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nin-esque Nov 2013
My heart is a magnet,
but I cannot tell
if you are the force
that is pulling my heart,
or if it is merely
my unattainable,
metallic desires.
nin-esque Nov 2013
are you aware of the way my stomach
folds itself into knots when you look my way?
my wishful heart beats day after day
in hopes of merging with your delicate heart.
leave this atmosphere with me as we throw
away our fears and secrets in the midst of
revealing our crimson desires for each other
beneath the sheets of my empty bed.

i will help you sleigh your fears and transform
them into opportunities that will grant your wishes.
do not be afraid of the way your heart screams out,
"this is what I want!" you are a soul of courage, darling,
let me show you the way to becoming all that you are capable of being.
we will not fall further ahead or further behind the other,
for we are in sync on this ever-changing planet sheltering
those too afraid to keep up with precarious desires.

I want to (kiss you) rest with you beneath the moon,
on emerald grass, in porcelain bathtubs,
on leather car seats, and cold empty beds—
anywhere at all that enables me to kiss
the contour of your masculine jaw as you
whisper words of intimacy into my craving soul.
your mere presence leaves my entire nervous
system pirouetting with ecstasy and hopeful love,
so tell me, do you desire to rest with me too?

Pardon my premature emotions, but
I cannot dismiss the intensity of this fire
you have ignited inside of my lonely soul.
I cannot tell you why because I am utterly uncertain,
but what I am certain of is my immense desire
to inhale your iridescent existence into my lungs.
Stop me now if I should end these desires, dear, but
when you are ready, take my hand and we will go.
nin-esque Nov 2013
Stumbling over timid words, I tried
articulating the way my heart fluttered
as you looked at me, as if I were all that
you could ever want and need; but
speech failed me, and I was left with
a silence plagued with all the words
I longed to say to you. Time’s intrusive
wave crashed in and stole from me a
moment worth re-living a million times over.
For I could have lain in your arms forever.

I cannot sleep alone anymore now
that I am aware of what your embrace
feels like. My longing for you will be perpetual;
and until I can place my desirous lips
upon your delicate heart with uninhibited
desires, then I will always have an irreparable
wound decorating my fragile ***** as it
incessantly yearns for your presence; your
electrifying touch; your impassioned kiss;
your warming glances and energetic thoughts.

The mere sight of you left my joyful heart
palpitating with happiness and my lungs
rapidly inflating as you touched my skin.
You see, I am afraid of the way you set
me—body and soul—aflame.
I do not want to end up being a pile of
ashes to carelessly be taken by the wind.
My hand is open for you so interlace your
fingers with mine and run with me.
Stitch your heart beside my heart and
we will show the world what Love truly is.
nin-esque Nov 2013
I long to create
constellations within your
broad, freckled shoulders;

and they will depict
stories of your heart merging
fully into mine.
nin-esque Nov 2013
“Hello”, you said.
“Stay afar!”, I said.
For I am aware of the venomous snakes slithering out beneath your frigid words.
There is a darkness that clouds your vision, therefore darkness is what you see.
Purity and stillness is what you lack.
The vibrancy of your scintillating image in my memory renders me a great daydreamer.
Your darkness compels me.
“I want you”, you said.
“I love you”, I said.
(Love is dead; love is dark; love is merely a conception.)
But, you are darkness.
Are you not what you despise?
Sorrow is calling for you, can you hear?
My attempts to save you are wasted.
Oh, but Love, I am so addicted to your ******* darkness.
“You found me”, you said.
“It was inevitable”, I said.
Darkness swallowed me as a persistent wave swallows the Earth.
Do I mind?
Not at all.
We have collected each others hearts and are smoking our love away;
So high and weightless we are.
Two feathers drifting together in the wind.
Darkness is beautiful.
It is only in darkness that one can see the moon at its brightest phase.
“My love for you will perpetuate”, you said.
“My sweet darling, together we will perish”, I said.
Earth’s surface is not our limit.
Limitations do not exist for our adventurous souls.
The different realms favor us and open their doors.
We can fly.
There sitting on a star I meet your violet eyes.
One would believe your lips to be made of sweet wine.
“We made it”, you said.
nin-esque Nov 2013
Our eyes met with juvenile and naive desires.
I, being unaware
You, apathetic to emotion and fully aware of your murderous inclinations.
An inseverable string was attached to my heart; I was your puppy.
Was sadness profusely emanating from my pores that it convinced an ounce of feeling into your caged, dusty heart?
Or was it the happiness I found even through your hurtful intentions?
With hesitation you reached for my hand and noticed the river of lines in your palm aligned perfectly with mine.
Your synapses are firing and you feel electric and alive.
Love dripped from your glossy cornea.
The moon forgot the waves and took us in replacement.
You loved me to the very core of my existence- physical and spiritual.
All else ceased entirely.
(Nov. 27, 2012)
nin-esque Nov 2013
The iced night kissed the closed window with frost.
There you lay fitting against me like a puzzle piece
As the tangerine fire scintillates in front of our bodies
Leaving shadows of paintings on your skin.
An ocean is flowing through your hand as you trace
The stardust freckles sprinkled upon my face.
Poems of ardent passion are being exhaled from your
Lungs. The moon is playing Al Bowlly’s tunes of 1930 love.
Can you hear? I want nothing more than for you to
Consume me whole right this moment. You quench my
Thirsty body in your red wine kisses. I am wholly yours
In a way I will never be anyone else’s. Feed my soul
Your impassioned heart and dig your teeth into mine.
For my heart is yours, Love. Our cardiac muscles are
Beating in sync with each other. We are one. Molded
Into your skin, and you in mine, our souls meet on
The border of our physical life and the realm of the next.
Euphoria and love is seeping through our bodies making
Our somatosensory system heightened to extents
Of ******* happiness. Your eyes kiss into mine words
of I love you. This is where we belong. You found me.
nin-esque Nov 2013
There you were tonight lighting the sky with colors of the rainbow
emanating from your peaceful aura.
I felt you.
My entire being was disembodied and life was divided into a physical
and spiritual world.
You and I met in the realm where our incorporeal selves swam.
Warmth fled through my body as you led me toward the charcoal sky.
This is where our strings tied.
This is where you kissed love upon my soul.
This is where I will wait for you, my sweet darling.
nin-esque Nov 2013
'Twas only in my deepest slumber
Did our souls finally merge.
Intertwined arms and enamored glances;
Falling words like bright autumn leaves;
Golden charms and crimson desires;
Ceased uncertainty and ardently-kissed smiles.
But now reality has robbed me of a happiness
I have only felt in dreams.
I am rendered a craving fool;
An immense longing for it to be.
nin-esque Nov 2013
What is love?
A mere conception; a psychological distortion to mental stability.
This venomous snake we call love tightens its slithering body around
my ability to be mentally acute.
I am dead.
Unrequited love murdered me until I was nothing but an iota of black
nothingness- and I allowed it. I wish to be hollow and apathetic.
Feeling is destructive; Feeling consumes me under immobile stillness-
a stillness morbidly magnetic, for it attracts weak souls as my own and
I am no longer who I desire to be. I am a dark figure sliding by one’s
peripherals- that is me and all I am capable of becoming. Perhaps if
love favored my poor delicate soul, I would be alive and well. Perhaps
if love favored my foolish heart, I would be lying next to my beloved in a
bed of granted dandelion wishes.
nin-esque Nov 2013
Annihilate the frigid stone wall that has
blocked you away from the world of
impassioned feeling and risk, chancing
what could have or would have been.

