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nmc Nov 2014
Target of lonely affections
Vessel of unwanted desires

Adored and idolized
Distant and ignorant

I cling to my delusions
That you might love me in turn
nmc Nov 2014
Divine and merciful,
this failing,
the imperfection of the mind
that allows us to forget.

Unbound by the weight
of yesterday,
I step lightly
and pretend:

I am new.
I am whole.
nmc Jun 2015
Smile slips,
Brows crease.

What thoughts do you chase,
Which I can not follow?

Where do you go
When you drift from here?

Is the grass greener,
A finer place than here and now?

Or a grim reality:
Lens dark with anger and fear?

If the former, could I see your vision?
If the latter, could I pull you back,
Had I the words?

So that hand in hand,
We are here.

— The End —