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 May 2014 Nina S
Emma B
 May 2014 Nina S
Emma B
He slept in that bed
long before I came into
the picture
navy blue sheets
golden brown bedposts.
I could always run my fingers
along the wall that connected us at night
his steady breath a steady
that all was well,
all was normal.

He came home from school
my parents around the dining table
shifting weight, waiting.
A letter with letters, words
of navy blue and shining gold.
Congratulations we are pr…

Smiling, embracing
          mind racing
We still had precious months…
Until liftoff.

Gazing at the bed
tired eyes
foggy with 3 am,
now foggier with tears.
His steady breath
a comforting metronome
lulled me to rest on the cool
hardwood floor
The room was warm,
full, occupied
with steady breaths,
cardboard boxes and love.

The car flew away before I could put my shoes on.
through the dust
“I couldn’t see the permanence.”
I waved
I waved until my arm burned hot
enough to evaporate the falling water from my eyes.
“If I closed my eyes
I wouldn’t see him go.”

Gazing at the bed.
tired eyes.
foggy with 4 pm
now foggier with emptiness.
He left a dent in the mattress
a comforting mold
I tried to fit
Tried to fill the space left behind.
The room was gusty,
empty, vacant,
with distant breaths,
dust and new negative space.

He slept in that bed
long before I came into
the picture
navy blue sheets
golden brown bedposts.
I could always run my fingers
along the wall that connected us at night.

The wall has swelled, hallowed.
I still trace it
for the void to narrow.
A poem i wrote for a friend
 Sep 2013 Nina S
Mia G
 Sep 2013 Nina S
Mia G
A maze serves to get you lost
A labyrinth serves to get you found

I fell into place, and
I don’t know what that means, but
It has something to do with the fact that

I wear hope on a string around my neck, and
I don't remember what it feels like to be fourteen, and
There is just one place in the world where
Something makes sense.

A place where
The sun first hits in the morning, and
Where hope will stay the longest when
All light has gone.

A correction: A labyrinth serves
To allow you to find, and

This morning I realized that
Sometimes I forget how to breathe, and
I am still learning how to dance, but
I keep walking, and
Watching the horizon, and

I know the sun will hit soon
 Sep 2013 Nina S
Emma B
 Sep 2013 Nina S
Emma B
Here on Earth
a shrine may be considered holy
there are things we cannot touch
cannot touch, because we are not allowed.
But to have been created by man,
they must have had contact at some point
and that's where the stars come in
because nobody has touched a star
nobody has seen a star face to face
the atmosphere is a veil shielding us from the eternal infinities
just out side our reach.
We cannot touch the stars
but there is no priest, no holy man telling us so.
Nature forbids us
and that makes stars
the most holy.
 Sep 2013 Nina S
Emma B
 Sep 2013 Nina S
Emma B
A princess in disguise
kept her mask on too long
and became the woman on the sidelines
she was never meant to be
 Sep 2013 Nina S
Emma B
 Sep 2013 Nina S
Emma B
Driving along an empty street
at 6pm you
reach the beach.
The sun is halfway set.
You sit there and watch it sink into the ocean.
you think it's gone but then you remember
something you read a long time ago.
You run up to the lifeguard tower
and climb to the top.
When you get there, you can see
a sliver of the sun, setting again.

Nothing is ever gone if you remember
to change your perspective.
 Sep 2013 Nina S
Emma B
Is there a place where forgotten thoughts go to hide?
Is there a cove in the sea where memories gather?
Is there a cloud in the sky made up prayers said by schoolchildren?
The ones who meant it and the the ones who tried to mean something.
Is there a mountain made of promises and a valley of empty ones?
Is there a place where forgotten thoughts go to hide?
Take me there.

— The End —