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Breathe and breathe and breathe for me
I’ll breathe and breathe and breathe for you
This world
This life
The love and happiness
All in your eyes
Breathe and breathe and breathe for the best of things
Breathe and breathe just breathe for me

Read and read and read its right
Think and think keeps me up all night
The words that push and push with every sight
I’m going blind from the thought… alright.

So breathe and breathe and breathe for me
We know I sure as hell cant do it decently
I’ll breathe and breathe and breathe for you
I can’t get enough of this green
Sight all filled with blue
Open my eyes- open to you…

Just another night, no sleep in slight
Bad rhyming ****** me off
But this music is soothing
And I get so inspired thinking of life
Breathing is so hard
Holding me back
To many people around
Only two can share solitude happily
In the best of company

How the cool air rest upon my skin
Delicate and white never known what sun is
Soothing, breath is still missing
From my lungs only retrievable from love…

But that is far, now close enough for now
All there is, is hope
But hope is held in God, if you believe in him

What a lie of course you do
I see it you just need to speak it.
Maybe think about the breathing for once.
Easy to forget when its not a loved one.

Yes I did that and yes I did this.
But I did it cause I obsess just a little bit.
I don’t care just move out of the way,
Please pilot,
I’m done with the west, fly east for me.
I wanna see the stars that you can never see in New York City
I wanna be in the limits of the devils play ground
With you holding one hand
Jesus gripping the next

Who cares if I sound crazy?
Every great artist had their thing
I can admit I’m rambling
With incompatible ridiculousness

But it’s true to say,
I can’t breathe today
When I can never breathe
Can’t breathe until this life grants me with a touch
And the **** tree’s will always be

**** Iowa.
It’s only in between.
Lacadee Cash
Jun 2010 · 628
Wont you stay long time
Sit upon your chair and act a fool
Smile like you always do
Do do do-doo
Love of this world, why don’t you act a fool?

You can’t stop these words from happening
You fail masterly
They are elusive to the kindest of people
But I hear them quite clearly
You’re do do do doing it again

Stud stud stud studdering,
You’re a stud my love, of this I know is half true
Love of this world, why don’t you act a fool?
Your tongue is a road of bad slang
I’ve walked it many of times
And come to know nothing
Of happiness in your life.

Oh love of mine, why am I your fool?
I lean on your empty pew
And laugh with easy
Breathe with discomfort
Heart break; so many ways

I am mirthful for you
Congenial and noteworthy, you fill the sun and the sun consumes you
The highway is over there, I’ll be traveling it soon
The mason is out to make my star, going to stop you in line
Line of my law love baby

Oh love of this world, come stay the night with me.
How I love you so oh oh oh, what’s your name again?
I can’t remember, I was so busy blowing your mind.

Let’s get together and start a riot, love of mine
I can’t remember who you are
Your name was lost in paper work
But your face is burnt to my skin
The last place you touched
Has been cold ever since.
Lacadee Cash
Silence is soothing
Easy to breathe
Only in the right company.

Could God be sitting with me
His love pertaining  to see
The true being inside me

I know you watch- you see all of me
I know you see-  see everything I see.
And it’s a shame, only you are me.

Not sorry I sit here alone
You do pretty well on my love
You’re not impressed
Riding the smoke from my lips
How you taste like bitter wine
And ***** Tips

I think of Emily
And the words she said
“Nor could I rise with you,
Because your face
Would put out Jesus’.
That new grace.”

Is this true to me?
Sometimes I feel it is
For I only saw you

My hand shake
I know I’m on this mind
I cannot touch
I have never seen but I know
I am there standing on a single crutch

The hand guides me to safety
Pulling the self pity high away
What a shame it’s easy to get lost in
Secretly enjoyable

I feel God sit right next to me
He says it’s ok to think
It’s ok to see the way I see
Because he sees me

I’m high
Higher then you think
Lacadee Cash
Jun 2010 · 478
May 27, 2010
My soul is so far but so close.
I feel him breathe with easy as he keeps the world at bay for me.
I am there and you are here, and we are together.
The soul has no distance, only depth of thought.
All shades of blue riddle my sight.
My eyes are wide, shinning blue- into you
I recognize the rain as the washing of my skin
-draining away my sorrowed sin.
My soul lets me breathe again.
My soul is far but close.
I feel him breathe with ease as he keeps the world at bay for me
Lacadee Cash
Jun 2010 · 624
Everthing will be ok
I am not scared of Death
Only scared You will be somewhere different then me
Eighteen years apart
what will after life be?
I feel you so close- almost touch
And when you smile- I swear I know
Im going to Heaven
Lacadee Cash
Jun 2010 · 870
Why should I be worried?
Why should I be worried
You sit over there
but Im on your mind
So everything is ok
Lacadee Cash
Jun 2010 · 442
East Lover
Standing- Standing- next to me
East and west
Breath on Breath
Lacadee Cash
Jun 2010 · 592
can we meet again?
I will easily lie to you as I stand on this cliff
with the smell of the horrid rift.
A smile I will ask - Can we meet again?
Lacadee Cash 6/2010

— The End —