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Noelia Hall Oct 2012
Nowhere near completed
Nowhere near knowledge
Just a touch better than defeated
Still, like the embers of a fire
The soul doesn’t die easy
A gasping breath above the mire
The air is bittersweet
A shudder of things past and cautious hope
A gentle touch of heat
The sun on my skin
The world another hue
More vibrant than I dared to remember
As if feeling all things for the first time
I feel I'm taking flight
*Freedom is on the way
Noelia Hall Jan 2014
If only I could show you
The path I have walked

Take my hand
Trace my footsteps in the sand

To open your eyes
See the pain I once held inside

You are not alone
These experiences were once my own

Please don't step off that edge
Let me save you from that ledge

How can I show you how much you mean?
How I can see, all that you could be?

That life is worth living
That the bottle doesn't do much giving

If only I could show you
The path you don't have to walk..
Noelia Hall Aug 2012
Childhood dreams and visions
Adult realities and decisions
Hope and confidence
Despair and despondence
What was it
That turned a girl with the lightness of butterfly wings
Into a woman with a heart too full of heavy things
Was is bad choices
A head with too many voices
A whisper to God
The silence that echoed on
An endless leash to the past
Forever looking back
Unable to forgive
The life that she chose to live
Noelia Hall Jan 2014
Nothing and everything will be the same
As in
A that side of the bed
No longer satisfied on my own
Discolored and fuzzy in the drawer
But that's ok
The final part clicked
A clock found its tick
Tiny hairs on the bathroom sink
The concoction of smells
Make me want to drink
The moment you walk into a room
and I realize
I'm both the luckiest and the stupidest
For letting myself love you this much

— The End —