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noa harriott Jul 2013
please tell me you will
never die,
                never, nevernever
(at least, not while you still
hold my eggshell heart in
your palm),
because i have felt the shatter fully, totally
(c) noa harriott
noa harriott Jul 2013
i kiss you hard.
(i don't know how else to
the lovely Ache inside my
(c) noa harriott
noa harriott Jul 2013
gut-wrench sucker-punch
strung-out lungs
a sore throat
and three times the ache
you knew your body could
(c) noa harriott
noa harriott Jul 2013
when the tides come in
and pull at the soles of my feet
(grown used to a sensation of falling
i have, i’ve 
many times before, again i’ll 
many times over.
many times over.)

when the sweet warm welcome of
a pulse-line and jersey --
it was quite 
                            unexpected (the
took me by surprise
but hold and fortress came boxed in
a silhouette i knew to be

(c) noa harriott
noa harriott Jul 2013
brittle hips and your
strong convictions,
your loud-mouth loose-lips
cannot stay a Tide;
nothing can
save the moon and stars
(but they are not moving far
any time soon).

are We
to you
something more
than a breeding sow
or a
more than your pride
and you warn Us be
careful!  Bride,
do not pull the veil from
over Your curious eyes.

you cannot sit pretty and
assume yourselves god-kings
for much longer;
lend your ear to the Rabble and Rumble.
you cannot dazzle the
with rings and
shining things,

for themselves They are
(c) noa harriott
noa harriott Jul 2013
i trust you,
to be good.
to be prim and to sit
in my silk lining
but not to see or choose
or decide for yourself when
and how and why.

i trust you*.
have you ever?
or have you just never
needed to?
(c) noa harriott
noa harriott Jun 2013
my throat is
with the effort
of keeping my
to myself
(c) noa harriott
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