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Nisha Mar 2018
I'm hurting,

barely hanging onto the edge of my seat,
I'm ready to go,
ready to fly away up into the clouds,
ready to take my spot in heaven,
don't worry im not suicidal
Nisha Mar 2018
What you would see would break your heart,
Inside there would be a little girl looking for the good in the world,
hoping her dad would come looking for her,
praying someone would just hug her,
wanting to be accepted by students at school,
not realizing she has enough,
she has a loving mother and step-father,
but she can't shake the rejection of her father off,
everyday she tries to be strong for her friends,
they don't even realize she's trying to pick up the pieces,
only if they would stop knocking them out of her hands,
stop degrading her,
everyday is a battle but with the newly learned experience she slowly grows the courage to stand up for herself
Nisha Jan 2018
I don't eat as much as I used to,

I can't sleep at night,

Everything I do feels useless,

I only want to succeed so I can leave,

Nothing feels right,

No one listens,

No one understands,

If only they knew...
It's not like they'll ever read this anyways...
Nisha Oct 2017
I hate it because I become vulnerable in front of others.
They start to see a side of me that is depressed, unhappy, or whatever they may call it as they see.
I don’t like feeling this way, feeling as if I’m a mourner at a never ending funeral.
If you saw my true colors all you would see is blue.
Nisha Mar 2018
I feel as if I am stuck here in the same spot

I feel happy some days then sad the others

I can't seem to figure out what's wrong

Why am I so sad?

so hurt

— The End —