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Aug 2014 · 651
espacio sideral
Nina S Aug 2014
si te me preguntes hoy
no sé que si puedo decir la verdad
no sé que si tengo el poder
es posible que todavía te quiero

tenemos oportunidad en estos años
tenemos suerte cuando tocamos las estrellas
no entendemos lo que puedan hacer
a nuestros vidas pequeñas

si te me preguntes hoy
quieres ver la luna
yo sé que tengo el poder de decir
ya la ví.
en tus ojos, no más
espacio sideral es una canción de jesse y joy
lo siento porque es mi primer poema en español
Sep 2013 · 949
fat clumsy frustrated
Nina S Sep 2013
i don't like you and i never have
your constant attacks
the way that you make me feel fat
and frustrated
and clumsy.
and i don't understand why we call each other
the best of friends because
you're always prepared,
goggles on oxygen tank pumping
to jump down my throat for the smallest something.
you make us argue
all i try to do is share with you
you make me feel weak when i need to feel
empowered and supported
and i wish i wasn't friends with you.
what if i never knew you
but then an acronym would go to waste
and leave our girls with a sour taste.
sometimes i do hate you
that's a lie that's mostly true.
Sep 2013 · 1.1k
the potions master
Nina S Sep 2013
bottling fame
standing behind the paragon of the light
hate in his eyes
brewing glory
standing behind the epitome of evil
hate in his heart
putting a stopper in death
memories from his mind
into a flask of
little hint at ss/hg at the end, love them!
Sep 2013 · 536
sometimes sad
Nina S Sep 2013
when someone dies
and they have no one to miss them
when the choose to go
or when the world chooses for them
and they have no one to mourn them
it's our job
that's why
some days you feel the despair
the waves of sadness
from the ocean of humanity
far away disturbances of life.
so next time you feel
that urge to tug at your hair
complain on your tumblr
ignore your friends.
the next time you glimpse
the cursed life of the chronically depressed
the forever sad,
be at peace
for there is a soul, somewhere
now at rest.
and you are in mourning for them.
Sep 2013 · 935
Nina S Sep 2013
it's on nights like these
that i wish for your
sticky sweaty skin
against mine.

it's on nights like these
that i remember the feeling of your laughter
my head on your chest, your body
against mine.

it's on nights like these
that i want your smile directed
at no one but me, your heart
against mine.

it's on nights like these
that i miss the battles of verbiage
our cute little fights, your wit
against mine.

it's on nights like these
that i wonder why we thought we didn't work
as a couple because your mind still isn't
against mine.

it's on nights like these
that i'm taken back to our first kiss
shut your eyes, lips tentatively
against mine.

it's on nights like these
that i can't sleep
that my bed feels too big
my head feels too small
and i miss you.
Sep 2013 · 674
Nina S Sep 2013
there have been days i walked on the clouds
every syllable falling from my lips
a joyous prayer, hope from my toes to my fingertips.
there have been days when the darkness inside of me threatened to
manifest itself
with demons whispering their twisted logic
as sick as
the manifest destiny.
there have been days i picked at the threads binding my soul to
wishing for a scissor to cut straight through them.
there have been days that my only solace was a book
a world
a dream of my creation.
there have been days that until exhausted
my mind wouldn't couldn't stop
there have been days where your hands are all i want to hold
but i'm left with my broken
heart weighing down my palms.
there have been days i wish you understood
the pain the rejection the loneliness.
there have been days of prayer
of contemplation
of watching the fire in warm darkness
your tears falling into my eyes
microscopic dots on this ocean of sorrow we float on.
there have been days that the land was sea and the sea was land
where drowning made sense
and up was down.
there have been days when i wished for eternity
for nothing
and then
writing done at three am is not from your head but your heart and soul.
Sep 2013 · 753
Nina S Sep 2013
my tears drag me to the sea
rising waves of sorrow
tides in my eyes
not a tsunami but an
inundation of loss
cry me an ocean
Sep 2013 · 439
but your soul
Nina S Sep 2013
her smile is a lightbulb
a vacuum inhaling darkness
her laugh is a pair of warm hands
on the loneliness
she touches not your body
but your soul
Sep 2013 · 1.4k
The Friendship Bracelet
Nina S Sep 2013
It is a rainbow of color
It is a strand of your soul
It is dark with the water
It was part of who you were
It is now on its own
It has been replaced with something
It has been upstaged by something:
overlapping twisted muddy friends discarded new hope
Sep 2013 · 407
Nina S Sep 2013
I want to remember everything.
I want to remember the look in your eyes and the nervous way
you bit your lip on that Thursday.
And how we walked hand in hand to class.
I want to remember the way we'd walk home late
stop at my corner
and watch the world pass by.
I want to remember the way that when I shut my eyes
I always saw yours.
Gold and green and mysterious and holding my heart.
I want to remember the way you smiled that nervous smile of yours
the first time we kissed.
I want to remember bicycling by your side
nineteen days in a row to our summer classes.
I want to remember the feel of your chin
resting on the very top of my
I want to remember the way that we thought we knew the world
and each other
and our song.
I want to remember the way that our friends accepted us
and forgave us for being distant.
I want to remember the way that our hands
fit perfectly
I want to remember the moment we decided that
for us
best friends was better.
I want to remember you.
Sep 2013 · 972
the Souls of Bombay
Nina S Sep 2013
Bombay gleams with the power of a million souls.
Some good, some bad, some defeated.
Some helped, some saved, some forgotten.
Through it all, they gleam,
The source of the power that we witness.

I am one in the million.

Bombay gleams with the power of a million souls.
I fly towards them at 540 miles an hour, yet I cannot get there fast enough.
The power of a million souls ensnares me.
As I step into the humid night,
I feel it.  

Bombay gleams with the power of a million souls.
I am one of them.
I am home.
I feel the power.

The sounds in the streets,
The waves in our ocean,
The stars in my sky.
Bombay gleams with the power of these souls.
And mine.
Sep 2013 · 674
The Religion of Water
Nina S Sep 2013
The reservoir of all possibilities of Existence,
We ***** altars and springs, and consecrate certain pools.
Water, equated to the unconscious by those who have waded into the
depths of the psyche.
It scribes a line between sacred and profane, life and death.
Deep and wide as the River Jordan of scripture,
Wondrous as the Spring at Lourdes,
Cathartic as tears,
Water flows as blessings.

— The End —