Do not be impervious to your hearts
true desires, for I am here awaiting
your return to a world where our
inseverable bond remains just that. Free
yourself from the dark abyss you have
become accustomed to and come find me.
nin-esque Nov 2013
And I will always remember
the way Love kissed me good night (farewell),
and never returned.
nin-esque Nov 2013
It was only a glimpse—
a glimpse clouded with intoxicated desires—
but in the tiny moment of clarity, I felt what it was like
to be desired in such an unrestricted, fearless way.
Give me your arms again.
Give me your lips.
Give me your words; silence; mind; soul.
I long for the entirety of your existence—
flesh and bone and the gory and beautiful bits of your being.
nin-esque Nov 2013
He will find me.
I am in the dark, but he will find me - I know it -
And I will accept him and allow him to live in my blood.
He will be my perfection - my perfect imperfection.
His kiss will ignite my entire body.
His touch will turn me ice cold.
His eyes will glisten with genuine love, as will mine.
He will be the savior I’ve been searching for;
The one I’ve been waiting for.
Come find me.
I am waiting… lonely and waiting.
nin-esque Nov 2013
Fickle mind and tired heart;
I’ve been made a callous fool.
Nearer to my life’s depart,
Demons laughed and ridiculed.
Misanthrope…is this my fate?
Enervated and so wounded.
All in darkness I await (but)
Never finding my Beloved.
Desiccated is how they left me
Yearning for my weakened blood.
Oh, companion, can you see?
Unveiled remains my flower bud.
Come replenish my dried up soul
And show me Love is very true.
Night will come so make me whole
Hold me tight. Don’t say adieu.
And if you shall be the one, my dear
Veer off course from the uncertain.
Enlighten my heart of what is clear
And with happiness I will be laden.
Look to me with honest eyes.
Love me with entire patience.
Over-dreamt, and immortalized;
For you are my significance.

My dear, if you’re the one
Erase all fear and come.
nin-esque Nov 2013
I lack a Love I know I’m destined to have.
Where are You? I pine for Your existence. I need You. I ache to touch You- to kiss You.
My ravenous heart grows impatient by the second..
Find me- quick- before hopelessness freezes me entirely.
nin-esque Nov 2013
Love found me young
(Love found me old)
in my darkest hour (loneliest loneliness).
I found the moon
waning away
threading through my skin
was its beautiful aura
filled with all the wishes I had blown into the night
in hopes of my Beloved reaching out
for (my kiss)
my irreverent palms,
but please understand
false love is all I know.
I am unaware of my duties as a loving companion
For I have never known the truth of
such a sanguine (destructive) emotion..
nin-esque Nov 2013
Are you genuinely interested
in all that my soul consists of?
Or is this merely a distraction
from the bitterness of old love?
nin-esque Nov 2013
Poison is what I
will remain to the poor souls
that I do not love.
nin-esque Nov 2013
I went to the park today and I ran to the swing anticipating the liberated feeling I get- as I did when I was a kid- swinging as high as I could, eyes closed, head hanging back, imagining myself as a bird flying in the sky. The feeling was just as I recollected, and at that moment I didn't want to be here on Earth. I wanted to be in a place where freedom meant its meaning, and hatred, envy, and every negative term was extinct; where happiness was happiness and hope was never false; where dandelion wishes were granted, and the moon played gentle music for the lovers who danced through the night.

As my head was hanging backward high in the air I caught a glimpse of life from a different perspective: upside down. Every hidden insect one fears was visible, every missing leaf from a tree branch was noticeable and the tree no longer looked full and flourished, and every shoe track from the souls that once peregrinated through the world protruded through the ground and their entire lives were imprinted there in their foot track. I saw life through truthful eyes. Nothing was hidden. Nothing deceived the eye, nor the heart.
nin-esque May 2022
if you cannot see me,

look to the moon

for it is there I wait

for you, in bloom.

— The End —