence and laughter


you made me lose myself
i made me lose everything to you
love is a fickle fiend
a ruthless *****
she comes and goes and pretends to stay
she makes you trick yourself
until you forget whats real and true
until you forget who you really are
until you forget who you want to be


i can't
i can't write letters to you
i can't answer your questions
i can't be sensitive and kind
i can't tell you everything
or anything at all.
i do not love you


i am happy without your love
because i love myself
i hope you are happy too
L Aug 2020
i claim my space.
i am allowed to be here.
i have the same right as any of you.
i will stay
until i want to leave.
L Apr 2020
she's come with a vengeance for being forgotten
how could you have forgotten your temptress
your Queen
your shadow
your own mind?
she formed you
she's all you have

how could you have forgotten her vacuous depths?
no defining end, devouring everything in her path
she knows no bounds
back home in her claws
wholly fixated on what you can see
solely her
L Mar 2020
love is our fickle beast
that we long to fight together
to conquer that which torments us
but this beasty will always live among us
inside at least one of us
and we must learn to work along together, despite him
not in spite of him

love is our tormenting foe
who, in the end
might be a friend after all
despite his doomed predictions and presumptions
it could be that he is not completely evil

perhaps it is possible
to live alongside a monster
yet have him be our motivation
L Feb 2018
how can you expect to find peace without your feet on the ground?
find even without odd, find silence without sound?
how will you find honest pleasure without feeling genuine pain?
there is no winning without playing the game.
you can have no identity without giving yourself a name
dark and light, left and right, the balance is the same
L Feb 2018
as things sink deeper into my bones, solidifying and creating holes
the holes begin to burn and twist into cavernous depths,
i want to SHRIEK let me be free!
please, let go of my poor old aching bones
release the iron grip of reality,
stop the unbearable agony
that i caused for myself,
my own pain sinking deeper into itself
L Feb 2018
when that's just it
that's all you got
and that's all you will ever have
it is your core
and for forever always
it will be in your middle, sticking you together
thank god for that
the glue in the middle
forever and always
it will never abandon you
or leave you for dead
it is yourself
for forever and always
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