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Nkwuka Kosi Jan 2017
I can see.
Flood of tears streaming down your delicate face.
Your rosy life replaced by a topsy turvy one faught with failure.
Filled with disappointments that have deprived you of precious sleep.
Laden with bouts of miscarriages and recurring rounds of ailments.

I can hear;
The deep groans you utter in your anguish.
The whimper you wish to suppress every time the belt of your supposed better half touches you.
The deep breaths you take before going into the doctors office,
And the bitter cry when you are tagged unfruitful by your mother in law.

Nwa nnem.
Jide Chukwu Ike.
Move away from that bottle and make your way towards His temple.

With a little belief, approach His temple.
With a little strength, kneel at His feet.
With a genuine heart, thank Him for the times of plenty.
With a sincere heart, pour out your heart in prayers.
With a determined resolve, make a vow or seed offering to Him.

Naught more I can say.
Much more He can do.

For He is Jehovah overdo.
Surprising Sarah with a child in her old age.
Granting Esther favour in the sight of her peoples overlords
Using a little boy in David to bring victory to his nation.

Just believe auntie.
All will be well uncle.
He shall fight for you and you will hold your peace.
Dec 2016 · 373
Nkwuka Kosi Dec 2016
Though my worship wasn't dope enough;
He still came and dwelt within.

Though my words were not eloquent enough;
He still heard my prayers.

Though I never gave enough;
He still continually showers me with grace.

Though I still find it hard in forgiving wrongs;
He still continually pleads my case before the father.

Though I was shunned by the world;
He still remains my best friend.

Though I lacked the means to approach the Holy of Holies;
He shed His precious blood to bring the Holy of Holies into me.

For God's presence lives in me now.

A presence that always guarantees my victory over all.

'Far from worthy'
These words the world tagged me.
Yet He condemned me not.

'Born to fail'
These words the world tagged me while seeing me struggle.
Yet He changed my story like He changed Jabez's.

They took up stones.

The world took up weapons to **** me.

All for being caught while committing my sin publicly.

They dragged me before my God.
Hypocrites, they were,
They who committed their sins in private.
Sincerely hoping He would condemn me.

They never knew.
Never knew of His spirit that searches the hearts of men.

This is my testimony.
A crystal clear message to everyone who cares to know.

He saved me then and now.
He ransomed me then and now.
He redeemed me then and now.

Even though i am not good enough,
He still loves me now.

— The End —