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It begins even before the first scream in the maternity ward and lasts without interruption, we rush through life with uncertain steps, looking for a goal...
a little to the right, a little to the left, up, down, we stumble over bumps, scattered stones, we slip, we get up and travel on...
If we are persistent enough, in time we master the balance, and the goal seems achievable, but challenges are there, they lure us, happiness, they want to throw us into their flow, their paths...
I have been traveling like this for a long time, small under the sky but bigger than stars, galaxies, black holes...
I realized that the beauty is in the journey, not in the goal, sometimes tired, sometimes happy, slow, fast, I travel
I kiss, cry, love, grieve and rejoice in every new step...
I don't need a map, signposts, sages or gurus, just the freedom to think for myself, a little love from my loved ones to push me when the climb is too hard, to lend a hand, find strength and carry them on the wave of my filled  sails...
nothing is just black or just white, every path has its shadow, but the sun always rises and sets somewhere, follow the light that awakens on the horizon and you can't go wrong...
I Search for You**  

I search for you  
follow with my gaze  
in some unknown  
where infinity and origin  
love is not  
just a quest...  

Through the boundless internet, future and past,  
somewhere sandy—morning coffee, black without sugar,  
on the shore of an ocean or a quiet small sea,  
perhaps beneath city lights or amidst grenades and shattered buildings  
I search for you, scan the marine sand,  
traces of your barefoot steps and a heart etched by reeds  
in the tail of a starfish, in molecules torn to atoms  
in everything and somewhere beyond...  

I search for you  
if this is love  
or mere longing  
but you must exist somewhere  
you, the only one  
the one meant for me  
and I, for you  

I would like to write
only love poems
a short haiku
something like, I kissed your shoulder
and you smiled
but I don't know
if you turned around, asked why
I gently weave love into your hair
I kiss your bare foot
I whisper lies
that you would like now
and enjoy the sight
of your blossoming body..
I would
but actually I still don't know
what you would Like
so I pretend to be happy
while I kiss your back
and find that little hole
between your shoulder blades..
I would
but it doesn't matter
what I would like
just ask me once
kad sve utihne
i ti si sredina sredine
neko te gleda osmijehom
dok češlja kosu na zubatom suncu
donosi šapat prošlosti
ne gledaj unatrag, govori
tvoje stope idu samo naprijed
All my memories  
in the center of your palm.  

All my kisses  
on the slant of your right eyebrow,  
the one that tilts  
when I act foolishly  
just like that—  

don't read me  
don't look at me  
don't listen to my words.  

Just look at me sometimes  
with closed eyes,  
the way only you know how—  
like the sea  
just like that

Alone, alone  
and you are somewhere, alone  
searching for letters  
...the poem is like a woman  
       washing her hair in waterfalls  
she doesn’t know  
   that every drop, fleeing into the world,  
becomes waterfalls  
carrying me to your heart  
thundering lightning under a cloudless sky  
but this is only  
....just another  
Once when there will be  
no universe, no God, no people,  
only we remain,  
and our mad kisses...
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