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J Feb 2023
cry me a thousand rivers
but it's still you
and will always be you.
J Dec 2021
maybe she already knew
but at least, i didn't told her
that the universe is still in motion
the moment she foreshadowed
my days in undying agony—
living a life without every bit of her soul
in every corner of space
and into the darkest voids of time.
J Nov 2021
to steal glances of you all day
to strain for every word you say
to put the stars in wonderful delight
and follow you, with every stride

J Nov 2021
may the stars be ever in your favor
endless possibilities
guide you in your endeavours
J Nov 2021
as time slowly marches
my pain constantly changes
walking and running through the emptiness of this world
seeking and searching happiness in the void
J May 2020
what lies beneath your senses?
are they the same as the stars?
bright and beautiful?
yet mysterious and dangerous
J Apr 2020
a laugh in her eyes,
just like stars in the skies
a waltz in her walk
for a long time
there was hope in her talk
if she never knew
what it is that's new,
it's gotta be her too

she sets a fire that everyone can see
burning away every bad memory
but to tell her the truth
if it's something new, no,
she already knew...
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